The epoch times

Senate to Discuss Defense Bill Following House’s Inclusion of ‘Culture War’ Measures

Get ready for a ‍showdown ​in Congress! As⁣ of mid-afternoon July 17,⁢ senators have filed a ⁤whopping 666 ⁣prospective amendments​ to⁤ the⁣ National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).‍ This bill outlines the​ United States’ ⁤defense budget for Fiscal Year 2024, and⁢ it’s ‌a big one, ‌totaling⁤ $886.3 billion.

But here’s​ the⁣ catch: it’s uncertain how many of ‌these amendments ‌will actually be debated ⁤on the Senate ‌floor. According to ‍Sen. Chris Van⁢ Hollen (D-Md.), “we’ll have to figure out which ‌amendments ⁤get offered.” It’s ‌all‌ part⁣ of ⁢the negotiation ⁤process, and‌ the ‍goal is ​to wrap ⁤it⁤ up before⁣ Congress ​leaves ‌in August.

The House has already passed its preliminary version ⁣of⁢ the defense budget, but ⁣it was⁣ a​ near-total partisan vote. The GOP-majority‍ House⁤ attached a ‍slew of “culture war”⁤ amendments that ⁢are‌ unlikely to ⁢pass in the Democrat-controlled Senate. ‌These amendments aim⁤ to repeal the Department‌ of ‌Defense’s abortion ⁤travel policy, prohibit gender transition procedures, and ‍eliminate diversity⁤ programs,⁤ among other things.

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‌ Sen. Charles Schumer ‍(D-N.Y.) ​speaks ⁣at⁢ a​ press conference on July 11, 2023,⁢ in Washington. (Madalina ‍Vasiliu/The⁢ Epoch Times)

Race to Oct. 1

Both the House⁢ and ​Senate have preliminary​ defense spending plans that align with President‌ Joe Biden’s‌ proposed budget. ⁣The ​goal​ is to resolve any ‌differences between the two versions and ⁢present‌ one NDAA for adoption before the new fiscal ⁤year begins on Oct. 1.

How those differences​ will be ironed out and how many “culture‍ war” amendments will make it into the final bill will be ⁤a‌ closely watched battle between the chambers. Congress⁤ returns to⁣ full session on‌ Sept. 5, so expect⁣ some intense​ backroom ‌negotiations.

The House‍ version⁢ of⁤ the‌ NDAA is ‍already ⁣packed‌ with ⁤”culture⁤ war” components ‌targeting diversity programs, critical race theory, and transgender health care. ‌Conservatives, led by the House Freedom Caucus,⁤ added even more proposed amendments ​to counter what ​they see as ⁣the ⁢Biden ‌administration’s attempt to “politicize”‍ the Pentagon.

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⁢ Sen.⁤ Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.)⁣ during​ a Senate ‌Judiciary Committee Hearing on ⁣data security at⁤ Twitter, on ⁢Capitol Hill⁢ in Washington, on Sept. 13, 2022. (Kevin Dietsch/Getty‌ Images)

Two​ Senate Add-Ons Target DOD‌ Abortion Policy

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One of⁣ the ⁤biggest ⁤wins⁤ for‌ conservatives⁢ in the NDAA ‌is the repeal of ⁤the DOD’s abortion ⁢travel policy. ‌Rep. Ronny Jackson’s ⁤add-on,‌ which‌ passed in the House,‌ aims ⁤to stop ⁤the ​reimbursement of‌ expenses for ‌service members traveling ‍to obtain an abortion ⁤in ‌restricted ⁣states.⁢ It’s seen as ⁤a violation of⁢ U.S. Code ‌Title ⁢10, which‍ restricts⁢ funds for abortions.

While the ‌Senate ‌version ⁢of ‍the NDAA doesn’t include ‌the “culture war” amendments, at least two Republican senators have⁣ filed proposed amendments to replicate the House repeal. Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) and⁤ Sen. ‍Marsha ⁤Blackburn (R-Tenn.) ​are leading the charge.

Will these amendments​ make‌ it to⁣ the Senate floor? Many Republicans doubt it. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.)⁤ called it a “charade.” ‌However,⁣ there is a proposed Democrat-backed amendment that ⁤would codify the‌ DOD’s abortion travel policy into federal statute.

Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) speaks in‍ Washington in ⁢January 2023. ⁣(Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

‘Conscience ⁢Protections,’ ‍DEI, Vaccine​ Damages

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While ‍most of the proposed amendments​ focus⁣ on ‍technical issues, there ‍are ⁤some notable ones ‍to watch.‌ Sen. Mike ‌Lee (R-Utah) has filed 31 amendments, Sen. ‌James Lankford (R-Okla.) has ⁢29, Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) ⁤has 27, and​ Sen. Ted Cruz ‍(R-Texas) has ⁢23.

Sen. Lankford’s amendment aims‌ to provide “conscience protections” ⁣for military ‍health care providers ​who have‍ sincere religious or⁤ moral objections⁤ to certain medical procedures. ‍Sen. ‌Cruz’s amendment seeks remedies‍ for⁣ those​ discharged⁢ from ​the⁣ military ⁤due to the COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

Other proposed amendments include‍ demands to‍ cease diversity programs, ban⁤ transgender surgeries for ‌minors, ​and ensure no DOD ⁢funds ​are ⁣used​ for certain medical procedures.

With so many amendments on the​ table, it’s going to be a wild ride as Congress races to ⁣finalize ⁣the NDAA before⁣ Oct. 1. Stay tuned!

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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