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Biden’s Late Arrival Sparks Speculation at Israel Speech.

Speculation Runs Rampant as Biden Shows Up⁢ Over an Hour Late for Big Israel Speech

This will do nothing ​to dispel the impression that President Joe Biden fiddles while the world burns.

Speculation mounted Tuesday afternoon when ⁢Biden failed to appear on‍ time to deliver a speech on the Israel-Hamas conflict.

The president who ​took 13 days to visit wildfire-ravaged Maui kept people guessing as to his whereabouts for nearly 90 minutes. His speech,​ scheduled for 1:00 p.m. EST, ⁤did not ‍begin until 2:24 p.m. EST.

In the meantime, journalists and⁢ others had a⁣ bit ⁢of fun at Biden’s expense on‌ X, formerly Twitter.

Simon Ateba, Chief White House Correspondent at Today⁢ News Africa ⁤Washington, posted a photo of the president with his eyes closed, wearing a mask and appearing to nap.

“President ​Biden scheduled a press ‍event on Israel ⁤at 1 p.m. EST. He’s now 40 minutes late.⁢ I wonder what’s going on,” Ateba posted.

Ian Jaeger, a ​bodybuilder and conservative⁢ with more⁢ than 100k ⁢followers, shared the ‌same photo moments later.

“BREAKING: President Biden scheduled a press event⁤ on Israel ⁤at 1 ‌p.m. EST. He’s now 47 minutes late. I wonder what’s going on?” ⁣Jaeger stated.

Former Republican House Speaker Newt ⁢Gingrich wondered if the president needed to recharge.

“We have been waiting 54 minutes for President Biden’s speech. Is he taking a ​nap?” Gingrich noted.

Predictably, national security reporter Alex Ward of liberal Politico⁢ ran cover for the president.

Ward shared a post‍ from⁤ Biden’s official POTUS ⁣account on X that featured a photo of the president ⁤and‌ members​ of his “teams” receiving a “situation⁣ update” during a ‌video conference call with Israeli Prime ​Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

“Maybe this is why Biden is so late to ‌his address on Hamas’ attack on Israel,” Ward wrote.

Still, some social media users remained cynical.

“Biden ⁣is late giving his speech as he is coming up with reasons to blame‌ Trump for⁤ the Israel situation,” one X user said.

“Biden is over an hour ⁣late for his ⁢address to the⁢ nation. Fitting for this amateur hour presidency. His handlers are busy reading X ‌and trying to understand the ‌room. They​ can’t figure it out, so we wait,” another X user​ wrote.

For the record, ‍ Biden’s habit of tardiness has inspired a social media account with a ‌modest following.

“18 minutes,” the X account “How Late Was Biden?” posted on Saturday.

“How⁢ Late Was Biden?” has not yet updated⁢ us on the president’s 84-minute delay this afternoon.

Tardiness alone, of course, does not necessarily⁤ doom the speaker‌ in an audience’s eyes.

After all, former President ⁢ Donald Trump often ⁤shows‌ up late for rallies. His supporters do not seem ⁣to mind.

On Nov.⁤ 19, 1863, Governor Edward Everett of ​Massachusetts spoke for more than two hours before the event’s most important speaker, President Abraham⁤ Lincoln, addressed the audience. Lincoln’s “Gettysburg Address” made it worth the wait, at least from posterity’s viewpoint.

Biden, of course, never says anything worth hearing. In fact, many of his public ​utterances strike the listener as indecipherable.

Still, with⁢ the world collapsing ‌into chaos, one⁣ would think that the ⁢president might ‌at least attempt to reflect ⁤— if not to ⁣clearly communicate‍ — the seriousness ⁣of‌ the moment.

Instead, he spent ​Sunday afternoon and evening hosting a⁢ White House barbecue. Then,⁤ he spent most of the ‌day Monday out of public view altogether.

Why ‍should we expect him to‌ take ⁤a scheduled ‌speech seriously?

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How does President⁣ Biden’s tardiness ⁢reinforce‍ the criticisms about his‍ ability to provide effective⁤ leadership during⁢ times of crisis?

Esident with the caption, “President Biden is delivering remarks on⁤ the current situation in Israel. Watch live.” Ward added his own comment, ​saying, “President⁣ Biden is‍ late to his​ speech on Israel but people really should calm down.”

The delayed arrival and speculation surrounding President Biden’s whereabouts have only fueled ‌concerns about his ‌ability to⁣ effectively lead in‌ times of‌ crisis. This is ⁣not⁤ the first time Biden ⁢has been criticized for his lack of urgency or engagement when it comes to major issues.

Just last ​month,​ he received backlash for taking a leisurely vacation in Maui while the⁤ state of Hawaii⁢ was‌ facing complete ‌devastation from wildfires. It took him 13 days to‍ finally visit the affected areas, further reinforcing⁢ the perception that he is detached and unconcerned.

Now, with the Israel-Hamas conflict escalating and tensions rising in the Middle East,⁤ Biden’s late arrival to his scheduled speech sends a troubling message. It raises questions about his ‌commitment to addressing urgent global issues​ and his ‍ability ⁣to effectively respond in a timely manner.

Leadership requires prompt⁢ action and decisive decision-making, especially during times of crisis. By showing up over an hour late to a speech ⁣on such a critical issue, President Biden only adds to the already prevalent criticism that he is incapable of providing the strong and effective leadership the world needs.

Speculation may run rampant regarding the reasons for his tardiness, but the impact of‍ his delayed arrival​ and the perception it creates cannot be ignored. It undermines confidence in⁤ his ability⁣ to handle⁤ complex international conflicts and calls into question his priorities and commitment.

The world is currently facing numerous challenges, from climate change to economic instability to global security threats. It is essential that we⁣ have leaders who are focused, ⁣engaged, and capable of​ responding ⁢swiftly and effectively to these issues.

President Biden’s late ​arrival‍ for his speech on the‍ Israel-Hamas conflict only​ serves to reinforce the concerns and criticisms that have been raised against him. It is a ‍missed opportunity to demonstrate strong leadership and a failure to⁤ meet the expectations placed upon him.

Whether it is ‍due to genuine concerns and ⁤issues that require attention or simply a⁣ lack of proper planning and organization, President ⁣Biden’s late arrival sends a troubling​ message to the‍ world.

If he truly wants to dispel the impression that he is detached and unconcerned, he needs to be proactive, decisive, and prompt in his actions. The world cannot afford to wait for a leader who consistently fails to show up on time ⁤and fails to prioritize ‍the urgent⁢ matters at hand.

President Biden must recognize the importance‌ of⁢ his role⁣ and the expectations that come with it. He needs to demonstrate a genuine commitment to addressing critical global issues and prove that⁢ he is capable of providing the strong and effective leadership the world needs.

Until then, ⁣speculation​ will continue to run ⁢rampant, and the doubts and concerns about his ability to lead will⁣ persist. The world is watching, and it is up to President Biden ‌to show up – both literally and figuratively – for ⁢the challenges ​that lie ahead.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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