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Sen. Sanders Requests Glucose Producers to Give a Statement Before the Senate HELP Panel

The top insulin manufacturers’ executives have been contacted by Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions ( HELP ) Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders for testimony.

Sanders( I-Vt. ) announced a hearing of the HELP panel on May 10 with the topic” The Need to Make Insulin Affordable for All Americans” in an April 21 statement.

The Directors of Eli Lilly and Company, Novo Nordisk, and Sanofi, the top three glucose producers in the US, will also give testimony, he added.

Major pharmaceutical companies late announced that they would be significantly lowering the price of insulin as a result of public indignation and vigorous local efforts, according to Sanders.

That was partially brought on by an information muddle that followed billionaire Elon Musk’s’s purchase of Twitter. Musk partially added” blue check signs” to show that an account represents a well-known company or individual and is accessible to all users for an affordable monthly fee.

One person took advantage of the system to misrepresent their accounts as belonging to Eli Lilly. The unidentified person announced that all insulin may be completely going along in a article posing as the organization.

The company agreed to reduce the cost of hormone after the article gained significant traction and tanked Eli Lilly’s’s property value.

Sanders described it as” an important step along.”

However, he continued,” We must make sure that those price cuts are implemented in a way that ensures that every American receives the insulin they require at an affordable price.” That’s’s not all, though. The cost of all prescribed medications must be significantly reduced. While drug companies … make billions in profits, the United States cannot continue to pay prescription drug costs that are by far the highest in the world. That is the main focus of this audience.

Sen. Patty Murray( D-Wash. ) had previously served as the chairman of the HELP Committee, and when it was announced that Sanders would take over, he made it clear that pharmaceutical companies would be the panel’s’s top priority.

Sir Frederick G. Banting sold the rights to the drug for$ 1 — pennies of w — when he discovered insulin in 1921.

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