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Johnson urges Biden to employ executive actions for border crisis

House Speaker Mike Johnson ⁤ Urges ⁢President Joe Biden ⁣ to Take Executive Actions on Border Crisis

In a passionate plea, House Speaker​ Mike Johnson (R-LA) called on President Joe Biden to take immediate executive actions to address ‌the escalating crisis at the southern⁢ border. Johnson’s letter to ⁣Biden ⁤highlighted⁢ the ⁣alarming surge⁢ in illegal immigration, which he attributed‌ to the⁢ current administration’s policies.‌ Rather than​ waiting for legislative solutions,‍ Johnson proposed a range of options available under ‌existing law.

Key‍ Recommendations:

  • End catch-and-release
  • Stop the “exploitation” of parole⁤ authority
  • Revive asylum cooperation agreements with Mexico
  • Ramp up “expedited” ‍removal of ineligible asylum⁤ seekers
  • Resume construction of a border wall

Johnson also ⁣emphasized ​the use of Section⁢ 212(f) of the Immigration and ‍Nationality Act, which grants the president the authority ‍to deny entry to individuals deemed “detrimental” to U.S. interests. By invoking this ‍provision, Johnson believes⁤ Biden can regain operational control of⁤ the border.

The letter comes at ​a critical time as Senate‍ negotiations, aiming to link border ‍security reforms with aid for U.S. allies​ like Ukraine, are expected to extend into the new ⁢year. Biden has expressed his willingness to ​make ‍compromises on border issues, but Johnson’s letter highlights the urgency of the situation.

Johnson pointed out that the GOP-led House has already passed border legislation (H.R. 2), but Majority Leader Chuck Schumer ‍(D-NY) has refused to bring it to the Senate floor, dismissing it as “partisan right-wing demands.”


Johnson’s letter‍ underscored the urgency of the situation, highlighting how U.S. Customs and Border⁤ Protection is reaching a​ “breaking point” with‍ shocking data revealing the daily influx of thousands⁣ of illegal immigrants over the past year. He also expressed concern about the rise in⁢ fentanyl ⁤smuggling, human trafficking, and the‌ devastating​ impact on local communities.​ Johnson warned that⁣ the​ nation is now more vulnerable than ever to a terrorist ⁤attack on⁤ its homeland.

In ⁢a summary of his ‌letter shared on X, Johnson reiterated, “The border is in crisis. The​ House passed H.R. 2‌ more than six months ago,⁢ but Senate Democrats left town without taking any action. Mr. President ​— border security starts‌ with you. It’s time⁢ to take action today to secure the border.”

⁤ How⁤ can reviving asylum ​cooperation agreements with Mexico help alleviate the burden on the⁢ US immigration system and discourage fraudulent asylum claims, as suggested by House Speaker ​Mike Johnson

In his letter to President Joe Biden, House Speaker Mike​ Johnson expressed deep concern over the escalating crisis at the southern border ⁢and urged immediate executive actions to address the issue. Johnson emphasized the alarming surge in ‌illegal immigration, holding the current administration’s policies responsible. Rather than waiting‍ for legislative solutions, Johnson proposed ​a‍ series of recommendations that can be implemented under existing law.

The⁤ first recommendation put⁢ forth by Johnson is to end catch-and-release. This ⁢refers to the practice ⁤of releasing individuals‌ who‍ are caught crossing the border illegally, often⁢ without any consequences or accountability. This approach has​ been​ widely criticized ⁣for ‌incentivizing illegal immigration and⁢ undermining border security.‍ Johnson argues that by ending‌ this ⁣policy,‍ a strong⁢ message will​ be sent​ to potential illegal ‌immigrants that the United States​ takes its border ⁢enforcement seriously.

Furthermore, Johnson calls on‍ President Biden to stop the “exploitation” of parole authority. Parole is a discretionary measure that allows‍ certain individuals to enter the country for humanitarian or⁣ public ​interest reasons. However, Johnson ⁤argues that⁣ this authority has been misused, resulting in the entry of individuals who ⁤do ⁢not ‌meet the criteria for parole. By addressing this issue, Johnson believes⁤ the administration can⁢ regain⁢ control over‌ who enters the country and​ prevent⁤ the abuse of parole authority.

Johnson also stresses⁣ the need to⁤ revive asylum cooperation agreements with Mexico. These ⁢agreements, which were previously in place, ⁤allowed the United States​ to work ​collaboratively with Mexico ​to manage asylum claims and prevent the exploitation ​of the system. Johnson argues ‍that reinstating these agreements will‌ help alleviate the burden on​ the‍ US ⁢immigration system and discourage​ individuals with fraudulent claims from attempting⁤ to​ seek asylum.

In ‍addition, Johnson highlights the importance​ of expediting the ‍removal of⁤ ineligible ⁤asylum seekers. He ⁣suggests ramping‌ up the “expedited” removal process to ensure⁣ that those who do not qualify for asylum are swiftly returned to their home countries. This not only strengthens⁣ border security‍ but also prevents the⁢ backlog⁢ of cases and⁣ allows resources to be allocated‍ more efficiently to genuine ⁣asylum claims.

Finally, Johnson calls for the resumption of the construction of a border wall. ​The construction of a physical barrier ​along⁣ the southern border was a cornerstone of former President Donald Trump’s immigration policy. Johnson argues that continuing the construction ⁣will not ⁣only serve as a deterrent‌ to illegal immigration​ but also provide border agents with additional tools and resources ⁢to‌ effectively carry out their duties.

Johnson’s‌ letter ⁤to President Biden ⁣comes amid mounting concerns over ‌the worsening border crisis. The House Speaker highlights⁢ the‍ importance of immediate action to secure the border ​and protect the⁣ integrity⁣ of the immigration⁢ system. While ⁣legislative solutions may take⁤ time to materialize, ⁣Johnson emphasizes the range of options available‍ under existing⁣ law⁣ that can be utilized to address the‍ issue. It remains to be⁤ seen how President‍ Biden will⁤ respond‍ to⁢ this passionate plea⁢ and whether any⁤ of ‍Johnson’s recommendations will be implemented.

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