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Schiff exposed as potential Feinstein successor: Is his past catching up?

Is Adam Schiff’s Past Catching Up to Him as a Potential Senate Candidate?

During the Donald ‍Trump presidency, Democratic California Rep. Adam Schiff ‍spent ‌years​ in the media limelight ‍pushing false‍ theories that led to Trump’s first impeachment.

Now, as a potential candidate for Senate to replace the failing Sen. Dianne Feinstein, Schiff is under‌ a ​different kind of spotlight, and what it’s showing ⁤might not be good ⁤for his Senate bid.

Schiff is currently the leading name to take⁤ Feinstein’s seat, ahead of second-place rival Rep. Katie Porter, another Democrat from Southern California.

A recent ​poll ⁣released by the University of⁣ California, Berkeley, showed Schiff with 20 percent support, followed by Porter at 17 percent. About a third of those polled said they were undecided.

So far, 16 candidates are at ⁣least nominally competing for‍ the seat, according to Spectrum News ⁤1.

In his battles with Trump, Schiff cultivated a media image of a congressman unafraid to take on the power of the White House on behalf of the people. However, a Politico report published Monday reveals Schiff’s history‍ of cultivating​ powerful interests when it suits his political ambitions — and rewarding them ​with taxpayer money.

According to Politico, Schiff has long been a proponent of financial earmarks in Congress, directing‍ federal funding toward favored projects in his district and benefiting⁢ campaign donors. This practice was officially banned from 2011 to 2020 but has made a limited return since 2021.

For instance, Schiff directed millions of ‌dollars ⁢in federal funding to defense companies in his district, which were clients of a high-powered lobbying ⁣firm. These companies and their executives also made⁢ significant campaign donations to Schiff.

There were other earmarks⁤ as well, including funding for technology development and military research, with beneficiaries also contributing to Schiff’s campaigns.

All of this paints a different picture of Schiff, one that‍ contradicts the liberal narrative surrounding him. It’s a‍ stark difference in coverage after ‌years of being coddled for ⁤his Trump antagonism.

For years,‍ Schiff was a darling of the left and ⁤a vocal proponent of the⁤ Trump-Russia hoax. Now, as he positions himself as a champion of law and order, his past actions are coming under scrutiny.

While Schiff remains popular with Democratic voters, the ‍Politico report sheds light on his machine politics and use of taxpayer money for personal gain.

It’s ⁢an‌ exposure that has been a long time coming.

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There were other earmarks,‍ according to Politico.

Schiff directed funding to various companies in his district, with executives from these companies making significant campaign donations to Schiff.

All of this feeds into a picture of Schiff that hasn’t received enough attention ​in the​ establishment media — a machine politician using machine tactics and‌ taxpayer money for personal gain.

It’s time for Schiff’s past to⁢ catch up with him.

The post Schiff Busted After Appearing as Likely Candidate to Replace Feinstein: Is His Past Catching Up ⁣to Him? appeared ‌first on The Western Journal.

What are the ethical ​concerns and priorities raised by Schiff’s use of taxpayer money to⁢ reward his campaign donors?

R infrastructure projects in Schiff’s district that benefited his ⁣political allies and contributors. This pattern of using taxpayer money to ​reward campaign donors raises questions about Schiff’s ethics and priorities as a public servant.

Furthermore, Schiff has been criticized for his handling of‌ the Trump impeachment proceedings. Despite claiming ‍to have‌ damning evidence against Trump,‍ Schiff failed to produce ‍any solid proof ⁢of wrongdoing. The impeachment ultimately ended with Trump’s acquittal in the ​Senate,‍ leaving ⁣Schiff’s ⁢credibility in⁣ question.

Additionally, ⁢Schiff’s ​past statements and actions have been scrutinized.​ He repeatedly claimed to have evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and ⁢Russia during the ⁢2016 election. However, no‍ such ‌evidence ‌was ‌ever presented, and the Mueller investigation concluded that there was no collusion.

These past ‌controversies ‍have led many to question Schiff’s credibility and ⁣judgment. While he may have gained popularity among the Democratic base for his outspoken opposition to ‌Trump, his track record raises doubts about his ability to effectively represent the interests ‌of the American people in the Senate.

Furthermore, ​Schiff’s potential Senate ⁣bid comes at a time when‌ public trust in politicians is at an all-time low. The American people are tired of career politicians who prioritize their own self-interests over the needs⁣ of the country. Schiff’s history of using⁣ taxpayer money for personal gain and his failure ⁢to substantiate his claims only reinforce these negative perceptions.

In order⁢ for ⁤Schiff to​ have a successful Senate bid, he needs to address these concerns and provide a compelling case for why he is the best⁣ candidate⁤ to represent the people of California. He must be transparent about his past ⁢actions and ​demonstrate a commitment to accountability and​ ethical governance.

Ultimately, the decision rests with the voters of⁢ California. They have the power to determine whether Schiff’s past ‌controversies and questionable judgment are sufficient grounds to disqualify him from consideration ⁣as a Senate ⁣candidate.⁤ It is​ up to them to ⁣decide ​if Schiff’s past is catching ⁣up to him or if he deserves a chance to represent them ⁣in the Senate.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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