The federalist

Senate Republicans are urging the White House to surrender Biden’s plans for election interference

Senate Republicans Demand Release of Documents on Biden’s Election Interference

Nearly two dozen Senate‍ Republicans are demanding the White House release long-withheld documents related ⁤to President Joe Biden’s executive interference in U.S. elections.

In their Nov. 28 letter addressed to Biden, the 23 GOP senators highlighted the⁣ White House’s failure to abide by a May 23 request that the administration forfeit information regarding Executive Order 14019. Signed by Biden in March 2021, this order‌ directed hundreds of federal departments to interfere in the electoral process by using⁢ U.S. taxpayer money to boost voter registration and get-out-the-vote activities.

The ‍head of each department was furthermore instructed to create “a strategic plan” describing how his or her agency intends to comply with Biden’s directive.

“This policy directive merits congressional oversight both as a general matter‌ and under the Antideficiency Act,” the senators wrote. “Accordingly, we write to reiterate our request for information regarding the implementation of this ​executive order, including copies of the plans submitted to the White House.”

The Biden administration routinely stonewalled attempts by Senate ‌Republicans and good government groups to acquire⁢ these “strategic plans” by slow-walking its ‌response to federal court orders‍ and heavily redacting any related documents​ it released.

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Biden’s order additionally required departments to collaborate with supposedly “nonpartisan” third-party organizations “to provide voter ⁤registration services on agency premises.” As The Daily Signal’s Fred Lucas reported, many of these ⁢groups are extremely left-wing. Among those coordinating with the ‍Indian‌ Health Service, for instance, are ⁢the ACLU, Demos, and the National Congress of American Indians.

Given these revelations and⁣ the partisan nature‌ that often accompanies voter registration, it’s unsurprising that congressional Democrats have gone to extreme ​lengths to assist the Biden administration with its concealment of agencies’ strategic plans.

In October, Senate Democrats killed an amendment proposed by​ Sen. Ted Budd, R-N.C., that sought to effectively prohibit federal‌ agencies from using taxpayer dollars to⁣ carry out Biden’s order. Democrats have similarly opposed the American Confidence ⁢in⁢ Elections Act, or⁤ ACE ⁤Act, a bill sponsored by House Republicans that, among other objectives, sought to repeal Executive Order 14019 and require federal departments to⁢ turn over their strategic ⁣plans to Congress.

Senate ⁤Republicans⁤ concluded their Nov. 28 letter once again demanding that Biden provide copies of federal agencies’ strategic plans to Congress, as well as a “list ‌of which agencies have not ⁤yet submitted a strategic plan” and a “full accounting of all federal funds” used to implement ⁢the order.

Shawn Fleetwood​ is a staff writer for The Federalist and‌ a⁣ graduate ‌of the University of Mary Washington. He previously served as a state content⁣ writer ‍for ⁤Convention of States Action ⁢and his work has been featured in numerous outlets, including RealClearPolitics, RealClearHealth, and Conservative Review. Follow him on Twitter @ShawnFleetwood


What are the ‌potential implications of the Biden ⁢administration’s refusal to release the documents related to executive‌ interference in U.S. elections, in terms of ‌transparency ⁣and accountability?

T the Biden administration ⁤in keeping these documents hidden. By doing so, they‍ are actively obstructing ‌transparency and impeding the ability ‌of⁤ the American people to hold their government accountable.

The senators’ letter ⁣highlights the importance ⁢of congressional oversight,‍ particularly in matters concerning the electoral process. The executive interference described in Executive Order 14019 raises serious concerns about the⁤ integrity of our ​elections and the potential for partisan manipulation. It is crucial⁣ that ‍the American people have access ​to the information and plans submitted by each department, as mandated by Biden’s directive.

The Biden administration’s repeated ⁢stonewalling of requests for these documents is deeply troubling. It suggests a lack of transparency and a disregard for the principles of open government. ⁣By slow-walking their response to court orders and⁢ heavily‍ redacting the documents they do release, the administration is⁢ further fueling⁢ suspicion and undermining public trust.

Furthermore, the collaboration between government departments and allegedly nonpartisan third-party⁣ organizations raises additional questions. The involvement of left-wing groups in providing⁣ voter registration services on agency premises raises concerns ​about‍ bias‌ and the potential for undue influence. It​ is vital⁤ that​ the American people understand the extent of⁤ this collaboration and any⁤ potential implications it may have on the electoral process.

The⁤ partisan⁤ nature ‌that often accompanies voter‍ registration efforts should​ not⁣ be ignored. The⁣ involvement ⁤of organizations⁤ such as the ACLU, Demos, and the National Congress‍ of American Indians, as reported ⁣by The Daily Signal, further underscores the⁣ need for transparency and scrutiny in ​this matter. The potential for biased practices and manipulation must be thoroughly examined to ensure the fairness and integrity of our elections.

In conclusion,⁢ the demand by Senate Republicans for the release of documents related to Biden’s executive⁢ interference in U.S. ‌elections is entirely justified. The American people have a right to know the extent to which their government is involved ‍in shaping ‌the electoral process. The obstruction⁢ from the Biden administration and congressional⁣ Democrats is deeply concerning ‌and ⁢undermines ⁣the⁢ principles of transparency and ‍accountability. It⁣ is crucial that these documents are made public to⁤ restore trust and ​ensure the proper functioning of our democracy.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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