The federalist

Adam Schiff, a Russia hoaxer, wants intel community to conceal information from Trump

Adam Schiff

After being removed from the House Intelligence Committee for dishonesty, California Democratic‌ Rep. Adam Schiff ⁤made a shocking statement on NBC News. He expressed his hope that the intelligence community would withhold​ crucial information from former President Donald Trump during the ‌upcoming campaign season.

During an appearance on ⁣”Meet the Press,” Schiff was​ asked ‌whether he believed it ⁤was appropriate for Trump to ‍receive intelligence ⁢briefings, considering ‍the 40 felony ‌charges he faces for mishandling⁣ classified documents.

BREAKING: Adam Schiff states ⁢the U.S. ⁣Intelligence Community will withhold⁣ intelligence briefings from Donald Trump, concealing information, sources, and methods if he wins re-election ⁣this⁤ fall.

“Well, that is the​ practice, but we’ve never had a situation where ⁢one of the ⁢candidates for president ‍has been so criminally⁤ negligent when it⁢ comes ​to handling, if not worse, when it comes to handling classified information.

So I have to⁣ hope ⁤— ⁤and ‍knowing the intelligence community as I do — that they will dumb ⁢down the briefing for Donald Trump. That is, ‌they will⁤ give him no more information than absolutely necessary, ⁣nothing that ​would reveal sources or⁢ methods because we​ can’t trust that he will do the right thing with that information.”

Schiff spent years using his‌ position as ranking member‍ on the House⁣ Intelligence Committee to leak dubious claims or provide deceptive ‌comments to the media to foment fear that Trump was a Russian ⁢asset before former ⁢Speaker of⁢ the House‍ Kevin McCarthy booted him⁤ from⁣ his ⁤seat.

[READ:[READ:Media Smear NC Republican ⁣As Conspiracy Theorist While⁣ Celebrating Russia ​Hoaxer Adam‍ Schiff]

“Adam⁤ Schiff lied to the American people, and ‌during⁣ my time as CIA director ⁤and Secretary of State, I know that he leaked classified information that had been ⁢provided to him,” former Secretary ‍of State ⁢Mike Pompeo told Fox News‍ after McCarthy took​ Schiff off the ⁢committee.

Schiff said on MSNBC in​ 2017 that “there ‌is more ​than circumstantial evidence‍ now”⁣ linking the Trump campaign to Russia while ⁤telling CNN he had seen “the kind⁤ of evidence” a grand ‍jury ⁣may want to view. Schiff continued to​ double down on his claims,‍ telling ⁤ CNN months later that ⁣there was “damning” evidence of collusion.

One ‌year later, ​then-Intelligence​ Chairman⁣ Devin ‍Nunes‍ released a report detailing how the⁢ FBI obtained ⁢a ⁣surveillance warrant against⁣ former Trump campaign staffer​ Carter Page through a secret FISA court and did not alert the court that Christopher Steele,‌ the man behind​ the discredited ‘Steele Dossier,’ was a ‍spy.

The information was later corroborated by Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz.

But Schiff sought to‌ cast a shadow of doubt on the report and ⁢ instead released his own⁢ memo falsely claiming the “FBI and DOJ officials did not ‘abuse’ the [FISA] ⁢ process,⁢ omit material information, or ⁢subvert this vital ⁢tool ​to spy ‍on the Trump campaign.”

Schiff then vigorously fought‍ for big tech to “expose” and‍ “deactivate” ‌ social media accounts that ​called on Congress to #ReleaseTheMemo, alleging⁣ they were foreign ⁤operatives — a claim the media piled on to.

Matt Taibbi later revealed ⁢through the Twitter Files that executives at Twitter told Schiff and other Democrats they could not identify “any significant activity​ connected to Russia.”

Special counsel Robert Mueller later ‍released ⁣a report that there⁤ was no‍ coordination between Trump or his campaign ⁢and Russia.

Special⁣ counsel John Durham also released a damning report ‍ in 2023 ‌affirming that ⁤Trump and⁣ others were justified when they⁣ alleged the FBI improperly launched the‍ Crossfire Hurricane‍ investigation over alleged Russian ‍collusion.

Hours after the report ⁣was released,‍ the House voted ⁢213-209 to‌ censure ⁣Schiff for ‌promoting the hoax.

Yet Schiff is now openly calling for a military intelligence coup against ⁤the leading candidate ‍for president because he’s indignant.

Brianna Lyman ‌is an⁣ elections correspondent at The Federalist.


How‍ does ‍Schiff’s history of​ making misleading ⁣or false claims‍ impact the credibility of his statement about intelligence withholding?

The Ethics and Implications‍ of Adam Schiff’s Statement on Withholding Intelligence from Donald Trump

In a recent appearance on NBC News’ ⁣”Meet the Press,” California ‍Democratic Representative Adam Schiff made a bold and shocking statement regarding the intelligence community and former‌ President Donald Trump. Schiff expressed his hope that the intelligence⁤ community would withhold crucial information from Trump during the upcoming campaign season.

Schiff’s‌ statement came in response to a question about whether it was appropriate for Trump to receive‍ intelligence briefings, considering the 40 felony charges he faces for⁢ mishandling classified documents. Schiff claimed that Trump had been criminally negligent in handling classified information and suggested that the intelligence‌ community should dumb down the briefings for him and⁤ provide ‌him with only necessary information that would not reveal sources or methods.

This statement raises serious ethical ⁣concerns and has significant‍ implications for the relationship between the intelligence community and elected officials. It is essential to ​examine the accuracy and motivations behind Schiff’s statement before assessing its⁣ impact.

Schiff has a history of using his position on the House Intelligence Committee to ⁤leak dubious‍ claims or provide deceptive comments ⁤to the ⁤media. ⁢He gained notoriety for falsely claiming that Trump ⁢was a⁤ Russian asset,⁤ a narrative that was later‌ debunked. Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo accused Schiff of leaking classified information, further undermining his credibility.

Schiff’s statement also ignores the principle of impartiality that should guide⁢ the intelligence community. The intelligence community’s role is to provide objective and unbiased information to elected officials, regardless of political affiliation. Withholding information from a President based on personal opinions risks compromising the integrity and impartiality of the intelligence community.

Furthermore, Schiff’s statement raises concerns about the potential abuse of power. By advocating for the intelligence community to withhold information from a President based on personal judgments,⁢ Schiff sets‌ a dangerous precedent. It opens the door for future politicians to weaponize intelligence⁢ for their own political gain, undermining the democratic principles of transparency and accountability.

It is crucial to remember that the ⁢intelligence community serves⁤ the American⁣ people, not individual politicians​ or political‌ parties. Its primary purpose is ⁤to protect national⁣ security by providing ‌accurate and timely information to elected officials. Any attempt to manipulate or withhold ⁢information for political⁤ purposes undermines this fundamental mission.

In ⁤conclusion, Schiff’s statement about withholding intelligence from former President Donald Trump is deeply troubling from an ethical standpoint. It raises ‍concerns‍ about manipulation, ⁢abuse of power, and a lack of​ impartiality within the intelligence ⁤community. As⁢ citizens,​ we must hold our elected‍ officials accountable ‌for their statements and actions, ensuring that they ‍respect the‍ principles of transparency, accountability, and the impartiality of our institutions.

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