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Incredible event unfolds outside Trump Tower after mug shot release.

Something Incredible Happened Outside Trump Tower in Aftermath of Mug Shot Release

At ​a time⁤ when Democrats‍ have turned the machinery of the American legal system into high ⁣gear against their most‍ prominent political opponent, this is the last ⁣thing ⁢leftists wanted to see.

In the⁢ heart of Manhattan on Sunday, Trump supporters staged ‌a rally​ in one of the most Democratic-dominated areas of the United States.

And their message was loud and clear.

“Spotted just outside Trump Tower in NYC. So much love and support for @realDonaldTrump,” pro-Trump⁤ social⁣ media user Paul Ingrassia​ said Sunday in a post⁣ on the X platform.

“The American people know these indictments are completely baseless, a ⁢continuation of the Obama-Clinton-Biden witch-hunts, and the support for our ‌soon to be 47th ⁤President is stronger than it’s ever been!”

Check it out here:

And the crowd wasn’t quiet:

“‘We love Trump!’ and ‘We ⁤the​ people love Trump!’ patriots outside Trump Tower in Manhattan!” Ingrassia wrote.

The fact that this was happening in Manhattan​ — the home turf‌ of⁢ the hideously biased District Attorney Alvin Bragg — is unusual ‌enough.

The fact that it was ⁣happening ​in the aftermath of Trump’s arraignment in Georgia‌ on trumped-up charges ⁢ of trying to overturn the 2020 election results in the Peach State, and Trump’s supposed-to-be-humiliating mug ​shot from the Fulton ⁤County Jail becoming ‌a fundraising ⁤phenomenon instead, kicked it up to simply⁤ extraordinary.

And⁤ it got some extraordinary reactions:

It’s difficult to​ divine true intentions,⁣ of course. ‍And the darkness of the Democratic soul at the level of‍ its national ⁣leadership ​can seem to defy⁣ the light⁤ of ⁤reason, or decency.

But after ‌unleashing a ludicrous indictment of Trump in New ⁤York, two by the Biden Department of Justice’s Democrat-Torquemada special⁢ prosecutor and a⁢ fourth by a ‌ partisan leftist ‍masquerading‌ as a prosecutor in Atlanta, ​it’s impossible to believe that Democrats planned on Trump achieving‍ new levels of popularity thanks to what can ‌only be described as persecution on a national⁤ level.

But that’s been the result.

Trump​ remains far and ‌away the leader of the pack in the Republican primary contest. According to the RealClearPolitics polling average, he ‌holds a commanding 40-point lead over his nearest rival, Florida⁣ Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis. That’s up from the 14.8-point⁣ lead RCP’s average showed⁤ for Trump over DeSantis on March 30,‍ the ‌day ​a Manhattan ‌grand jury handed up the first Trump indictment of the year.

Granted, the RCP graph‌ shows ⁣that has much to do ⁤with DeSantis losing support, but the⁣ same graph shows Trump’s numbers more or less steadily ⁣rising, which means‌ not only has Trump’s base been unshaken, but⁢ even Republican fence-sitters have come down‌ on his ​side.

Will you be voting for Trump in the GOP primary?

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Now, Democrats might have been playing a ⁣game of bank-shot politics, pressing the absurdity of legal cases against⁢ Trump in order to help him win the nomination among the voters of the party but wounded⁤ so badly⁤ he would be unable to win the general election. But the fact that his support ‌in the GOP primary is increasing doesn’t bode well for the strategy.

The polarized state of the country is evident from the close divide in both houses of Congress as well as the razor-thin⁢ results ‍of ‌the past two presidential elections. (Even if Democrats undeniably took advantage of the COVID-era panic to give their candidate‌ an edge, that wouldn’t have been enough to‍ turn the tide ‌if ⁤the race hadn’t ‍been close to begin with.)

Plus, in President Joe Biden ⁢and Vice President Kamala Harris, Democrats are saddled with running ‌a duo who have represented failure since the day they took their oaths​ of office. Biden wasted no time​ crippling the country’s defenses against an illegal alien invasion lurking just⁢ south of⁣ the​ border and destroying its‍ energy independence ‍in his first days in office.

In a​ country as evenly divided as the U.S., Democrats don’t have a lot of​ wiggle room ⁤— and what they do have ⁢is getting ⁤smaller.

The economy is⁤ a ​ “Bidenomics” basket case, ​even Democratic cities are ⁢tired of watching illegal immigrants (now called “asylum​ seekers”) streaming across the ⁢border at will, ​the ​war in Europe ‍that Biden basically invited through his weakness and ‌ineptitude continues apace, and the threat of China keeps⁣ growing.

With all of this in the background, evidence of Joe Biden’s corruption ⁣ keeps growing from the House Republican investigations of Hunter Biden and his ⁣breathtaking insolence in pimping his country’s policies on the international stage.

Anything⁣ is possible in politics, of course, but the downward arrows⁢ of the⁤ Biden administration are inescapable, and there’s precisely zero ⁣reason to think the Democrats currently in charge have either the desire or intelligence​ to ‌turn‌ things around in a‌ way that‌ will grow the support of Americans who’ve watched their country come apart at the ⁣seams since 2020’s race ​riots and Biden’s 2021 inauguration.

Trump hasn’t won the GOP‍ nomination⁢ yet, and there’s a chance he won’t, but whoever is the Republican standard-bearer, the fact is, Democrats have helped build a movement unalterably opposed to the kind of ideology they want to force-feed ⁤the United​ States.

Warping what used to be​ called the “justice system” into a political weapon to attack their most influential opponent ​might well ⁤have ⁤seemed like a brilliant political ploy.

That ⁢decision ‍could look disastrous come Election Day⁤ 2024.

The crowd in Manhattan on Sunday sure looked like it.

The post Something Incredible Happened Outside Trump ⁤Tower‌ in Aftermath of Mug Shot Release appeared first on The Western Journal.

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