Conservative News Daily

Roseanne Barr nails it with her critique of David Hogg as a “soy-induced frail boy.”

David ⁤Hogg’s Misguided ⁤Attack on Senator Mitch McConnell

David Hogg ⁢found himself in hot water when he⁤ decided to target Senator Mitch McConnell for‍ a ⁢peculiar incident that⁤ occurred during a press conference last week.

During the conference, McConnell froze and appeared unwell, prompting aides to assist him away ‍from the podium. ⁤Hogg, always eager to score⁢ political points, couldn’t resist using this ​episode⁣ to take a swipe at Republicans.

“If ​Biden did what Mitch did today, the media ⁢would be ​covering it non-stop ‍for the next two weeks. But because it’s a Republican, it’s like nothing ⁤ever happened,” Hogg posted on‍ Twitter,​ highlighting what he perceives as right-wing bias in the corporate media.

Hogg’s⁢ argument might hold some ⁣weight if McConnell had‍ a‌ history of such episodes like President Joe ⁢Biden. However, it appears that this incident was a one-off occurrence.

Furthermore, unlike McConnell, Biden’s age-related challenges have necessitated significant changes in the boarding procedures of Air Force One.

Interestingly, Hogg conveniently ⁢omitted any mention of‌ 90-year-old Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein, who ​recently ⁢had to ‍be instructed on how to vote due to ‌apparent confusion.

Hogg’s post was so off the ⁣mark that even conservative personality Roseanne Barr jokingly suggested it should be displayed in the Smithsonian Institution. Barr had plenty to⁢ say about the post and its author.

It’s safe to say that Hogg’s post didn’t win him any new fans. Other users were quick to join in,​ sharing⁢ their own thoughts on the ​prominent anti-gunner.

Unfortunately for Hogg, if he⁤ continues‍ to post in this manner, he can expect more biting criticism in return. With the ⁤online ​thrashing he’s receiving and the failure ⁤of his MyPillow competitor, it’s unclear how much more Hogg can endure.

The post⁤ Roseanne Barr Hits ​the Bullseye with Assessment of ‘Soy Induced‍ Frail ‌Boy’⁤ David Hogg appeared first on The ​Western Journal.

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