Washington Examiner

Sen. Sherrod Brown has a larger campaign fund than all three GOP rivals combined.

Sen. Sherrod Brown’s ‌Strong Fundraising ⁣Advantage

Sen. Sherrod⁤ Brown ⁢(D-OH)‍ has a significant advantage over his Republican primary challengers ⁣when it ⁢comes to campaign ‍funds. With $8.7 million ‌cash on‌ hand⁤ for his reelection‌ campaign, ⁤Brown’s total surpasses ⁤the combined reported​ funds ⁢of​ his three ‍Republican opponents.

In the second quarter ‍of this ⁢year, ‌Brown raised an impressive $5 million, according to FEC filings.‍ What’s even more remarkable is⁣ that a quarter of ⁢these funds came from grassroots ‌donors who contributed $200⁤ or less. This demonstrates the strong‌ support ⁤Brown enjoys‍ from his base ‍as he prepares for a tough ‌battle in the upcoming election.

Brown Faces ⁢His Toughest Race‌ Yet

Despite the advantages of incumbency, name‍ recognition, and‌ high approval ratings,⁤ Brown’s 2024 race will‌ be the most high-profile fight‌ of ​his career. As an unabashed‍ progressive in an increasingly red ‌state, he ⁤has become a‌ prime target for Senate⁤ Republicans who ‍are eager to regain control ⁣of the upper‌ chamber.

While the⁣ National Republican Senatorial ⁢Committee has been actively‌ involved in GOP⁢ primaries in other swing ⁣states, they have chosen to stay‌ out of Ohio’s growing⁣ primary field. This⁢ decision ⁢leaves the door open for​ a competitive race⁢ among the⁣ Republican candidates.

The‍ Republican Challengers

State Sen.⁤ Matt ⁤Dolan reported $3.9 million cash on hand‍ in ‍his‌ FEC‍ filing ⁢for⁢ the second quarter,⁣ but⁣ only $308,511 of that⁢ amount​ was raised.⁤ Interestingly, Dolan, who finished third in the 2022 ⁣GOP‍ Senate ⁤primary, has donated $4⁣ million of his ⁣own money to ‌his campaign.

Ohio-based businessman Bernie ​Moreno, known for ⁤his​ ties to former President Donald Trump,⁣ raised an impressive $2.2 million​ during ⁤the ⁢same period.

Ohio Secretary ‍of State Frank ⁣LaRose recently​ announced⁤ his ⁤entry into‌ the race, but his FEC ‌filings for the second quarter ⁣will not be available until the‌ Oct. 15 deadline. LaRose​ has been ⁤actively fundraising through a super PAC and is expected to bring in a​ significant ‌amount in ⁤the third quarter.

It’s⁤ worth⁣ noting that Dolan and Moreno have‍ the ability to self-fund their campaigns, while ⁤LaRose, ⁤a longtime ‌public‌ servant,‍ does not have the ⁣same luxury.

Read ⁣more⁣ from​ The Washington Examiner:Click here

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