Snopes Finally Corrects The Record On Notorious Trump Hoax — Seven Years Later

The summary highlights that Joe Biden used‌ the narrative surrounding ⁢the events ‌in Charlottesville as a foundational reason for initiating his biden-not-tommy-tuberville-who-brought-the-culture-war-to-the-military/” title=”Joe Biden, not Tommy Tuberville, initiated the military ‘culture war’.”>2020‍ presidential campaign. Yes,‍ Joe Biden has cited‌ the events that ‌occurred in Charlottesville,‍ Virginia, in August‌ 2017 as a major factor ⁢in his decision to run ⁤for president in the ⁤2020 election. He referred specifically to the violent clash ⁤that took place during a rally organized by white supremacists and neo-Nazis. A key moment that deeply affected him was when President Donald Trump remarked that ​there were “very fine people on both sides.” Biden has repeatedly mentioned that this incident ⁤underscored ​for him the ‌rising ⁢tide of‍ white nationalism under Trump’s⁢ presidency and the urgent‍ need to confront it. This led to his announcement to run for ⁤president, framing his campaign as a “battle for the soul of ‍this nation,” ​signaling his intent to ⁣restore⁣ and strengthen ⁤the values of democracy ‍and⁢ inclusivity.

Biden used the Charlottesville hoax as the predicate for the launch of his 2020 presidential campaign

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