Washington Examiner

Senate GOP campaign arm remains neutral in Ohio primary to challenge Sherrod Brown.

Senate Republicans​ Take a Different Approach​ in Ohio Primary

Senate Republican‍ leaders have been actively involved in ⁣selecting candidates for key⁣ states’ ⁢2024 GOP primaries, but they ⁤are taking ​a different approach​ in must-win Ohio. ⁣Senate⁤ Minority Leader‌ Mitch McConnell and‌ Sen. ⁤Steve Daines ⁣have⁣ been​ working hard ‍to recruit the ​most electable‌ candidates in swing states ​to regain the majority ‍next​ year. ⁤However, they are ​staying out⁤ of the candidate selection⁤ process‌ in⁢ Ohio, a state ⁤crucial for ⁣their path to victory.

Ohio Secretary⁤ of State⁣ Frank LaRose ⁤Enters⁢ GOP Senate Primary

While ⁢the National ‌Republican​ Senatorial Committee (NRSC)​ has⁢ been involved‍ in primaries ‍in other ⁣states, they​ are ⁤not‌ getting involved in Ohio’s growing primary ‌field. Incumbent Sen. ⁣Sherrod⁣ Brown’s bid⁤ for⁢ a fourth ‌term ⁣has made him ‌a prime ⁣target for Senate​ Republicans, ‍but‍ the ⁤NRSC⁤ believes that any⁣ of ⁤the leading candidates in Ohio’s primary⁢ have a chance ⁤to win ​the general election.

One of the⁢ leading ⁣candidates, Frank⁣ LaRose, has been actively raising ‌money through ⁣a super ‌PAC ‍and ‍has positioned himself‍ as⁣ a centrist Republican. He​ has​ distanced⁣ himself from former ⁣President ⁤Donald‌ Trump’s false election ‍fraud claims and has ‌been⁢ unapologetic⁤ about upholding ‍the ⁣2020 ⁢election results. LaRose has also⁤ reached out to ‍donors about ‌a potential run,⁢ showing his commitment to the race.

Another ⁣candidate, State Sen. ‍Matt Dolan, has run as an unapologetic Trump critic while avoiding ‌making⁤ him a focus of⁢ his campaign. ‍Dolan, the son of‌ billionaire Cleveland Guardians owner Larry Dolan,​ has ​a ‌background ⁣in ⁣law and has been actively fundraising ​for ‍his⁤ campaign.

Bernie ‌Moreno, ⁣an Ohio-based‍ businessman with ties⁤ to⁣ Trump, is​ taking⁤ a different⁤ approach. ‌He declared his⁤ candidacy after sitting ⁢out ‍the 2022 race ​and⁣ has ⁤received praise from Trump, ‌although he has not received an⁣ official ⁣endorsement.⁤ Moreno’s campaign has raised⁤ a ⁤significant‌ amount‌ of money, positioning‍ him as a⁤ strong‍ contender for the nomination.

While ⁣recent ‍polls ‌show LaRose ⁣ahead of Dolan and Moreno, the race⁢ is still undecided, ⁣and ​all ⁢candidates have their strengths.‌ LaRose‌ benefits ⁣from name​ recognition, Dolan has ⁤significant financial⁤ resources,⁤ and Moreno has grassroots support and ‍ties to Trump. ​The Ohio GOP⁤ Senate‌ primary⁤ is shaping up to ⁤be​ an⁤ exciting and⁤ competitive ⁢race.

Source: The‍ Washington ‍Examiner

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