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Increasing Russian and Chinese Nationals at US Southern Border Raise Security Concerns.

House Republicans Raise Concerns Over Border Security

House Republicans have recently expressed alarm over the increasing number of foreign nationals intercepted by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) at the Southwest border. What’s particularly concerning is that these individuals are not only from South or Central America, but also from countries like Russia and China.

In a June 21 Committee on Homeland Security hearing on Threats Posed to the Homeland by Nation-State Actors in Latin America, lawmakers discussed the potential dangers posed to the United States due to an unsecured border. The hearing, held by the House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Counterterrorism, Law Enforcement, and Intelligence, shed light on the gravity of the situation.

During the hearing, Rep. August Pfluger (R-Texas) voiced his concerns and shared significant information regarding encounters with foreign nationals from various countries of concern.

“I am concerned that the chaos of the Southwest border could be taken advantage of by anti-U.S. regimes—not just can, but has been,” Pfluger said.

“Meanwhile, the PRC and our foreign adversaries are expanding their spheres of influence in Latin America, right in our backyard. … There are clear implications for U.S. Homeland Security.”

Pfluger highlighted the growing migration crisis resulting from the administration’s policy decisions, which has led to a significant increase in encounters at the Southwest border. Of particular concern were the encounters involving individuals from what he referred to as the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and Russia.

He pointed out that several sheriff’s offices had reported apprehending multiple high-value targets from China, who were subsequently taken into custody by the FBI. He also cited data from the CBP showing a significant increase in encounters with nationals from various continents along the Southwest border in fiscal year 2023.

“In the first seven months of fiscal year 2023, over 9,711 PRC nationals were encountered by U.S. border patrol along our Southwest border exponentially more than the previous three years,” Pfluger said, warning that the “chaos of the Southwest border could be taken advantage of by anti-U.S. regimes.”

Pfluger emphasized that the expanding influence of China and other foreign adversaries in Latin America posed clear implications for U.S. homeland security. He stressed the urgent need to address the security challenges associated with nation-state actors in the region.

In his opening statement, Pfluger underscored China’s economic and security ties with Latin American countries like Brazil and Venezuela. He highlighted the substantial financial support provided by China, with loans amounting to approximately $137 billion offered to the region.

Venezuela emerged as the primary beneficiary, receiving roughly $60 billion in loans. This is concerning considering China’s military and security partnerships, including the sale of $615 million worth of weapons to Venezuela between 2009 and 2019.

Concerns About Russian Nationals

The encounters with Russian citizens have also seen a sharp rise, with the trend continuing in fiscal year 2023.

According to information cited by the lawmakers, CBP reported just 4,103 encounters of Russian citizens along the Southwest border in 2021. However, that number jumped to 21,763 in fiscal year 2022, and it has already exceeded 33,000 in the first seven months of fiscal year 2023.

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