Seventh Tourist Dies on a Florida Beach, Local Sheriff’s Department Begging People Not to Enter the Water

On the coasts of Florida, recent deadly rip currents have claimed several lives, prompting urgent warnings from authorities. A tourist named Debbie ‍Szymanski, aged‌ 60 from Missouri, tragically died after being found unconscious in Panama City ⁢Beach’s waters.​ Efforts to save her at the hospital were unsuccessful, and her death is attributed to ⁤the dangerous rip currents. This incident is just one of many in a recent spree ⁣of fatalities along the same stretch. Just days before her death, three men visiting from Alabama drowned under similar circumstances. The area was under a single red flag warning, signifying high hazard due to rough ⁢conditions, which locals and tourists are advised to heed seriously. In light of these repeated tragedies, law enforcement is urging the public to avoid entering⁢ the water even when such warnings are in place. The‍ deaths⁢ have​ highlighted the lethal potential of ‍rip currents, which can pull even strong swimmers far from shore.

In addition to reporting this urgent public safety concern, the staff of The Western Journal, where this ⁣news was reported, is using the platform to emphasize the importance‌ of the upcoming 2025 U.S. elections, suggesting significant‍ political stakes⁣ and ⁢expressing a commitment to truthful journalism despite facing financial constraints​ from advertiser cutbacks. They ​are soliciting reader support to continue delivering their ​news coverage into this critical election period.


By Jared Harris June 26, 2024 at 9:34am

A tourist has died on a Florida beach, at least the seventh in the past few weeks, as law enforcement pleads with the public to stay out of the water.

The most recent victim of deadly beach conditions is 60-year-old Debbie Szymanski. The Missouri native was vacationing at Panama City Beach when family members found her unconscious in the water Sunday.

According to the Bay County Sheriff’s Office, Szymanski was hauled to the shore and rushed to the hospital where she was declared dead.

The New York Post reports Szymanski’s death was caused by a rip current.

After the fatality, the beach was closed as law enforcement begged the public to “PLEASE STAY OUT OF THE WATER.”

Unfortunately, this is only the latest in a series of fatalities caused by violent undercurrents on the Florida coast.

In the days before Szymanski’s death, the Bay County Sheriff’s Office posted numerous warnings on Facebook about the deadly conditions at the beach, alerting the public that a single red flag warning was in effect.

The warnings on beach conditions were also in place Friday as three men entered the water and found themselves unable to escape a deadly rip current.

Would you swim under a red flag warning?

“The three arrived with their group of friends in Bay County yesterday just before 8PM,” the Bay County Sheriff’s Office wrote in a Saturday post. “They checked into their rental and rushed out to get into the water. The three men were caught in a rip current shortly after entering the water.”

The men, visiting the state from Alabama, were all between 24- and 25-years old.

Just one day before these three men died, another set of tragedies played out on Florida beaches.

On June 20, a 19-year-old Oklahoma teen was caught in a rip current at Panama City Beach.

According to KOCO, the youth was pulled out to sea and eventually retrieved by lifeguards. All life-saving attempts failed to revive him. The teen, like other victims, entered the water under a red flag warning.

On the same day the Oklahoma teen died, a similar tragedy played out on Florida’s Hutchinson Island.

There, a family of eight was enjoying a day at the beach when the parents were caught in a rip current.

While they struggled to escape, their six children were left powerless to do anything but watch from the safety of the shore. The parents were brought to land as first responders attempted CPR, but both were eventually declared dead at a local hospital.

Rip currents can extend hundreds of feet beyond the surf and are capable of pulling even experienced swimmers into deep water.

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Jared has written more than 200 articles and assigned hundreds more since he joined The Western Journal in February 2017. He was an infantryman in the Arkansas and Georgia National Guard and is a husband, dad and aspiring farmer.

Jared has written more than 200 articles and assigned hundreds more since he joined The Western Journal in February 2017. He is a husband, dad, and aspiring farmer. He was an infantryman in the Arkansas and Georgia National Guard. If he’s not with his wife and son, then he’s either shooting guns or working on his motorcycle.



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