Washington Examiner

Sen. Patty Murray confirms progress on Ukraine and disaster aid bill.

Senate​ Appropriations Committee Chairwoman Patty Murray Working on Bipartisan CR for Disaster Relief, Ukraine, and Firefighter ⁣Pay

Senate Appropriations ⁤Committee Chairwoman Patty Murray‍ (D-WA) confirmed on Tuesday ⁣that she is diligently​ working‍ on a continuing resolution (CR) to provide additional funds for⁤ disaster‍ relief, assistance for‍ Ukraine, and​ firefighter pay. This supplemental spending bill has garnered broad support across both ⁤parties in the Senate, ⁣demonstrating a rare moment of ⁤unity. However, ​the question remains whether⁤ Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA)​ would bring it​ up for a vote, potentially‍ jeopardizing‌ his speakership. ⁣Despite the uncertainty, Murray expressed determination during ‌a press briefing, emphasizing the ⁢Senate’s commitment to moving forward.

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Murray ‌criticized House Republicans’ recent spending ‌proposal as “unserious” in comparison to the Senate’s bipartisan efforts. She highlighted the importance of​ delivering necessary funding for ⁢disaster relief, supporting Ukraine, and paying our ‍wildland firefighters. Additionally, Murray commended Republicans ⁤on the Appropriations Committee for their commendable work in assembling the ‌12 bills ⁤under challenging circumstances.

The⁢ federal government faces‍ a looming funding deadline of ‍September 30, leaving ⁣both the House and Senate with less⁤ than 10 in-session days to find a resolution and prevent a shutdown. The situation ‍is further complicated by the fact that House ⁣and Senate appropriators have ‍been working on government⁤ funding bills at ⁤different spending levels for months.

Under‍ the united leadership of Murray and Appropriations Committee ranking member Susan​ Collins (R-ME), the Senate has been‌ making progress on the ‍12 annual appropriations bills, utilizing spending levels agreed upon as part⁤ of Biden and McCarthy’s deal to avert a debt ‍default in May.

Despite ⁣the progress, tensions have arisen over defense caps in the deal,‍ which would ‍leave ‍the⁤ Pentagon out of sync with the inflation rate. ​To address this, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Minority Leader ‌Mitch McConnell (R-KY) have pledged to bring a supplemental defense spending bill up for⁢ a vote​ later in the year, aiming ⁤to appease defense hawks who threaten to derail ‌the agreement.

McCarthy’s slim majority in the House leaves little room for ‍defections ⁢within​ his conference.‍ He has already⁢ yielded to demands from hard-line ⁤conservatives to write the 12 bills at fiscal 2022 spending levels, below the numbers ​in the debt limit⁢ deal. The House’s defense appropriations bill failed, raising the possibility that the lower chamber may not have a bill to present to the⁢ Conference Committee for reconciliation. Furthermore, McCarthy has rejected the⁢ idea of passing a ​defense supplemental in the House.

During a press conference, Schumer​ highlighted the‍ insufficient ‍funding for Ukraine ​and disaster aid ⁢in the current government ⁢funding bills, expressing the Senate’s commitment to addressing these issues in a bipartisan CR. He emphasized the⁢ need ⁢for⁢ collaboration with Republicans, citing the⁤ successful bipartisan approach taken during the appropriations process.

While some appropriations bills have⁤ encountered obstacles, such as Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) objecting to combining bills for faster passage, the Senate appropriations process is progressing ⁣overall. Senators may vote on a measure to suspend Rule 16, which would bypass Johnson’s blockade, but it requires 67 votes to pass.

On the House side, McCarthy has ‍indicated that a short-term continuing resolution⁢ will likely be necessary to ‍provide sufficient​ time for both chambers to pass and negotiate their 12 appropriations bills. ‍Schumer⁤ has expressed support for this approach as well. However,‍ the specifics of the short-term CR and its chances of passing in the ‌divided House remain uncertain.

As the ‌deadline approaches, the⁣ fate of government funding and the resolution of key⁤ issues hang ‌in the balance.


How have recent hurricanes and wildfires impacted communities across the country, and why is ‍it crucial for Congress to provide necessary funding ⁢for⁣ disaster relief efforts?

Ng bill to the ‌floor in October. This ​bill would provide⁣ additional funds ‌to ‍meet the ‌defense needs of the country⁤ and ensure that ‌our military remains adequately funded. However, the fate of ⁣this bill remains uncertain, as it would require⁢ bipartisan support to pass in the Senate.

In addition to defense funding, Murray has ⁣been focused​ on providing much-needed resources for disaster relief. The recent​ hurricanes and wildfires have ⁣devastated communities across the country, and it is imperative that Congress provides the necessary funding to support the recovery efforts.‍ Murray⁤ has been diligent in working ‌with her ‌colleagues to secure ⁢the funding needed⁣ to assist those affected by these natural disasters.

Another⁢ important component ⁣of the CR being worked on by Murray is assistance for Ukraine. With ongoing geopolitical tensions in ⁣the region,⁢ it is crucial that‌ the United ​States continues to support Ukraine in its efforts to ‌secure⁢ its sovereignty and defend against external threats. Murray recognizes the ‌importance of ⁢this assistance and is committed to ensuring that it is included in the CR.

Lastly, Murray ⁣has been advocating for increased pay for our brave firefighters who put their lives on the line to‍ protect ​our communities. Wildfires have been raging​ across several states, and our firefighters deserve to be⁤ fairly⁤ compensated for ‌their⁢ heroic efforts. Murray ⁢has ⁢been working to secure additional funds to​ ensure that​ these firefighters ⁤receive the pay they deserve.

While the Senate has shown bipartisan support for ⁤this ⁣CR, the challenge ‌now lies in getting‌ it⁢ passed in ⁤the ⁣House.‍ Speaker McCarthy’s reluctance to bring it up for ‍a vote raises concerns⁤ about political motivations and the potential impact on his⁢ speakership. However,⁣ Murray ‌remains determined to push forward and will continue to advocate for the much-needed funding for disaster relief, Ukraine assistance, and firefighter pay.

With the September⁤ 30 funding deadline​ quickly approaching, time is of the essence for Congress to‍ come together and find a resolution.⁣ The stakes are high, as a government shutdown would have far-reaching consequences for⁤ the American people and the economy. It⁣ is imperative⁣ that Congress puts ‍aside partisan politics and works towards a bipartisan‍ solution that ensures⁤ the necessary funding is provided for disaster relief, Ukraine‌ assistance, and firefighter pay. Chairwoman Patty ⁤Murray and her colleagues in‌ the Senate are committed to this cause and‍ will continue their‌ efforts to find a resolution that serves ‌the best interests of the American people.

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