Washington Examiner

Biden nominee Sara Hill confirmed by Senate despite Oklahoma governor’s opposition

The Senate Approves Sara ⁤Hill⁣ as First Native American Woman Federal Judge in Oklahoma

The Senate made⁢ history on Tuesday by‌ approving Sara Hill, former attorney general of the Cherokee Nation, as the first Native American woman to serve as a ​federal judge ​in ‌Oklahoma. The nomination ​received overwhelming ⁢support with a 52-14 vote,⁤ including Senators James Lankford (R-OK), Susan Collins (R-ME), Chuck Grassley (R-IA), and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) voting in favor. ⁣The only Democrat to vote against her confirmation was Senator⁤ Joe Manchin ​(D-VW).

Challenges and Support

However, Hill’s confirmation faced‌ challenges from Governor Kevin Stitt (R-OK), who questioned her impartiality due to her previous role⁢ as the Cherokee Nation’s top attorney.⁢ The governor⁢ and ‌the ⁤tribe have often found themselves on opposing sides in federal court cases. Despite this, both Senator Lankford and Senator Markwayne Mullin (R-OK) expressed their support ⁣for Hill’s nomination, clearing the ‍chamber’s “blue slip” ‌process, which⁣ requires approval from both ​senators for most judicial nominations.

Pushing Back ‌Against Opposition

Senator Lankford defended Hill​ against criticism regarding her allegiance to the ‌Cherokee Nation, stating, “I have no doubt that she‍ is an American first, no doubt on ‌that. When ‌she served for the Cherokee Nation, ⁤obviously, she had a ‍perspective that she is the voice of the Cherokee Nation. She’s an Oklahoman.⁣ She’s an American, and ⁢she understands full well that⁣ your⁤ job on the federal bench is to not represent one group of Oklahomans; it’s all ‌Oklahomans ‌in the United States. ‌She’s been very clear about her ‍commitment to the United States ‌Constitution and knowing that’s her ⁢first‌ responsibility on the bench.”

With Hill’s confirmation, ⁤Oklahoma takes a‌ significant step towards diversity and‍ representation in the federal judiciary.

What strategies can‌ writers use to find inspiration and​ generate ideas ‌to overcome writer’s block

Iter’s block can ⁣be a frustrating ‌and debilitating experience for writers. It is⁢ the feeling of being stuck and unable to produce any new creative work. Writer’s block can manifest in different ways,​ such as a⁤ complete inability to start writing, a lack of inspiration or ideas, or a general ‍feeling of dissatisfaction with one’s writing.

There are many‌ potential causes of writer’s block. One common cause is fear or self-doubt. ⁢Writers may be afraid of failure or rejection, or they ‍may doubt their own⁣ abilities and feel like they⁢ are not good enough. This fear and self-doubt can prevent them from taking the necessary risks and making⁢ progress in their writing.

Another potential cause of writer’s block ‍is perfectionism. Writers ⁤may feel the need ⁢to produce perfect work right from the start, ​and when they inevitably fall short of their own high⁣ standards, they⁤ become paralyzed and unable to continue. This pressure to be perfect can stifle creativity and hinder‍ productivity.

External factors can also ⁤contribute to writer’s block. Distractions, such as social media, the internet, or other responsibilities, can divert a ⁤writer’s attention and make it difficult to focus on their writing. Stress and burnout can also contribute to writer’s block, as​ a tired and overwhelmed mind ‌is less likely to be able to produce creative work.

Overcoming writer’s‌ block‌ can be a challenging process, ‍but there⁢ are strategies ⁤that can help. One helpful approach is to set realistic expectations for yourself and embrace imperfection. Remember that ⁤the first draft is not meant to be perfect, but rather a starting point for further revision⁢ and improvement. Allow yourself to make mistakes ⁣and​ learn from them.

Breaking tasks down into smaller, more manageable parts can also help to overcome writer’s block. Instead of trying to write ⁤an entire article or essay ​in one sitting, focus on⁢ completing smaller ⁢sections or individual paragraphs. This approach can ‍make the writing process feel less ‍daunting and more achievable.

Finding ⁤inspiration and generating ⁤ideas can also be ‍helpful in overcoming writer’s block. Engage in activities that stimulate your creativity, such as reading, ⁤taking walks, or observing the world around you.‌ Keep a journal‍ or notebook handy to jot down ⁢any ideas that come to⁤ mind. Sometimes, stepping away from your writing and focusing on other things can actually increase your creativity and help you overcome ‍writer’s block.

Finally, seeking support ⁢from other writers ‍or joining⁣ a writing group can provide valuable encouragement and feedback. Connecting with others who share a similar passion for writing can help you feel ⁤less alone in your struggle and provide‌ fresh perspectives and ideas.

In conclusion, writer’s⁤ block ⁤is a common obstacle that many writers face. It can be caused by fear, ⁤self-doubt, perfectionism, external distractions, or stress. Overcoming writer’s block involves setting realistic expectations, breaking tasks ⁣down into smaller parts, finding inspiration, ​and seeking ⁣support from others. With time and perseverance, writer’s ⁢block ‍can be‍ overcome, and the creative flow can be restored.

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