Security now top border concern as ‘many’ terrorists test Harris – Washington Examiner

The⁢ article discusses the ⁤rising concern among voters regarding national security, particularly in ​the context of immigration under​ the‍ Biden-Harris administration. ⁣Recent polls ‌indicate that security concerns outweigh job-related issues ‍by‍ a margin‍ of over 6-to-1, reflecting public‌ anxiety about potential terrorist ‍threats ⁢linked ​to increased illegal immigration. ‌Many voters‌ are worried about terrorists‌ crossing into the‌ U.S. via its ​borders,‍ with recent‌ data suggesting that a significant number of suspected terrorists have been intercepted ⁤at the Mexican and Canadian borders.

Former‌ Trump National Security Council aide, Brian Cavanaugh, emphasizes that the voter⁢ concerns surrounding border security will likely ​have political consequences in upcoming elections. The situation has been characterized as a severe national⁣ security failure, and there is a growing urgency ⁢for action‍ to improve border control and community safety.

Additionally, the article highlights statements from Panama’s National Border Service,‌ revealing that many individuals connected‍ to terrorist networks have been detected attempting to reach the U.S. These challenges suggest ⁢that managing immigration and protecting national security remain ​critical issues for the current administration, particularly as ⁢public disapproval of Vice President Kamala​ Harris’s handling‌ of ​border security continues to rise.

Security now top border concern as ‘many’ terrorists test Harris

National security now tops jobs and crime as the biggest concern voters have about the Biden-Harris administration’s Day One decision to open the borders to illegal immigrants from as far away as Yemen and Afghanistan.

New polling provided to Secrets showed that American security tops the competition for jobs by over 6-to-1.

At 40%, security concerns also double likely voter worries about the resulting crime in city streets and the $150 billion Americans spend on illegal immigrants every year.

(Graphic courtesy CRC Research)

While former President Donald Trump has been making the case that illegal immigrants take American jobs, it is the fear of terrorists crossing into the country that really has the public sweating.

And the reason is simple: More and more suspected terrorists are being caught at the Mexican and Canadian borders.

“With a significant portion of the country, including conservatives and moderates, rightly holding the Biden-Harris administration accountable, the stakes surrounding the border crisis extend far beyond politics. The situation represents a profound national security failure, a reality that the American people clearly recognize,” former Trump National Security Council aide Brian Cavanaugh said.

“The ongoing failure to address this issue should indeed have serious repercussions, particularly in upcoming elections. The growing concern among voters, driven by the steady influx of illegal immigrants, the surge of fentanyl, and the rise in associated criminal activities, underscores the urgent need for swift, decisive action to control the border, bolster national security, and, most importantly, protect our communities,” he told Secrets.

The Center for Immigration Studies revealed on Thursday that Panama has detained or turned back “many” possible terrorists and those linked to terrorist cells around the nation.

The chief of Panama’s National Border Service, Director General Jorge Gobea, told the group’s Todd Bensman that his forces have identified terrorist cell members heading to the U.S. border from Afghanistan, Somalia, Yemen, Syria, and parts of Africa.

His forces have been trying to squeeze out migrants traveling through the Darien Gap on their way to the United States. But he admitted that it is an impossible job.

(Graphic courtesy CRC Research)

“Maybe at this moment … we can check like 3% and, in the worst moment, 1%,” Gobea told Bensman.

In the CRC Research poll conducted for the 85 Fund, also known as the Honest Elections Project, 42% blamed the administration for the border crisis. Just 15% blamed Congress.

In the survey, women blamed the Biden-Harris team the most, a possible problem for Vice President Kamala Harris’s presidential bid. She is the president’s border czar.

When asked about Harris’s handling of the border, 51% of women said they disapproved of her. Overall, 55% of likely voters polled disapproved of her job as border czar.


Jessica Anderson, president of Sentinel Action Fund, told us, “Voters have spent the last four years watching Kamala Harris’s failures at the southern border, and this poll indicates that nothing she says on the campaign trail is going to change voters’ opinions on her role as Border Czar. Under her so-called leadership, illegal crossings have skyrocketed, fentanyl poisoning has become the leading cause of death in young Americans, and illegal migrants have committed violent crimes in cities across our country.”

“As a top concern, Americans know a secure southern border is a matter of national security. Yet, even as Kamala Harris tries to pretend to flip-flop on the issue, she and her Senate Democrat partners continue to stand behind their dangerous policies that have even opened our doors to some suspected terrorists. If she was serious about protecting our country, she and Senate Democrats could secure the border now, but she refuses to do so and will eventually pay the price at the ballot box,” she added.

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