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Romney and Ryan unite against Trump, gather 2024 candidates for private meeting.

Romney, Ryan Rallying 2024 Candidates Against Trump in ⁢Exclusive Meeting

The Republican Party’s 2012 presidential ticket is hosting a high-profile summit in Utah this week, bringing together current White House hopefuls ​who are seeking⁣ an alternative to former President Donald Trump.

Sen. Mitt‌ Romney of ‍Utah and former House Speaker Paul Ryan ⁣ are ⁣welcoming four current 2024 candidates and a number of other speakers in Park ‍City, Utah, for ​an annual conference the senator has held for more than a decade.

The E2 Summit, taking place ⁣on Tuesday and Wednesday, will feature long-shot presidential candidates Nikki Haley, Mike Pence, Chris Christie, and Doug Burgum as speakers.

Republican Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp will also⁣ attend the summit, which covers a wide range of topics from foreign policy to⁢ business, ⁣according to Axios.

This exclusive event not only serves as a platform for potential 2024 candidates but also as a gathering for Republicans who are actively seeking an alternative to ‍Trump, a figure who has faced opposition from both Romney and Ryan in the past.

Spencer Zwick,⁣ the event’s director,‍ emphasized that the attendees and host are not resigned to accepting Trump⁢ as the nominee for 2024.

“That’s not​ in their DNA,” Zwick stated. “They’re genuinely‌ interested in ‍a candidate they can get excited about ‌and get behind.”

Zwick⁢ further elaborated ⁤on the summit, highlighting the attendees’ sincere ⁤desire to find an alternative to Trump and their eagerness to ⁣support a thoughtful ​and serious candidate for president.

While⁣ acknowledging Trump’s ⁤influence in the primary, Zwick made it clear‍ that⁢ those who oppose him will not remain silent.

“If people in this room, and at‌ this gathering,‌ start to really get behind one or two of these candidates, you’re going to see some real movement in⁣ the polls,” Zwick claimed.⁣ “At‍ some​ point,⁤ and‍ hopefully in the not too distant future, we can start to coalesce around a smaller group of ⁤candidates.”

Although Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida declined​ the invitation to the event, the E2 Summit expects 250 attendees. The remarks made by the speakers will not be made public.

As of now, Trump remains the frontrunner for the Republican Party’s 2024 nomination, enjoying the support of 57 percent of likely voters, according to the Real Clear Politics average. DeSantis trails⁢ far behind at 12 percent, while all other candidates are polling ⁢in the single digits or lower.

Ryan currently serves on the board of ​directors‌ for the ⁢Fox ‌Corporation, while Romney recently announced that he⁤ will​ not seek another ‍term in the Senate.

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The post⁢ Romney, Ryan Working Hard Against Trump ⁣as They Gather 2024 ⁤Candidates⁢ for Closed-Door ‍Meeting appeared first on The Western Journal.


Who are some of the influential Republicans seeking an alternative candidate to Donald Trump​ for the 2024 presidential‌ race?

Ont-runner for‍ the Republican nomination in the 2024 presidential ‍race. However, a significant group of influential Republicans are ‌actively seeking an alternative candidate. This week, a high-profile summit in⁤ Utah, hosted by the Republican Party’s 2012 presidential ‌ticket – Mitt Romney and Paul ‌Ryan, is bringing ​together current White⁤ House hopefuls who are looking for ⁢an alternative to former President Donald‌ Trump.

The E2 Summit, taking ⁣place on Tuesday and Wednesday, will feature speakers such as Nikki Haley, Mike Pence, Chris Christie, and ⁤Doug Burgum, who are⁢ all seen as long-shot presidential candidates for ​2024. Additionally, Republican Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp will also‍ attend the summit, which covers a wide range of topics from foreign policy to business, according to Axios.

This exclusive event not⁣ only serves as a platform ⁣for potential 2024 candidates ‍but also ⁣as a gathering for Republicans ‌who are actively seeking an alternative to Trump. Both Romney and Ryan have previously expressed opposition to Trump, and this summit highlights their ongoing resistance to his influence.

Spencer Zwick, the director of the event, emphasized ‌that the attendees and hosts ⁤are not resigned ⁣to accepting Trump as the nominee ‍for 2024. Their DNA does not allow⁤ them to simply ‍fall in line behind a candidate they‍ do ⁤not feel excited about or believe ​in.

Zwick elaborated on the summit, highlighting the attendees’ genuine desire to find an alternative to Trump and their eagerness to support a thoughtful and ‍serious candidate for president. While acknowledging Trump’s influence in⁣ the ⁤primary, Zwick⁢ made⁢ it clear‍ that those who oppose him will not‌ remain ⁤silent.⁢ He believes that ​if the attendees and the ⁢gathering start to rally behind one or two of these alternative⁤ candidates, there could ⁤be real movement in the polls. The hope is to eventually coalesce around a ‍smaller ⁢group of candidates who can effectively challenge Trump’s frontrunner status.

It is worth noting that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis ‌declined the ⁣invitation to the event. However, ​the E2 Summit still ​expects a substantial turnout of 250 attendees. The remarks made by the speakers will not be made public,‍ further emphasizing the exclusive nature of this gathering.

As ‌of now, Trump remains the⁤ frontrunner for the Republican nomination in 2024. However, this summit and the coming together⁢ of⁣ influential Republicans who oppose him demonstrates ⁢the existence of a faction within the party that is actively seeking an alternative⁢ candidate.⁢ Only time will tell whether this gathering will have a significant impact on the future of the ​Republican Party‍ and its 2024 presidential ticket.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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