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Roger Stone: Trump’s Indictment Disqualifies Most DC Voters from Jury Duty.

Veteran Political Consultant Roger Stone: Indictment Against ⁤Trump Disqualifies Nearly All Voters‌ in DC from Serving on Jury

Veteran ⁢political consultant Roger‌ Stone said ‍last week that ​the Department of ⁢Justice should have difficulty finding jurors in its 2020 election case against‌ former President Donald Trump.

Stone told Javier ​Manjarres with The Floridian last Thursday that the⁤ average Washington, D.C., resident‍ is too biased to sit ‌on the jury for Trump’s upcoming election interference ⁤case.

He faces charges of conspiracy to defraud the U.S. government, conspiracy⁣ against ⁤civil rights, ‍and ‌obstruction. The venue, Stone told Manjarres, is “tainted” by⁤ Democratic voters.

While commenting‍ on a proposed gag order against Trump in⁣ the ​case, Stone unleashed on ‍the​ political makeup of the country’s capital.

“Next, the big issue will be, ‘Oh, he​ has to ⁤be‍ gagged. He can’t defend himself publicly because it might taint the⁣ jury pool,’” Stone said.

He ‌added, “I’ve ​been in this jury box. I’ve ⁢been in​ this courtroom. I’ve stood in ​the dock there. This jury pool⁤ is‍ already tainted. There will ⁢not be a single ⁣Republican.”

Stone also argued Democrats, which make up most ​of D.C.’s electorate, should also be disqualified from serving on the jury because the case the federal⁢ government⁢ is making ‍against ‌Trump is ultimately about them.

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“There will not be a single Democrat, there will not be a single person on this ⁢jury who does not hate Donald Trump,” Stone told Manjarres.

He concluded, “If the ⁣indictment claims⁢ that ​you denied the rights of‌ people who voted⁣ for Biden, ‌which ⁤it does, then by⁤ law, no one who voted for Biden ⁣can be in ⁢this jury because they would be‌ conflicted. I don’t ⁤think the prosecutors have thought about that yet.”

Stone, 70, also said the‍ motivation​ to prosecute Trump was​ entirely political.

“Does anyone in their right mind think‍ that if Donald Trump was not leading​ in the ‍polls, both Republican polls by double digits​ and leading Joe Biden in the national polls, head-to-head ⁣nationally and in every swing state, that‌ they would be doing ​this?”⁤ Stone asked.

Stone⁣ said Trump is ultimately being ‍charged with ‌questioning the results of an election, which is something Democrats did in‍ large numbers⁣ in 2016.

“It ​really⁣ is election interference,”⁣ he said. “In other words, questioning the ​outcome of an election because of the enormous number⁢ of anomalies and irregularities is a crime for which you must go to prison.”

Stone pointed out ⁤high-profile⁤ Democrats⁢ such as Kamala ⁢Harris, Sens. Amy Klobuchar ‍and Chuck ⁣Schumer, Reps. Jerry ‌Nadler and Jamie Raskin were among‍ those who objected to certifying Trump’s 2016 election win over ⁣Hillary Clinton.

“It’s perfectly all right for them to do so,” he said. “But when Donald⁤ Trump does it, it’s a crime.‍ This is an absurdity.”

Washington, D.C., voted overwhelmingly for then-candidate Joe Biden in November 2020.

Biden received 93 percent of the vote compared to Trump’s 5.4 percent in the election.

The post ⁢ Roger Stone Says Indictment ​Against Trump Disqualifies Nearly All⁤ Voters in DC from Serving on Jury appeared ​first on The Western Journal.

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