Conservative News Daily

RFK Jr.: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has made significant progress in gaining support from both his party’s potential primary voters and conservatives. However, it is crucial to remember that despite his redeeming qualities, Kennedy is a staunch liberal.

While he may not be a leftist, Kennedy’s political views lean much further to the left than his campaign for “reconciliation” suggests. He represents the Democratic Party of the past, before it was overtaken by socialist ideologies, anti-Semitism, and an obsession with identity politics and extreme gender ideologies.

Nevertheless, Kennedy’s appeal to many voters lies in his sensible approach to issues such as COVID policy, free speech, and common sense. He has been a victim of Big Tech’s politically motivated censorship, aligning him with those who have experienced years of suppression.

Kennedy also advocates for free speech and opposes collusion between big business and big government to enforce censorship. He strongly opposes environmental, social, and corporate governance in banking and supports the use of bitcoin to protect economic freedom.

However, there are areas where Kennedy’s views diverge from conservative values. He supports abortion, gun control, same-sex marriage, punishment for businesses rejecting climate change narratives, amnesty for nonviolent drug offenders, limits on mining and drilling, and curbing suburban sprawl.

It is important to note that Kennedy’s website lacks specific plans on how he intends to achieve his goals, offering voters wonderful destinations without a clear roadmap. His carefully worded messages reveal extreme positions on issues such as abortion and criminal justice.

Furthermore, Kennedy’s stance on the Supreme Court remains unknown. It is crucial to consider the potential impact on the court if vacancies arise during his presidency and the type of justices he would nominate.

While Kennedy aligns with conservatives on some key issues, his decision to run as a Democrat suggests he is either running a protest campaign or is too liberal to align with any other party. The Republican primary field offers candidates who share conservative values without the baggage associated with Kennedy.

Ultimately, voters must carefully consider Kennedy’s positions and the potential consequences of his presidency before deciding whether to support him.

The post Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly appeared first on The Western Journal.

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