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Schumer pushes for UFO secrets to be revealed.

The Senate Takes Action ​on UFO Disclosure

The ‌top‍ member of⁤ the Senate is adding ⁣his​ political ​clout to legislation​ that aims to ⁣force ​the federal government to disclose information‌ it⁤ has⁢ on Unidentified⁣ Flying Objects⁤ (UFOs).

Senate ⁣Majority‌ Leader ⁤Chuck Schumer ‍(D-NY)‍ helped introduce last ⁤week ​a‌ bipartisan ‌amendment to ⁤the ⁢National⁣ Defense ‌Authorization Act⁣ (NDAA) that would ⁤create ​a​ “UAP ⁣Records‌ Collection.”⁢ UAP⁣ stands for⁤ “unidentified ⁢anomalous phenomena,”⁣ which covers​ unidentified⁢ flying‍ as well ​as ⁢submerged ⁣objects.

“For decades, many⁤ Americans ​have ⁤been ‌fascinated by objects ⁣mysterious⁣ and unexplained and‍ it’s ​long‍ past time they⁣ get some ⁤answers,” Schumer ⁢said in ‌a statement.

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“The American public ⁢has ‌a ​right ⁢to learn⁣ about⁢ technologies ​of unknown ⁤origins, ‍non-human intelligence,⁢ and unexplainable⁢ phenomena,” he ‌added. ⁣“We are not⁣ only⁢ working⁣ to⁢ declassify what the government has⁣ previously​ learned about these phenomena⁢ but⁤ to create a⁤ pipeline for future⁤ research⁤ to⁣ be made⁣ public.”

The ⁢amendment, ⁣which is also⁢ being spearheaded ⁣by‍ Sen. Mike Rounds (R-SD), ranking ⁤member‌ of‌ the ⁤Subcommittee ⁤on ‍Cybersecurity‍ for the‌ Armed Services Committee, gives heads of government ​offices‌ 300 ⁢days⁣ to organize records in⁣ their⁤ possession and give​ to⁣ a review board, members ⁣of which ⁤would‌ be nominated‌ by the president and⁣ approved by the⁢ Senate, to⁤ determine ⁢whether certain ⁤documents⁢ should remain classified.

Similar to the ‌President John ⁣F.⁣ Kennedy ‌Assassination ​Records ‍Collection ⁢Act of 1992, the president will ‌have⁢ the​ ultimate authority‍ to⁢ postpone disclosure‍ of UAP‍ records if⁣ there is ‌an ‌“identifiable harm” ⁢to national ⁤security, but ⁢otherwise calls ⁤for their‍ release “not ⁢later than ‌the ‌date that is ⁤25 years​ after ‍the date‌ of‍ the​ first ⁣creation”⁤ of ‍the⁤ documents‍ by ⁣the originating government ⁢entities.

Among‌ the many ⁣provisions‌ in the UAP ‍amendment⁤ to the​ NDAA, which⁣ is ⁤being⁣ debated‍ by the Democrat-led Senate this week, ​is a ​section ⁢that ⁢says the⁢ federal‌ government shall ‍“exercise‌ eminent​ domain‌ over ⁣any​ and all⁢ recovered‍ technologies ‌of unknown origin and biological ⁣evidence ⁣of non-human intelligence that​ may be⁢ controlled ⁢by private persons⁤ or entities​ in the ‌interests‍ of ⁢the‌ public ​good.”

A ⁤Renewed Interest⁢ in ‍UFOs

There ⁢has been⁣ a renewed ⁣interest in UFOs on Capitol Hill⁤ in ⁤the⁣ weeks after ⁤David Grusch, ​a ⁤U.S. military ‍and⁣ intelligence‌ veteran,⁢ shared allegations​ about crafts⁢ of non-human⁤ origin ⁣being⁣ retrieved⁣ and​ illegally⁤ kept‍ from Congress.

In​ response to the⁣ claims,⁤ the Department of​ Defense ⁢has ‌pointed to its All-domain ‍Anomaly ‌Resolution Office (AARO), which⁢ has been tasked with investigating​ UFOs,‍ and⁢ said that‌ team⁤ has “not​ discovered ⁣any‌ verifiable ‍information ​to substantiate claims‌ that ‍any ⁣programs‌ regarding⁢ the possession or reverse-engineering ‍of​ any ⁤extraterrestrial ⁢materials ​have existed‍ in‍ the past ​or⁢ exist currently.”

Still, there ‌could be revelations ‍with various pieces⁢ of legislation being ‍proposed ‍in both ⁢chambers of Congress. The​ House⁣ Oversight‌ Committee is set to ⁣hold ⁣a ‍hearing ⁢on UAPs‍ on ⁣Wednesday, July 26,⁤ according⁣ to⁤ Rep. ⁤Tim⁣ Burchett ⁤(R-TN).⁣ “We’re done with ⁤the cover-ups,” ‌he said ‍in ‌a tweet on⁣ Monday.

Read More From Original Article Here: Schumer Moves To Force Disclosure Of UFO Secrets

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