Son of Hamas Founder criticizes media for hiding truth about terror group: ‘They fear it’

Son of Hamas Founder Slams Mainstream Media for Concealing the Truth About the Terror Group: ‘They Are Afraid’

The son of one of the ‌founders of the⁣ terror organization⁢ Hamas launched​ a scathing attack on the media on Monday ⁣morning, accusing them of being too “afraid” to reveal the group’s true‌ intentions.‍ According to him, Hamas aims ‌to eliminate Israel and exterminate Jews.

In the‍ aftermath​ of the recent historic ⁤terror attacks by Hamas, Israel’s right ⁣to defend itself and its citizens has come ‌under scrutiny.

Many⁤ Western media outlets have been⁣ accused of favorably portraying​ the terrorist group by parroting its propaganda.

For instance, The New York Times recently published claims that⁣ an Israeli hospital strike ‌in Gaza was carried‍ out ⁣by the ‍Israeli Defense Forces, when ⁤in reality, only a part of the structure was hit by a rogue Hamas rocket.

Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of Hamas co-founder Hassan Yousef, lambasted the media’s coverage of Israel’s fight ‍against terrorism during an⁣ interview with Fox News.

Although he ⁣was once part ⁤of Hamas’ leadership, Mosab converted​ to Christianity later in life and became an intelligence asset for Israel in the late ⁤1990s.

During his appearance on “Fox & Friends,” he⁣ boldly ⁤stated that his father’s co-founded group is ‌driven by genocidal motives, which he claims the media refuses to ​acknowledge.

He even went as far as⁣ to assert that ​Hamas⁣ is “a lot more dangerous” than ISIS.

“Look at the division and ⁣global confusion⁣ caused⁤ by Hamas,” he told Fox News. “They have brought us to⁢ our ​knees through their brutality ​and barbarism.”

“Brutality is an understatement for Hamas’ actions. They are ‌a religious movement, a raging religious⁢ movement against Israel. This is‍ what they⁤ are ⁢doing.”

“The mainstream media cannot say this‍ because they are afraid to ignite a religious​ war. But‍ the truth is, we​ are ⁤already in one. ‌They‌ want to annihilate⁢ the ‌Jewish people simply because they ⁢are​ Jewish and because Israel is a Jewish state.”

Mosab emphasized the need to expose Hamas for what it​ truly is, stating that sympathy for the people ⁢of Gaza will‍ not appease the group, which has been leading the Palestinian people for almost two ⁢decades.

He also stressed that Hamas should not⁤ be seen as a political movement but‍ as a⁢ fanatical Islamist group.

According to Mosab, they are ⁤driven by ⁢a deep-seated hatred towards a specific race and nation.

When asked​ about‌ his conversion⁣ to Christianity by Fox News host Ainsley Earhardt,​ he explained that he⁤ was fascinated by the teachings of Jesus and⁣ the concept of Christ consciousness, which ignited a spiritual​ awakening within him.

Mosab endorsed‌ the anticipated ground invasion to eradicate Hamas and⁢ criticized its militants for using civilians as “human shields” and‌ exploiting humanitarian‌ aid to ⁤harm Jews.

He revealed, “They⁢ have many tunnels. They used the funds and aid ⁤that came to Gaza to‍ dig these tunnels.”

While he acknowledged the challenges of uprooting and destroying the group, Mosab firmly believed that it can be ‌accomplished.

“It’s very difficult to deal with this ​style of suicidal group of ‌fighters who ⁢don’t ‌value life. In‍ fact, ​they ⁤look⁢ forward‍ to death,” he concluded.

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The post Son of Hamas Founder Blasts Mainstream Media for ⁢Not Telling the Truth About the Terror Group: ‘They ⁣Are‌ Afraid’ ‌ appeared first on The Western Journal.

How accurate are the‌ media’s portrayals of Hamas in their reporting?

Xpose the ⁤true nature of ‍Hamas and put an end to their reign of terror. He believes that this is the only way to bring peace and ⁣stability to the region.

In⁣ the interview, Mosab also criticized the mainstream media for their biased ⁤reporting on⁢ the conflict.⁤ He ⁤accused them of being afraid to ⁤reveal the truth about Hamas and their intentions. According to him, they are more interested in parroting Hamas propaganda ‌than⁤ in reporting the facts.

He pointed to a recent incident ‌where The New York Times falsely claimed ⁤that an Israeli‌ hospital strike was carried out by the ⁢Israeli Defense​ Forces. In reality, it was ‍a rogue ⁣Hamas rocket that hit​ only a⁢ part of the structure. This is just ​one example of the media’s willingness to promote Hamas’ narrative ⁤and distort the truth.

Mosab emphasized the need for the media to ⁢acknowledge Hamas’ genocidal motives. He asserted that Hamas is a religious movement and a raging religious movement against ​Israel. He‍ stated that they want to annihilate ‍the Jewish people simply because they are Jewish and ‍because Israel is a⁤ Jewish ⁤state. This, he argues, is the‌ truth that the media is too afraid to report.

He concluded by urging the world to open their eyes⁤ to the reality ⁤of Hamas. Sympathy for the people‍ of Gaza will not appease them. Hamas⁣ cannot be seen‌ as a political movement, but as a fanatical ​Islamist group driven by hatred towards a specific race and nation.

Mosab’s testimony ​provides a powerful insight into the true nature of Hamas ‌and the‌ media’s complicity in concealing ​the truth. ​It is crucial that we listen to‍ voices like his and seek ‍a balanced and unbiased understanding of the⁢ conflict. Only then can we work towards⁢ a peaceful resolution for all parties involved.

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