Senior Tech Adviser to Jan. 6 Committee Makes a Fool of Himself After Picking a Fight with the American People

The provided text is a commentary⁢ piece that discusses the polarized opinions surrounding the activities of⁤ the January 6th Committee, which investigated the Capitol incursion events.⁤ It highlights the criticism from Republican Rep. Josh Brecheen who denounced the⁣ investigation as a “total sham” motivated by Democrats and Never Trumpers targeting former‍ President Donald Trump and his advisors.​ Brecheen and his colleague Rep. Eric Burlison⁤ are mentioned as working towards ending what they‌ perceive as a partisan-driven “witch hunt” by attempting to rescind subpoenas issued by the committee.

The article also covers hostile exchanges on the social media platform X​ between former GOP congressman Denver Riggleman, who served as a technical advisor to the committee, and⁤ other users. Riggleman’s responses, characterized as combative and scornful toward critics⁢ of the ‍committee, seem to reinforce a narrative of deep-seated division and animosity in ‌political discourse.

Additionally, the text contains a⁤ plea from The Western ‌Journal for support against perceived censorship and financial targeting by “Big⁢ Tech” and the elites, suggesting that support for their platform is crucial for continuing their journalistic efforts against these forces.

the commentary ​paints a picture⁣ of intense⁢ partisan conflict, perceived injustices related to ⁢the‌ processes of governance, and ongoing struggles within the American political landscape, often framed as a battle between the ⁤establishment and⁢ anti-establishment forces.


By Michael Schwarz June 24, 2024 at 8:07am

The establishment and its minions have contempt for you, and they make no effort to hide it. The only question is whether their embarrassing behavior betrays arrogance or fear.

On Thursday on the social media platform X, Republican Rep. Josh Brecheen of Oklahoma denounced the House of Representatives’ Soviet-style investigation into the Capitol incursion of Jan. 6, 2021, as a “total sham.”

He then applauded his colleague, Republican Rep. Eric Burlison of Missouri, for taking steps to “right the wrongs of the January 6th Committee and finally end this witch hunt” — a reference to a GOP resolution that would rescind subpoenas issued to a handful of former Trump administration officials by that illegitimate committee.

Brecheen’s post prompted a series of embarrassing, venomous and eyebrow-raising comments by a swamp creature named Denver Riggleman, a former Air Force intelligence officer and a one-term GOP congressman from Virginia who served as a senior technical adviser to that Stalinist Jan. 6 committee.

Early Thursday morning, Brecheen correctly denounced that committee as a “desperate attempt by Democrats and Never Trumpers to go after President Trump and his closest advisors.”

The January 6th Committee was a total sham and a desperate attempt by Democrats and Never Trumpers to go after President Trump and his closest advisors.

I applaud @RepEricBurlison for leading this effort so we can begin to right the wrongs of the January 6th Committee and…

— Congressman Josh Brecheen (@RepBrecheen) June 20, 2024

That comment triggered an unbecoming and unhinged response from a military veteran and former congressman.

“Anyone who states the J6 investigation was a sham is a conspiracy theorist, stupid, a liar or a spineless sycophant — maybe all of the above,” Riggleman posted.

He then hilariously ennobled that Maoist committee by describing it as “an investigation into the sacking of the Capitol and efforts by Trump & those around him to overturn an election through coordinated disinformation, legal maneuvering, financial flows, radicalization & violence.”

My name is Denver Riggleman, former Rep and senior technical advisor to the J6 committee.

Anyone who states the J6 investigation was a sham is a conspiracy theorist, stupid, a liar or a spineless sycophant— maybe all of the above.

J6 was an investigation into the sacking of the…

— Denver Riggleman (@RepRiggleman) June 20, 2024

From 2019 to 2021, Riggleman represented Virginia’s 5th Congressional District. On June 13, 2020, however, he lost the Republican nomination.

Thus, he served only one term and seems never to have overcome his bitterness.

In fact, in an ironic twist, on the night of his election loss, Riggleman complained about election integrity.

“Voting irregularities and ballot stuffing has been reported in multiple counties in the #VA05. Voter fraud has been a hallmark of this nomination process and I will not stand for it. @VA_GOP needs to reevaluate their priorities. We are evaluating all our options at this time,” he posted on June 13, 2020.

Voting irregularities and ballot stuffing has been reported in multiple counties in the #VA05. Voter fraud has been a hallmark of this nomination process and I will not stand for it. @VA_GOP needs to reevaluate their priorities. We are evaluating all our options at this time.

— Denver Lee Riggleman III (@Denver4VA) June 14, 2020

On Thursday — indifferent to his election-denying hypocrisy — Riggleman responded with petulant bellicosity to Jan. 6-related comments on X.

“You are un-American, get out,” one commenter said.

You are un-American, get out.

— HelpIamAlive (@Thomas____Hall) June 20, 2024

“Give it a go. Come see me. I’m a mil veteran who uses his real name and would enjoy a meeting with you,” the unhinged Riggleman replied.

Give it a go. Come see me.

I’m a mil veteran who uses his real name and would enjoy a meeting with you.

— Denver Riggleman (@RepRiggleman) June 20, 2024

Then came a chilling exchange to which many anti-establishment Americans can relate.

First, another X user mocked Riggleman’s bravado as “Tough talk for an avionics technician.”

Tough talk for an avionics technician.

— Uberminch (@uberminch) June 20, 2024

That was too much for a swamp creature who proudly boasts of himself on X as “Former USAF/NSA Intel.”

Should there be an investigation into the Jan. 6 committee’s actions?

“Well — then an intel officer. But you never f***ed much with maintainers, have you? Oh. And you’re anonymous. Coward,” the former congressman replied.

The “anonymous” user then made a salient point about the present totalitarian establishment.

“With former government officials physically threatening people who disagree with them, it’s probably best to remain anonymous for now,” the user wrote. Indeed.

With former government officials physically threatening people who disagree with them, it’s probably best to remain anonymous for now.

— Uberminch (@uberminch) June 20, 2024

Then came a possible Freudian slip in response to another X user.

“This dude really thinks he’s untouchable,” the person said of Riggleman.

This dude really thinks he’s untouchable.

— PlantBASED/FRANK (@plant_BASED_AF) June 21, 2024

“I am,” the former congressman replied.

I am.

— Denver Riggleman (@RepRiggleman) June 21, 2024

According to CNN, Riggleman left the Republican Party in 2022. On his way out the door, he decided to denigrate GOP voters.

“It’s absolutely insane what people have sort of put their arms around,” he said.

“If you look at ‘Stop the Steal,’ if you look at, you know, some of the COVID issues with the vaccination conspiracy theories, when you look at all the things in total, the fact is that a lot of that has been pushed by people around the president,” Riggleman said, thereby echoing the Republican establishment’s self-serving, oft-repeated and slanderous delusion that supporters of former President Donald Trump do not think for themselves.

In any event, a resentment-filled former congressman, intelligence officer and election denier engaged in an unbecoming tit-for-tat with social media users. He hates you, will hurt you if possible and does not care if you know it.

Either he truly thinks himself untouchable or he is desperate and terrified of a second Trump presidency.

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Michael Schwarz holds a Ph.D. in History and has taught at multiple colleges and universities. He has published one book and numerous essays on Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and the Early U.S. Republic. He loves dogs, baseball, and freedom. After meandering spiritually through most of early adulthood, he has rediscovered his faith in midlife and is eager to continue learning about it from the great Christian thinkers.

Michael Schwarz holds a Ph.D. in History and has taught at multiple colleges and universities. He has published one book and numerous essays on Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and the Early U.S. Republic. He loves dogs, baseball, and freedom. After meandering spiritually through most of early adulthood, he has rediscovered his faith in midlife and is eager to continue learning about it from the great Christian thinkers.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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