Conservative News Daily

School Board Member Takes Oath on Controversial Books

Well, at‌ least you can’t say Karl Frisch isn’t forthright‍ about ⁢his values.

Frisch ‍is​ a​ member ‌of the Fairfax County ⁤School Board in Virginia. According​ to liberal news site Blue Virginia, this is his second term, having‍ won re-election by 30 points in November. He ‌was sworn in on Wednesday and will become ⁣chair of‍ the board on Jan. 1.

And, just because this is Virginia and he needed to telegraph what educators ⁤there are all about,⁤ he took the oath​ of office‌ on a literal pile of filth.

According to Blue ​Virginia, Frisch ‌was sworn in on‍ “a stack of the five LGBTQ-themed books most frequently banned by other school systems.”

“Fairfax County residents want⁤ safe and inclusive schools with exceptional, well-compensated educators and equitable‌ access to the rigorous academic⁢ and enrichment opportunities every student needs to succeed,” Frisch said in a statement.

“I am grateful for the⁣ trust … families have placed in me, and with tonight’s Oath, I commit to standing strong for these values​ and advancing these priorities with my new and returning colleagues.”

And just what are those priorities? Well, take a⁣ good look at the books Frisch selected for his swearing-in:

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