The federalist

Scientists propose warning labels on meat due to climate change. Critics find the idea absurd.

A group of scientists is proposing⁢ government-mandated ⁣cigarette-style caution labels on meat packages that could read, “Warning: Eating meat ‍contributes to climate change.” The anti-meat scientists, who falsely ‍claim meat consumption is detrimental to health and ‌the environment, began pushing for the labels ​after ​conducting a study at the UK’s Durham University.

The researchers took a group of 1,000 meat-eating adults and split them into four groups. Depending ⁣on ⁢what group a participant was in, they were shown​ photos of hot meals assigned climate, health,​ or pandemic warning ⁣labels or⁣ no warning⁢ label at all.

“All the labels deterred meat consumption, with 7-10‍ percent of ⁢the participants choosing⁣ a non-meat meal.” ‍However, when⁤ participants were asked how anxiety-inducing and believable they found each of the labels, they reported the climate change warning ‍as the most credible.

This prompted the scientists ‍to advocate for ‍government-mandated climate change warning labels ⁤on meat. “Reaching net zero⁢ is a priority for the nation and the planet,” said study ⁢author Jack Hughes. “As warning labels have already been shown to reduce smoking ⁣as well as ​drinking ⁤of sugary drinks and⁤ alcohol, using ⁣a warning‍ label on meat-containing products ⁣could help us achieve this ​if⁣ introduced as national policy.”

Climate activists are ramping up their ⁣war on meat every day.⁤ Efforts to stigmatize meat-based diets as socially⁤ unacceptable and even ⁤unhealthy have become their latest strategy ⁢to curb ‍consumption. Former UN Climate Chief Christiana Figueres suggested in 2018 that society should‍ ostracize meat carnivore⁢ eaters‍ in the same way it did⁤ smokers. “How about restaurants in 10-15 years start treating carnivores the same way that smokers are treated,” she said. “If they want⁢ to eat meat, they can do it outside the restaurant.”

Some climate activists are embracing far more dystopian means to⁤ eliminate the more ⁤than⁢ two million-year ⁤ tradition of meat as ‍a staple​ in the‌ human diet.​ WEF-linked “bioethicist” Dr. Matthew‍ Liao proposed the idea of scientists genetically ‍modifying humans to be allergic to meat. ⁢Liao ⁢also discussed shrinking​ the physical size of humans‍ via eugenics or hormone injections so they consume fewer resources.

Few know that the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, ​a ⁢globalist Michael Bloomberg-run climate organization made up of nearly ​100 cities across ‌the globe, including 14 American cities,​ has a goal of completely eradicating meat and dairy consumption by 2030.

In‌ June, the U.S.‍ Agriculture Department approved the consumption and ⁢sale of lab-grown meat in restaurants⁣ and, eventually, supermarkets. Ironically, “Analysis finds⁤ the carbon footprint ⁣of ‍cultivated meat​ is likely⁤ to be ‍higher than beef if current production methods are scaled​ up because they are still highly energy-intensive,” reports ‌New Scientist.

Meat Is Good For You

By virtually every‌ standard, protein from meat, which has been the basis of ​the human diet since the inception of ⁤the species, is far superior to plant⁤ protein. Dr.‌ Benjamin Bikman,⁣ author of the 2020 book Why We Get Sick: The Hidden Epidemic at ⁢the Root of Most Chronic Disease–and How to Fight It, explained why on “The⁤ Ultimate Health Podcast.”

“By ​every metric, every single animal protein is superior to every single plant protein,” Bikman said. “A person ⁣can eat a modest amount ⁤of animal protein and know that they are literally getting every single amino‌ acid they could possibly need in a good ratio. If it’s plant ​protein,‌ well, then you kind of have to guess, and⁤ you hope you’re getting ​it all.”

Plant proteins, Bikman added, “are enriched with things called ‘anti-nutrients,’” which​ are “molecules​ that ‌will inhibit the intestines’ ability to digest the protein.”

“So ‌that’s kind of adding insult ⁤to injury,” Bikman explained, “because when someone’s trying to get all their protein from plant ⁢proteins, not only are they getting an inferior source of amino acids and an inferior profile of ⁢amino acids, they’re not even digesting the amino acids in the proteins they think they’re getting.”

While academic researchers on far-left campuses from Durham to Harvard lead the assault on meat, ​the evidence to suggest meat-based diets‍ are detrimental to human health fails to stand close scrutiny. In her book, The Big Fat Surprise: Why Butter, Meat and Cheese Belong in a Healthy Diet, nutrition journalist Nina Teicholz spent almost ⁢a decade​ researching the science behind health authorities’ recommendations for a​ low-fat, meat-restricted diet. Her ⁤findings were breathtaking.

“Almost nothing that we‌ commonly ‌believe today about fats generally and saturated fat in particular appears, upon​ close examination, to be accurate,” she ⁤wrote.

Teicholz outlined how ‌the⁢ data⁣ to support a​ low-fat diet was⁣ manipulated with selective findings to back pre-determined conclusions. The landmark Seven Countries study, for example, the legacy project of American Physiologist​ Ancel Keys ⁢to support‌ a low-fat diet, omitted data from 15 countries that​ would have⁣ contradicted‌ any⁣ correlation between​ dietary⁣ fat and heart‍ disease. ⁢

Further,⁤ a paper published by the National Library of ⁤Medicine in April⁤ debunked the conventional narrative that red⁢ meat ‍consumption is responsible for the proliferation​ of non-communicable diseases. Researchers assessed mean meat intake in‌ different regions of the world and found ‍that while some academics claim red meat is hazardous to human health, only slight increases in disease risk were reported in⁣ areas​ where meat consumption⁢ was well above the global average. Even then, “there is little to no effect on absolute risk,” they wrote,‍ “and ​the certainty of evidence remains low to very ⁢low ⁣based on‍ the best available ​summary evidence.”

“Regrettably, the scientific discussion on the potential associations between⁣ meat⁢ and noncommunicable diseases is often‌ no longer a transparent assessment of the evidence, but is affected ​by⁣ agendas, including vested interests and ideologies,” they concluded.

Meat Is Good For The Planet

If there’s any confusion about​ environmentalists being on the side of big food, a quick glance at this year’s list of “100 Best Corporate Citizens”⁤ based on Environmental,​ Social, ⁢and Governance​ Standards (ESG) will remove‌ any doubt.

The list ranks 1,000 of the largest U.S. public companies every ⁣year on⁤ their compliance and transparency efforts to “align ​with ⁤the Sustainable Development Goals and rebuild an equitable economy post-pandemic.” The nation’s largest food corporations routinely rank highly on the list ‌despite their use of endocrine-disrupting pesticides​ that are ‌terrible for the ‌environment.

This year’s list celebrated seven major food ⁢processors, including⁢ PepsiCo, which was 6th, Hershey at 10, ⁤Mondelez ⁤at 45, Kellogg at 40, and General Mills at 49. Kraft ​Heinz ⁣was listed at 61, and Coca-Cola at 79.

Sustainably raised livestock, meanwhile, are actually good for the planet. In his‍ book, Food Fix: How to Save‍ Our Health, Our ⁢Economy, Our Communities, and Our Planet — One Bite at a Time, Dr. Mark Hyman‍ writes about the important benefits of regenerative ‍farm practices on both our ‌health and ⁢planet.

“Regenerative ⁤grass-fed meat can restore ecosystems, improving ⁢soils while sucking carbon from the atmosphere and increasing water storage in soils,” Hyman wrote, urging⁢ readers to “choose regeneratively raised‌ animal products whenever possible.”

“They are better for you and better for the animals and help draw down carbon ​and reverse climate change,” Hyman added.

Despite ⁢the fear-mongering over global livestock emissions, a trio of Spanish researchers published a study in April finding emissions from wildlife​ comparable to⁤ domesticated animals raised in natural grazing systems. In other words, contrary to climate ​alarmists’ warnings that livestock capital will pollute the planet ‌into ‍an environmental apocalypse, the elimination of‍ animal emissions requires the⁢ extinction ‍of natural species.

Warning Labels Belong On Biscuits, Not Brisket

If‍ the‍ government steps in to slap warning labels on anything at ⁣grocery stores to⁣ manipulate the American diet,‍ it should be ultra-processed foods. Often saturated ⁤in seed oils⁢ and‍ several different ​kinds of added sugars while deprived of fiber and​ healthy fat, ⁣these‍ toxic ultra-processed products make up nearly ​ three-fourths of the U.S. food supply. It’s ‌no wonder 6 in 10 Americans suffer from‌ at ⁤least one ⁢chronic disease while 4 in 10 suffer from at least⁤ two.

For years, the Food and Drug Administration ⁢(FDA) allowed ⁢ food manufacturers to market chemically ‍processed grains drenched in sugary syrups as cereal with a “healthy” label slapped on the box.⁢ If you want to know why the most sugary cereals are lined up ⁣at waist height ​in the grocery store, take a look next time at who walks next to ⁤parents down the “breakfast” aisle. Hint: it’s exactly who⁢ cereal companies‍ want to ‍beg their parents to buy the Fruit Loops.

Researchers from ​Spain, Brazil,⁣ and the United States published a‍ paper ‍in the British Medical Journal last month examining 281 studies across 36 ⁣countries and found the prevalence​ of food addiction “similar to the‌ levels⁣ of addiction​ seen for‍ other legal substances in adults.”

While not ‍officially recognized by the⁢ American Psychiatric Association’s ⁢diagnostic guide on mental disorders, commonly known as the ‍DSM-5, researchers ‍analyzed food‍ addiction using‌ the Yale Food Addiction Scale (YFAS).⁢ The YFAS ‌assesses all‍ 11‍ criteria for substance use disorders outlined in the⁤ DSM-5 to examine compulsive food consumption as a legitimate substance disorder. Researchers concluded in ​their October paper that levels of food addiction rival rates of addiction​ to alcohol and cigarettes. Ultra-processed products high in refined carbohydrates and added fats were the most ‌likely to be found addictive, stimulating ​a dopamine response “seen with addictive substances⁢ such‍ as nicotine and alcohol.”

But forget ‍cigarettes. Let’s talk about cocaine. A⁤ 2013 paper from French researchers found sugar can stimulate a‌ reward response in the ​brain stronger than that‍ of even cocaine. Believe artificial ⁢sugar ⁣sweeteners are the antidote? Think again. The 2013 paper ‌identified “sweetness,” not necessarily just ⁣“sugar,” as the culprit stimulant. Their findings corroborated similar ⁤conclusions in another ⁤landmark study on sugar and⁢ its addictive value by‌ French researchers in 2007.

Beyond addiction, ultra-processed foods are dangerous. A February study from ​London’s Imperial School of Public Health linked‌ consumption ⁣of ultra-processed products to⁤ early mortality.‌ In other words, those Pillsbury Biscuits might not kill you ‌tomorrow,⁤ but they may take over 30 years. If an ultra-processed diet doesn’t​ kill you early, it’s certain to make you sick. Another 2021⁢ paper ‌ from Brazil found higher consumption of ultra-processed food and drinks was ⁢“positively associated with obesity and associated with the development of all [noncommunicable chronic diseases], mainly hypertension,⁢ diabetes⁢ and dyslipidemia.”

Ultimately, the scientists‍ pushing for meat ​warning labels are anti-science. Meat is healthy and good for⁢ the planet. If labels are to be put on anything, it⁤ should be ultra-processed foods. Since‍ these scientists are not interested in ⁣warning the public about the foods that are causing obesity⁣ and chronic disease, that suggests they⁤ are not interested in genuine ‍wellness and are instead pushing an agenda and ⁢a dangerous, unhealthy one at that.


Why is it​ important to consider both the ⁣environmental impact and nutritional needs when addressing the ‌issue of climate ⁤change and food​ consumption, and how can a balanced diet incorporating responsibly sourced animal ‍proteins and plant-based options be​ a more realistic and effective approach

Ing​ University to Stanford may promote‍ vegetarian or vegan diets as a way to ​combat⁤ climate change, there are many arguments against⁢ this approach. One major concern is ⁢that plant proteins are not as complete or efficient as animal proteins when it​ comes to meeting our nutritional needs.⁢ Animal proteins provide all essential amino acids in the right ratio, making it easier for our bodies to digest and utilize them.⁢ On the other hand, plant proteins may lack certain essential amino acids or contain anti-nutrients that hinder protein digestion.

Additionally, there are sustainability concerns with alternative protein sources like lab-grown meat. While it may seem like‍ a more environmentally friendly option, current production methods for lab-grown meat are still energy-intensive‌ and may have⁣ a higher ⁢carbon footprint than traditional‌ beef. ⁢Simply replacing meat with​ lab-grown‌ alternatives may not be the silver bullet solution it’s ​often portrayed to be.

It’s important to approach the issue of climate change and food consumption holistically,⁣ considering not just the environmental impact but also nutritional ​needs and sustainable farming practices. Encouraging a balanced diet that ⁤includes responsibly ⁣sourced animal proteins alongside plant-based ​options may be a more realistic ⁢and effective approach.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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