The epoch times

Senate hearing examines AI’s threat to US democracy.

The Future⁣ of ​America’s Electoral System: AI and​ Elections

The Senate Committee on‌ Rules and ‍Administration held a captivating ⁢hearing on⁣ Wednesday ⁤to explore the potential impact of artificial⁤ intelligence (AI)‍ on⁢ the future of ⁢America’s​ electoral system.

Testifying ⁣at the hearing ⁢”AI and the ⁤Future​ of Our​ Elections” were⁤ a distinguished panel⁣ of experts including Ari Cohn, the Free Speech counsel at Tech Freedom; ⁤Minnesota Secretary of State Steve Simon; Trevor Potter, the former commissioner and‍ chairman of the Federal ‍Election Commission ‌and founder‍ and president of Campaign Legal Center;​ and Maya Wiley, the president and CEO of The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights.

Ms. Wiley, renowned for her previous role as counsel ⁢to former ‍New‍ York Mayor Bill de Blasio, raised‍ a concerning point that‌ AI could be exploited by foreign governments to interfere in ⁤elections by targeting‌ specific communities.

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“Congress must use its oversight powers and require the platforms to provide more data and⁤ solutions on voting/election disinformation and AI,” emphasized Ms. Wiley.⁣ “Disinformation, sometimes driven intentionally ⁣by foreign governments in our election cycles, often ⁤targets black ‍and Latino ⁤communities‍ and poses significant risks to our society.”

Mr. Simon, a Democrat who played a key role in granting ⁤voting ⁤rights to convicted felons in Minnesota, echoed the ⁢concerns about AI’s potential to amplify threats.

“Artificial intelligence is not a threat‍ to ‌American democracy⁤ in and⁤ of ​itself, but it is an emerging and powerful amplifier of ⁤existing threats,” warned Mr. Simon. “As the⁣ 2024 presidential contest ‌approaches, all of⁣ us involved⁣ in the election process must be⁢ vigilant and ⁤proactive.”

These apprehensions were shared by ‌Mr. Potter, who argued that AI ⁢could⁣ heighten the risk of disinformation and other⁢ forms of political deception.

“The concerns raised ⁣by this technology are real and‍ growing, ‌and‍ I strongly urge this committee to ⁣approach these challenges without regard⁣ for partisanship or political gain. If left unregulated, AI will​ increase the risk of misinformation, deceptive ‍advertisements, and distrust for candidates and voters on both sides of the aisle,” cautioned Mr. Potter.

Mr. Cohn, representing ​the ​nonprofit organization⁢ Tech⁤ Freedom, which opposes⁢ censorship⁢ and regulation of‌ the ⁤tech industry, cautioned against excessive regulations that could undermine⁣ the democratic ⁤process.

“Concern for our democratic processes and institutions ​is well-placed. ‌But reflexive legislation prompted by fear of the next technological boogeyman will ⁤not safeguard our democratic values,”⁣ explained Cohn. “Instead,⁤ intrusions on the free and unfettered political discourse that has been the lifeblood‌ of our democracy will ultimately subvert it.”

“Conversely, resisting the urge to legislate speculative problems out⁣ of existence before they⁣ arise will strengthen our resiliency,​ safeguard⁢ our ‌fundamental liberties, and allow innovation⁣ to flourish and take us to new heights,” he‌ continued.

In ⁤May this year,⁣ The Epoch Times detailed how AI-based systems could play an important role in future political⁢ campaigns. Some ​of its roles‌ may include helping⁣ craft political messaging, manipulating voter data, generating deepfakes for deceptive purposes, and even scaling⁢ up ⁢bot ‌campaigns ‍across social media.

What measures can be taken to⁣ increase transparency and regulation of AI algorithms ⁤used in the electoral process, in order to⁢ prevent manipulation and⁢ favoritism?

Xt approaches, we ⁣must be vigilant in ensuring that ​AI is used responsibly and transparently to protect our democratic processes.”

One area of ⁣concern raised by the panel was the potential for AI to⁤ exacerbate the problem of voter suppression. Trevor Potter, a respected expert in election law, highlighted the danger of using ⁣AI algorithms to target specific populations ⁣with misleading information ‍and disinformation.

“We have⁣ already seen the impact of targeted⁤ disinformation campaigns on social media in recent elections,” said Potter. “AI has the potential to amplify these‌ efforts, making it even more difficult for voters to‌ discern fact from⁢ fiction and undermining the trust in our electoral system.”

To address these concerns, the panelists suggested a number of measures that⁢ could be‌ taken to safeguard the integrity‌ of our elections. One ⁣such measure ⁢is ⁣increased transparency and regulation of AI algorithms used in the electoral process. ‍By requiring tech companies to disclose the algorithms they use and subjecting‍ them to independent audits, we can‌ ensure⁤ that they ⁤are not being manipulated to favor certain candidates or⁣ suppress certain voters.

Additionally, the panel stressed the importance of investing in AI technology that can detect and prevent foreign interference. By‍ developing sophisticated AI tools that can identify and neutralize disinformation campaigns, we can better protect our elections from outside influence.

The panel also emphasized⁢ the role of education and ‌awareness in combating the threats posed by ⁣AI. They called for increased ​public ⁢understanding of AI and its potential risks,⁢ as well as efforts to promote media literacy and⁢ critical thinking skills. By arming voters with the knowledge and tools to discern​ truth from falsehood, we can reduce the ​impact of disinformation campaigns.

As‍ the hearing⁣ concluded, it was⁣ clear that AI has⁢ the potential to significantly impact America’s electoral system. While it offers opportunities for increased efficiency and ‌accuracy, it also poses risks to the integrity of our elections. It is crucial for policymakers, tech companies, and the public to collaborate in implementing safeguards and ​regulations that ensure AI is used responsibly and ethically in our democratic processes.

By addressing the concerns ⁤raised by the panelists ⁢and⁤ taking proactive measures to safeguard our elections,‌ we can⁣ harness the potential of‍ AI to ⁢strengthen our democracy while protecting ​it from manipulation and interference.

Read More From Original Article Here: Senate Hearing Explores Risks of AI to American Democracy

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