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The federalist

Escape violence in classrooms with school choice

Violent Attacks on Teachers Highlight the Need for School Choice

A teacher on the outskirts of Cincinnati is recovering from brain ⁤surgery after a student ⁤violently attacked her earlier this month. The ⁤60-year-old teacher was harmed so severely by a teenager that doctors had to remove part of her skull to help manage swelling in her brain.

Last spring, ‍a Tennessee teenager⁣ pepper-sprayed a teacher for confiscating her phone. Also last year, ‌a Texas administrator was ​ beaten to the ⁣ground by a group of students.

The Importance of School Culture and Safety

  • As school choice expands across the country, millions more parents have the chance to send their children to ​schools that best⁢ meet their needs.
  • Parents ​know their children best, and they know a child’s best educational fit is based on more⁢ than only test scores and graduation rates.
  • Academic performance is critically important, but so too are intangible factors that shape a child’s educational experience.
  • School culture is ⁣one of the ⁤top factors parents consider in choosing where to send their kids to school.

The most recent Parent Involvement in Education survey, conducted by the National Center for Education ⁢Statistics in 2019, found that ⁤71 percent ⁣of parents who considered sending their children to a school other than their ‌government-assigned one rated “safety, including school discipline” as “very important.” Only 53 percent ranked “academic performance of‍ students (e.g. ⁣test scores, dropout rates)” the same way.

This concern for discipline and safety is not surprising. No parents want to send their children somewhere⁤ unsafe. Sadly,⁢ many schools tolerate bad ⁢behavior and thus foster more of ⁣it, creating an environment where teachers can hardly ​teach ​and‌ students can hardly learn.

The Rise of School Violence and its Causes

  • School violence is on the rise for several reasons, two of which ⁤can be tied directly to policies pushed by teachers unions and‌ fringe‍ civil rights groups.
  • Prolonged school closures resulting from the pandemic have led to a decline in good behavior by students.
  • The “restorative justice” disciplinary model, embraced by teachers unions and administered by school systems, has replaced real consequences with ineffective practices.

Under restorative justice, suspending and expelling ‌a student is ⁤to be avoided at all costs. Real consequences⁢ are replaced by “healing circles,” sidelining school resource officers⁢ and ⁢undermining teacher authority.

Every single one of the violent incidents noted above⁣ happened in a school‌ or school district that has embraced restorative justice policies.

The Solution: Education Freedom and School Choice

  • Education freedom can help solve this problem.
  • Several studies have demonstrated that school⁤ choice leads to safer schools.

A good school, the kind of school ‌parents seek out for their kids when they have school choice, is one that not only excels⁤ academically but maintains⁢ high standards of⁣ behavior.⁤ Such schools excel academically in no small part because they maintain high standards of behavior. Test scores are only one piece of​ the education freedom puzzle. Parents see the full picture, and education leaders ‌would do ​well to follow suit.

What percentage of teachers in the United ⁣States reported being physically attacked or threatened with violence by a student in the 2015-2016 school year?


  • Violent attacks on teachers ⁢are not‌ isolated‌ incidents. They are part of a larger⁣ trend of school⁢ violence that has been on the rise in recent years.
  • A report by the National Center for Education ⁤Statistics found that from 2015 ‌to 2018, the percentage of public schools reporting incidents ⁢of violence, theft, or other ⁣crimes increased from 70% to 81%.
  • According to the National Education Association, nearly 10% of teachers in the United States reported being physically attacked or threatened with violence by a student in the 2015-2016 ⁤school year.
  • These alarming statistics highlight the urgent need for action to ensure‌ the ⁤safety of teachers, students, and the overall school community.

The Role of School Choice in Addressing School Violence

  • School choice allows ⁣parents to select a ⁢school that prioritizes safety and has zero tolerance ‍for violence and disruptive behavior.
  • By giving parents the power to choose, ⁢schools are incentivized to create a safe and positive learning environment to attract students.
  • In a school choice system, underperforming schools with high rates of violence would face the consequences of losing students and funding.
  • This creates a competitive incentive for schools to ⁢prioritize safety and discipline, leading ​to a decrease in violent ⁣incidents.

Success Stories ⁣of Safe School Environments

  • There are numerous ‍success stories of schools​ that have prioritized safety and seen a significant decrease ⁢in violent incidents.
  • For example, Success ‌Academy, a charter school network in New ‌York City, has implemented strict ⁢discipline policies and a positive school culture. As a result, their schools have become some of the safest in the city.
  • In San Antonio, Texas, the KIPP charter schools have also made safety ​a top priority. Through a combination of strong discipline policies, conflict‌ resolution programs, and⁣ community involvement, they have created a safe and nurturing environment for their students and teachers.

The Importance of Investing in School Safety

  • School safety should⁢ be a⁤ top ‍priority⁣ for policymakers, ⁢educators, and parents.
  • Investment in resources such as trained security personnel, conflict resolution programs, and mental health services can make a significant difference in creating a safe⁢ school environment.
  • Additionally, fostering partnerships between schools, law enforcement, and community organizations can‍ contribute to ensuring the safety and well-being of ⁢students and teachers.


The⁢ recent violent attacks ‍on teachers highlight the urgent need for school choice and the importance of prioritizing safety in‌ our education system.

By expanding school choice options, ​parents have the opportunity to‍ select schools that prioritize safety and discipline, creating⁢ a ⁣positive learning environment for their children.

Investing ​in school safety resources and fostering partnerships ‌between schools and the community can further contribute to creating safe school environments that allow teachers to teach​ and students⁢ to learn‍ without fear of violence.

It is time to address‌ the rise in school violence and ensure the safety of our educators and students. School⁣ choice is a critical tool in achieving this goal.


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