Washington Examiner

Mike Johnson, speaker at March for Life, discusses healthcare improvement and cultural transformation

House Speaker Mike Johnson⁣ Promotes Pro-Life Cause at March for Life

House Speaker Mike Johnson‌ (R-LA) delivered a powerful message ‍at the 51st annual March for Life, the largest anti-abortion gathering ​in the‌ United States. Despite the snow and cold, ‌Johnson addressed a passionate crowd on the National Mall, emphasizing the importance of healthcare and a culture that values and protects life.

“Every single person ‍has inestimable dignity and value,” ‌Johnson declared, joined by a ⁤group of elected ⁤leaders. He highlighted the ⁤national creed, which he described ‍as a testament to the right of every individual to be born. With the eloquence of ⁢English author ⁤G. K. Chesterton, Johnson emphasized‍ that this creed defines⁢ the essence of being ​an American.

Johnson shared a personal story, revealing that he himself was the result of an unplanned‍ pregnancy. His parents, who were teenagers at the time, chose life. Inspired by his own experience, Johnson urged the movement to focus on building a culture that encourages and supports individuals facing unplanned pregnancies.

“This is a ⁢critical time to help all moms who ⁤are facing an⁢ unplanned pregnancy, to​ work with ‍foster children, and to assist families who are adopting,” Johnson explained. He called for renewed compassion and truth, encouraging volunteers ⁣to support pregnancy resource centers and maternity homes.

Johnson also highlighted two bills that recently passed the House:⁣ the Pregnant Students Rights Act and the ⁢Supporting Pregnant and Parenting Women and ‍Families Act. The former aims to protect the rights of pregnant students and prevent colleges from limiting their options, while the latter seeks to counter the ‌Biden administration’s attempts to restrict funds to⁤ pregnancy resource ⁣centers.

The mention of the Biden administration’s actions drew boisterous disapproval from‌ the predominantly high school and college student crowd. These centers, often referred to as crisis ‌pregnancy centers, have faced‍ criticism from the ‍Left for not offering abortion services. However, they provide ‍valuable support to women in the form of financial assistance, education, counseling, medical aid, and ⁤other resources.

“It takes a lot of work to convince people that every single human child,‍ every​ unborn child, has a value that is too profound ⁢and precious to ignore,” Johnson continued. “We have every reason to be ⁤optimistic… ‍We can change public opinion.”

Rep. Chris‌ Smith‌ (R-NJ), co-chair of the House Pro-Life Caucus, ​also addressed the crowd, praising pregnancy resource centers as havens of love, compassion, and care for both mothers and their children. Despite claims of misinformation from⁣ the Left, polling suggests that 83% of Americans, including 75%‌ of Democrats, support these ⁢centers.

“The pro-abortion culture of denial — a modern-day flat‌ earth society — denies, devalues, ⁢and disrespects unborn baby girls and boys and trivializes the harm suffered by women,” Smith concluded. He called for greater recognition of ​the miraculous ⁤nature of unborn life and emphasized that women deserve better than abortion.

For​ more ​information,‍ click here to visit ‌The Washington Examiner.

What progress has⁤ the pro-life movement ⁤made in protecting the rights of the unborn?

Omes in their communities.

As a member of Congress, Johnson has been ‌a staunch advocate for the pro-life cause. He⁢ has consistently supported legislation that seeks to protect the rights of the ​unborn, including voting in favor of the Born-Alive Abortion⁤ Survivors Protection Act. This act ensures that babies who survive failed abortions receive necessary medical care and​ are protected under the law.

In his speech at the March for Life, ⁢Johnson⁣ expressed gratitude for the progress made in⁢ the pro-life movement, particularly in the appointment of ⁤conservative judges who prioritize the sanctity⁣ of life. He also acknowledged the challenges that lie ahead, acknowledging the need for continued perseverance and commitment.

“There is‌ still much work to be done,” ‌Johnson asserted. “We must continue to champion the cause of life at every level of government, in our communities, and in our families. We must ​fight ⁤to protect the most vulnerable⁢ among us.”

Johnson’s presence and message at the March for Life serve⁢ as a reminder of the ongoing battle to protect ‍the rights of the unborn. His personal story and dedication ⁣to the pro-life cause lend credibility and authenticity⁣ to ⁣his advocacy. As a recognized leader in Congress, Johnson’s stance on this issue carries weight and influence.

The March for Life, which draws hundreds of⁢ thousands of people each year, serves as a platform for pro-life activists to unite and amplify their⁣ message. It gives a voice to those who believe in the sanctity of life, and serves as a reminder that the fight to protect unborn⁢ children ⁢is far from over.

House Speaker Mike⁤ Johnson’s⁢ presence at the March for Life further highlights the importance of the pro-life cause and the need for continuous support. His commitment⁣ to building a culture that values and protects life serves as an inspiration to individuals and leaders alike. As the anti-abortion movement ‌continues to ⁣make strides and face challenges, Johnson’s voice is a valuable one that will continue to shape and influence the course of the pro-life movement in the United States.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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