Washington Examiner

Rival strategist confesses to orchestrating deceptive Biden robocall, discouraging voter participation

A Former Consultant for Rep. Dean Phillips’s Campaign Admits to ‍Controversial‌ Robocall

A former consultant for Rep. Dean Phillips’s (D-MN) 2024 campaign has revealed himself as the mastermind behind a controversial​ robocall. The call used an impersonation of President Joe Biden to discourage New Hampshire ‌Democrats from voting for the incumbent in the ⁢state’s primary.

Steve Kramer, who was hired to⁣ assist with ballot access in New York and Pennsylvania, confirmed to NBC News⁤ that ‌he ⁤sent automated calls to 5,000 likely ⁢Democratic voters in New Hampshire just two days ⁤before the primary. Kramer was able‌ to recreate Biden’s voice using artificial intelligence, with the help of magician Paul Carpenter.

“With a mere ⁣$500 investment, anyone could replicate my ⁤intentional call,” Kramer⁢ told the⁤ outlet. “Immediate action is needed across all regulatory bodies and platforms.”

The campaign has confirmed that Kramer is no longer working for them. According to campaign finance reports, Kramer earned over $250,000 around the ⁣time he sent the robocall.

“What a bunch of malarkey. We know ⁤the value of voting ​when our votes count. It’s important that you save your vote for the November election,” the AI-generated voice⁢ said. “Voting this Tuesday only enables the Republicans in their quest to elect Donald ⁤Trump again. Your vote makes a difference in November, not this‍ Tuesday.”

In a statement to the ⁣Washington Examiner, Phillips’s‍ campaign claimed they hired Kramer “reluctantly to overcome the ⁢absurd and⁢ artificial barriers to entry put in place​ to get‍ on ballots in those ‌states.”

“The fundamental notion ‍of our‍ campaign is the importance of competition, choice, and democracy,” the campaign said. “We⁢ are disgusted to learn that Mr. Kramer is behind this call, and we‍ absolutely denounce his actions.”

Following the controversy, the Federal Communications⁣ Commission unanimously ruled that using AI‍ to generate voices in a robocall is illegal. However, no penalty against Kramer has been announced yet.

“While I don’t know ⁣the ⁣person, such behavior⁣ is‌ despicable and I trust will be investigated by authorities,” Phillips wrote on X Friday. On Sunday, he ⁢followed ⁢up with the report by saying “Glad he​ fessed-up.”

“America should already have AI guardrails in place to prevent its nefarious use,” Phillips wrote. “The next⁢ generation of executive leadership must better ⁤anticipate and prepare for the future.”

Previously, the FCC⁢ fined controversial conservative activists ‌Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman $5,134,500 for a similar voter suppression scam. The two targeted⁣ black voters ⁤in several states​ and⁢ falsely claimed that their “personal information will be part of a public database that will be used by police⁤ departments to track down old warrants and be used by ⁣credit card companies to collect outstanding debts,” according ‍to the FCC filing.


What are the ⁤concerns and controversy ⁤surrounding the use of robocalls in political campaigns, particularly when artificial intelligence is used ‍to mimic the voice⁢ of a public figure?

⁣ Nerated voice in the robocall stated. “It doesn’t matter‍ who you vote for in the ​primary, as long as it’s not‌ Dean Phillips. He’s a disappointment and doesn’t align with the values of the Democratic‌ Party.”

The controversial robocall, which violated campaign rules by impersonating a public figure, raised eyebrows among voters and‌ officials alike. Many questioned the morality and ethics of such tactics,‍ particularly when it comes to interfering with the democratic process.

Robocalls have long been a controversial issue in American politics,⁢ with proponents arguing⁣ that they are an effective and cost-efficient way to reach a large number of voters, while opponents⁤ point⁢ out their intrusiveness and ​potential⁣ for spreading misinformation. The use of artificial intelligence to mimic the voice of a public figure takes this controversy to a whole⁢ new level.

The incident has prompted calls for stricter regulations ⁣and oversight of robocalls, as well as scrutiny of⁣ the use‍ of artificial intelligence ⁤in⁤ political campaigns. Many are concerned​ about the potential for abuse and manipulation, as technology becomes increasingly advanced and accessible.

Rep.‍ Phillips,‍ who ⁢is up for re-election in 2024, ‍has emphasized his ​commitment to ethical campaigning and has condemned the robocall. He expressed‍ his disappointment in the actions of his former consultant but acknowledged that the responsibility lies⁤ with him as the candidate.

“I apologize to the voters of New Hampshire ⁤who ⁤were subjected to this misleading and underhanded tactic,” Rep.⁢ Phillips‍ stated. “As⁢ a candidate, it is my duty to ⁤ensure​ that my⁤ campaign operates ⁣with integrity and respects the democratic process. I ​am‍ taking immediate steps to investigate this‍ matter thoroughly and make sure it never happens again.”

The incident serves as a reminder of the ⁢importance of transparency and accountability‍ in political campaigns. Voters deserve to make informed decisions based on accurate and reliable information, free ‍from manipulation and deceptive tactics.

As⁢ the 2024 election season approaches, it⁢ is crucial that candidates and campaign consultants uphold ethical standards‌ and prioritize​ the ‌democratic values that underpin our society. ​The use of artificial intelligence in⁤ political campaigns raises complex ethical⁣ questions that must⁣ be carefully considered and regulated.

It remains ‌to be seen whether this incident‍ will have any lasting ⁣impact on Rep. Phillips’s ⁢campaign or the ⁤broader use of robocalls and artificial intelligence in political ⁤campaigns. However, ‌it serves as a wake-up call for the need for greater scrutiny and oversight in our electoral system.

The voters of⁢ New⁤ Hampshire and citizens ​across the​ country⁢ deserve to have ​faith in the integrity of our democratic processes. It is the responsibility of candidates, campaign consultants, and regulatory ⁤bodies ‌to ensure that​ this trust is upheld and ‍protected.

Only through transparency, accountability, and a commitment ⁣to ethical campaigning ⁤can we ensure⁤ that our democracy continues to thrive. The incident involving Rep. Phillips’s former consultant should serve as a reminder of the work that needs to ‍be done to safeguard the democratic principles that define our nation.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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