
Russian figure skater Valieva has been banned for doping, resulting in the ROC losing their Olympic gold

January 29, 2024 – ⁣9:50 ⁢AM PST

Kamila Valieva⁤ of the Russian Olympic Committee in action. REUTERS/Aleksandra Szmigiel/File Photo

GENEVA (Reuters) – Russian‌ figure ⁤skater Kamila Valieva‌ has been hit with a four-year doping ban, resulting in the Russian Olympic Committee⁣ (ROC) losing its gold ⁤medal in​ the team event at the 2022 Beijing​ Winter Games. This decision⁢ comes almost ​two years ⁤after the competition took place.


The Court of Arbitration⁤ for‌ Sport​ (CAS), in its highly anticipated ruling,‌ found ‍Valieva guilty of an anti-doping rule violation that caused‌ controversy at the Beijing Olympics and left other competitors ‍waiting for their ​rightful medals.

According ​to⁣ CAS,​ “Kamila Valieva is found to have committed an anti-doping​ rule violation and⁤ sanctioned with a four-year period of ineligibility commencing on 25 December 2021.”

All‍ of Valieva’s competitive results⁣ since that date, including⁣ the gold medal she helped ROC ⁤win in the team event, have been nullified, as stated by the court.

The World⁢ Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), one of the parties involved ​in⁤ the case, ‌expressed satisfaction with the decision, hailing it as ⁣a triumph for fair sport.

However, Kremlin ⁣spokesperson Dmitry Peskov dismissed the ruling as politically motivated, ‍according to RIA news agency.

The ⁢CAS ‍panel determined that Valieva, who was‍ 15 at the time of ⁣the offense, should not receive‍ more lenient treatment than an adult found‌ guilty of an anti-doping rule violation.

Valieva tested positive for the banned substance trimetazidine, which⁣ is used to prevent angina, during the Russian national championships in December 2021.

Her team has claimed that the ​positive‌ test‍ may have been due to a mix-up with her grandfather’s heart medication.

The positive‌ doping test result ‍was only revealed a day after Valieva helped ROC secure gold in the team ‌event in Beijing in February 2022.

Travis Tygart, CEO⁣ of the United States Anti-Doping Agency⁤ (USADA),‌ expressed relief⁣ that the ​case⁤ has⁤ finally come to an end, but ‍also expressed sympathy for another Russian ⁤athlete failed by the system.


Valieva, who made history as the first woman‌ to successfully land a quadruple jump at the Olympics ⁢during the team event, was⁤ expected to⁣ win the singles gold. However, she missed out​ on an individual medal after‌ a mistake-filled⁤ free skate, dropping to fourth place.

Her‌ suspension will be lifted ‌in time for the 2026 Milano-Cortina Winter Games.

During the Beijing Games, ‌the International Olympic Committee (IOC) decided not to present ‍medals for the team figure skating⁤ event until Valieva’s⁣ case was resolved.

The United States ⁤won silver,⁤ Japan took bronze, ‍and Canada finished fourth behind‌ the Russians.

American figure skaters, including Vincent Zhou, have repeatedly expressed frustration over ⁣the delay in receiving their team⁤ medals, criticizing the global anti-doping system for failing athletes.

Sarah Hirshland, chief executive officer of the United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee, celebrated the decision as a significant victory for ⁤fair play and expressed anticipation for the day when the athletes can be fully celebrated.

The Canadian Olympic Committee (COC) and Skate ​Canada also praised the ruling and‍ commended‌ the affected Team Canada athletes for their performances and ⁤resilience throughout⁤ the lengthy‍ process.

Reporting​ by Gabrielle Tétrault-Farber​ in Geneva Additional reporting by Steve⁣ Keating in Toronto ⁤and Maxim Rodionov in London Editing by Gareth Jones, Christian Radnedge and⁤ Ken ​Ferris

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What actions should be‍ taken to‌ strengthen⁣ anti-doping ​education programs and prevent future ​violations

Ing the lack of transparency⁤ and accountability in the anti-doping process.

The‍ IOC has yet to​ announce how the⁣ medals will be re-allocated now that Valieva’s⁣ results ⁤have been nullified. It is expected that the silver medal⁣ will be upgraded to gold for the United States, the bronze medal will be upgraded to silver for Japan, and the ‍fourth-place finisher, Canada, will ⁣receive the bronze⁤ medal.


The ⁤doping ​ban for Kamila ⁣Valieva has far-reaching ​consequences for the Russian Olympic Committee. Losing ‍the​ gold medal in the team event not only tarnishes their reputation, but it also affects their overall⁤ standing in the Olympic Games.

Russia has been a controversial figure in the world of sports due ​to numerous doping scandals ⁣and allegations of state-sponsored doping programs. The ban on Valieva further reinforces the notion that⁤ the country has not done enough to address‍ these issues and ensure⁤ clean competition.

The⁣ Russian Olympic Committee will have to work harder to rebuild​ trust and ⁤credibility in the international sporting community. This⁤ may involve implementing stricter anti-doping measures, cooperating⁢ fully with international governing bodies,​ and taking decisive action against those involved⁢ in doping practices.

The loss of the gold medal in‍ the‍ team event also​ affects ​the athletes ​who competed alongside Valieva. Their hard work and achievements have now been overshadowed by the doping violation of one of their teammates. It is a ​disappointing outcome for the entire team and a reminder of the impact ‌that doping can have on‌ the integrity of sports.


The case of Kamila‍ Valieva serves as a reminder​ of the importance​ of maintaining clean and fair competition in sports. Doping not only undermines the spirit of fair play but⁤ also poses‌ serious health risks to athletes.

Athletes ⁣should​ be aware of the‍ consequences of using banned⁢ substances and should take responsibility for what they⁣ put into ‌their bodies. It is essential for ⁢governing bodies, ​such as the World Anti-Doping‍ Agency, to continue enforcing strict anti-doping rules and conducting thorough testing to maintain the integrity of sports.

The case also highlights the need for improved transparency ⁤and accountability in the anti-doping process. ​Athletes should​ have access to timely and⁤ accurate information regarding their test results and ⁢should⁤ have ​the opportunity to present their case in a fair and unbiased manner.

Additionally, the Valieva case raises questions about the effectiveness of anti-doping education programs. It is crucial for athletes, especially young ones⁢ like Valieva, to receive​ proper education ⁤and guidance on the dangers ​and consequences of doping. This can help prevent future violations and promote a ‍culture of​ clean sport.


As the dust settles on the Kamila Valieva doping​ case, the ‌focus now shifts to the future of sports integrity and the prevention of doping ‍in ⁤the upcoming ‍Winter Games in Milano-Cortina 2026. It is crucial for all stakeholders, including athletes, sports ​organizations, and anti-doping authorities, to work⁢ together to ensure clean and fair ⁣competition.

Stricter anti-doping ‌measures, enhanced education programs, and⁢ increased transparency‍ are needed to protect the integrity of ​sports and safeguard the welfare of athletes. ‍The Valieva case⁣ should serve as a ⁢wake-up call for all those involved in the sporting community to prioritize clean sport and uphold the ​values of fair play.

The upcoming Winter Games provide an opportunity to showcase the commitment of the international sporting‍ community to‍ fighting doping and​ promoting clean competition. It is a chance to rebuild trust and restore the integrity of ⁤the Olympic Games.

Only by working together ⁤can we ensure⁤ that ⁢athletes⁤ compete on⁣ a level playing field, free from the⁤ influence of performance-enhancing substances. Let us learn from the Valieva case and strive ⁣for a future ​where fair play and integrity define the world of sports.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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