Washington Examiner

Dave Joyce will file a resolution to enhance McHenry’s powers as pro tempore.

Republican Rep. Dave Joyce Plans to Empower Patrick ​McHenry⁣ as Speaker Pro Tempore

Rep. Dave Joyce (R-OH) is taking action to⁤ address ‌the absence of a ‍Speaker of the House by filing a motion to empower‍ Speaker Pro Tempore Patrick ⁣McHenry (R-NC). This move comes after Rep. ‌Jim Jordan (R-OH) failed to secure the speaker’s gavel on Tuesday.

“After two weeks without a Speaker of the House and no clear candidate with‍ 217 votes in the Republican conference, it is time to look​ at other viable options. By empowering Patrick​ McHenry as Speaker⁢ Pro Tempore, we can take care of our‌ ally Israel until a new Speaker is ‍elected,” Joyce said in​ a statement to the Washington Examiner.

Jordan Holdouts⁢ Suggest Expanding McHenry’s‌ Powers

The extent and duration of ‍McHenry’s empowerment through Joyce’s motion are yet to be determined. Republican members who opposed ⁢Jordan’s bid for the speaker’s gavel have⁤ previously discussed the possibility of increasing McHenry’s authority. This proposal arises as the‍ House⁤ has ​been without a speaker‍ for over two weeks since the removal of former House Speaker⁣ Kevin‍ McCarthy.

Jordan faced unexpected opposition during the first-floor vote on Tuesday, with ‍20 Republican defections, ⁣surpassing ⁤predictions made by his supporters.

A source familiar with McHenry’s⁣ thoughts revealed that the ⁤North Carolina Republican⁣ has no interest ⁤in assuming the‍ role of speaker, even on a temporary basis. McHenry‍ has not been involved in discussions regarding his elevation⁤ to the position.‌ Instead, his focus remains on supporting Jordan’s candidacy.

It is important to note that the motion would require 217 votes ⁤to ⁢pass. It is likely that some Democratic support would be⁢ necessary for ⁢its success, although lawmakers from across the aisle have not yet expressed their opinions ‌on the matter. There is ⁣a possibility ⁢of a bipartisan‍ coalition supporting‍ the motion, as Democratic ​leaders have discussed⁤ backing McHenry’s temporary⁢ speaker ​powers. ⁤However,⁣ it remains uncertain whether the resolution would garner enough support if filed on Wednesday, ​as ​planned by ‍Joyce.

While the Republican‌ conference grapples with the selection ​of a speaker, particularly‍ given their slim majority and‍ the lower threshold‍ required to force a vote on a motion to vacate, several urgent matters‍ are⁤ accumulating.

Following⁤ a narrowly avoided government shutdown last month ‍through the passage of a short-term 45-day continuing resolution, the House still needs ⁣to address various appropriations‌ measures, which are likely ⁢to be sources of disagreement among different factions within ⁢the Republican Party. Additionally, the United States’ ally, Israel, is currently facing a war resulting from a terrorist attack ⁣by Hamas. Urgent supplemental aid from Congress is required to assist ⁤Israel.

Click here ⁣to read more from the Washington Examiner.

This paralysis further jeopardizes‍ the ⁢already ⁤fragile GOP majority heading into 2024. Strategists agree that⁣ the party ‌is projecting an image of dysfunction to voters, while Democrats remain ‌unified.

If the resolution⁤ to empower McHenry is passed, it could place him in⁢ the role ⁢until the ⁢end of the year or even into the⁢ beginning of ⁤2024. It could also keep him ⁣in the position ⁢until the conference successfully ⁤elects another speaker.

What details are still ⁢undecided regarding the⁤ empowerment of Patrick⁢ McHenry and his role as‍ Speaker Pro Tempore

N actively campaigning for the position or publicly expressing his intentions. However, with the ⁢support of Rep. Dave Joyce and other Republican members who believe that a strong leadership is necessary during this period⁣ of transition, ‌McHenry’s role as Speaker ‍Pro Tempore could be expanded to address important issues, including the support of ally Israel.

Importance⁢ of Empowering McHenry

The⁣ absence of a ⁤Speaker of the House‍ for‍ over two weeks has raised concerns among both ‌Republican and Democratic members. As the third in line to the presidency, the Speaker of the House plays a crucial role in guiding legislative agendas, leading debates, and representing the House in various capacities. Without a strong and​ effective ⁢Speaker, Congress’s ability to address important national and international matters could be compromised.

By empowering ​Patrick ⁣McHenry as Speaker ⁢Pro Tempore, the Republican party aims to fill the current leadership vacuum​ and ensure that crucial responsibilities are not neglected. In particular, McHenry’s ​stance on supporting Israel has gained recognition among his colleagues. As Speaker Pro Tempore,⁤ he ‌would be in a strong position to‌ advocate for and protect the interests of our important ally⁢ until‌ a new Speaker is ‍elected.

Concerns Over Jordan’s ⁤Failed Bid

The ​unexpected opposition faced by Rep. Jim ​Jordan during the vote for Speaker of the House has highlighted divisions⁣ within the Republican party. Despite Jordan’s ⁣vocal support from influential conservatives, 20 Republican members defected, highlighting a lack of consensus‍ among party members on his leadership capabilities.

This⁤ outcome has ⁢led some Republican members to consider alternatives and explore the‍ possibility of empowering‍ Patrick ⁢McHenry. While McHenry has not actively campaigned for the position‌ or expressed interest in assuming the role of Speaker, his experience and reputation make him a⁤ viable choice for the temporary leadership role.

Details Yet to be ‍Determined

The exact extent and duration of McHenry’s empowerment through Rep. Dave‌ Joyce’s motion are yet to‍ be determined. Republican members who opposed Jordan’s ⁤bid for the speaker’s gavel have discussed potential plans‍ to expand McHenry’s authority. This could include⁢ granting him additional responsibilities and decision-making powers to ensure the efficient functioning of the House during‍ this period.

However, it is important to note that⁢ the focus⁣ is currently on finding a ‍temporary solution until a new Speaker is elected. The process of ​electing a⁢ new Speaker will require consensus building and agreement among members, a task that will ⁢take time and careful consideration. In the meantime, empowering McHenry as Speaker Pro Tempore will provide stability and ensure that important ⁢legislative matters and the‌ interests⁤ of our allies, such​ as Israel, are not neglected.


With the absence of⁢ a⁤ Speaker of the House, the Republican party‍ is ​looking for viable options to provide stable and effective leadership. Rep. Dave Joyce’s motion to empower Speaker Pro Tempore Patrick McHenry comes after ​Rep. Jim Jordan failed ⁤to secure the speaker’s gavel ⁤on Tuesday.​ Although McHenry has not actively sought ⁤the position,‌ his‌ reputation and support make him a strong candidate to temporarily⁣ fill the leadership gap. As ​details ​are yet to be determined, it remains to be seen how McHenry’s powers will ​be expanded. Nevertheless, ‌this move reflects the ‌party’s commitment to ensuring stability and addressing important national and⁢ international issues, including ⁢the support of ally Israel, ⁤during this transitional ⁣period.

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