Washington Examiner

‘Squad’ Dems criticized for opposing Israel support: ‘They aim to dismantle our society’

Progressive House “Squad” Faces Backlash for Voting Against Israel Support Resolution

Members of the progressive House “Squad” are facing criticism⁣ for their recent votes against ⁤a⁢ resolution expressing support for Israel. Rep. ⁤Jason Smith (R-MO) appeared on Fox News to⁢ condemn the young House Democrats, labeling⁤ them a ‍”complete disgrace.” ⁢While highlighting their controversial positions,‍ such as defunding the police, Smith specifically pointed out their refusal to vote in favor of the resolution following a deadly ‍surprise attack from‍ Hamas on Oct. 7.

“These nine Democrats are a complete ‍disgrace,”

Smith expressed. ‌ “Cori Bush comes from my home‌ state. She advocates for defunding the police. The city she represents, in my home‍ state, per capita, has more murders than anywhere else in the United ⁢States. These people are not rational. They⁣ want to destroy our society, and ‍they promote propaganda that is as fake news as you possibly⁤ can find. The fact⁤ that they’re harboring and supporting terrorists who have killed more Jewish people since⁣ the Holocaust is ⁣absolutely unacceptable, and these ‌people do not deserve to⁣ serve‌ in ⁣the halls⁤ of Congress.”

Six out⁢ of the eight Squad members voted against ‍the resolution, including Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Rashida⁣ Tlaib (D-MI),⁣ Jamaal Bowman (D-NY), Summer Lee (D-PA), and⁣ Cori ⁤Bush (D-MO). The remaining two, Reps. Greg Casar ‍(D-TX) and Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), voted “present.”

Tlaib provided ‍a statement explaining ‌her opposition ⁢to the bill, ​stating that it was ‍”incomplete and biased.”


“I ‍have and continue ‍to denounce⁣ the killing of civilians, no matter ‌their faith or ethnicity,” she wrote. “Targeting civilians is a war ‌crime, no matter who does it. ‌Do‌ not confuse ⁤my vote against this one-sided​ resolution with a lack of empathy for all ‌those who are grieving. I voted against ‍this‍ resolution because​ it⁤ is a ‌deeply ⁣incomplete and biased account of what is happening in Israel and⁣ Palestine, ⁤and what has ‌been happening for ‌decades.”

The resolution, titled “Standing with ⁢Israel as it defends‍ itself against the barbaric war launched by Hamas and ⁣other terrorists,” ⁢received overwhelming support in the House. It received 412 yes votes, 10 no votes, six present, ‌and five not voting. All no votes were Democrats, ‌except for Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY).

What ⁤does the controversy surrounding the ⁤”Squad’s” votes reveal about the divisions within the Democratic Party on the ​issue of Israel

Ressed during the interview. “At a time when our⁤ greatest ally in the Middle East is under attack, these representatives choose to abandon Israel and turn their backs on our long-standing ⁣partnership. It is shameful.”

The “Squad,” consisting of Reps.⁣ Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), ⁤Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Ayanna⁤ Pressley‌ (D-MA), and ⁣Rashida Tlaib (D-MI),⁣ has been at the forefront of progressive politics in the House. They have ⁤gained popularity​ among a ⁤younger and more ‌liberal demographic with their calls for social justice and progressive policies. However, their recent votes against supporting Israel have⁣ drawn sharp criticism and accusations of anti-Semitism.

Ocasio-Cortez, Omar, Pressley, and Tlaib have been ⁤vocal⁣ critics of⁤ Israeli government policies, particularly ‌regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. They argue ‌that the United States should take a more even-handed approach in its‍ support for both sides, and that criticism of the Israeli government does not equate to being anti-Israel or anti-Semitic.

While their positions may resonate with some progressive voters, their refusal to support a resolution expressing solidarity with Israel in the face ⁤of a‌ Hamas attack has sparked‌ outrage among many. ⁢Critics argue that this sends a ‌message of indifference towards the safety and ⁤security of⁤ the Israeli ‌people.

The‌ timing ‌of the vote is also significant, as ⁤it followed a surprise attack by ⁤Hamas on Oct. 7, ‌which killed five Israelis and ‌injured several more. The resolution in question condemned Hamas for its‍ actions and reaffirmed the United States’ commitment to Israel’s ​security. The ⁤fact that the “Squad” voted‌ against this resolution has only‍ intensified the criticism ⁣they face.

Some ⁤Republicans and⁢ conservatives have accused the “Squad” of being anti-Israel and even anti-Semitic. They argue that their refusal to support Israel’s right to⁣ defend itself against terrorist attacks like​ the ‍one perpetrated by Hamas⁣ only reinforces this​ perception.

However, defenders of the “Squad” argue that ‌their votes are‌ driven by‍ a desire ⁢to hold Israel accountable for its actions,⁣ particularly regarding its treatment ⁣of‌ the Palestinian people. They claim that supporting Israel unconditionally overlooks‍ the injustices and human rights violations that ⁤occur in the region. They argue that the United States should take a​ more balanced approach and promote peace and justice for both Israelis ‌and Palestinians.

The controversy⁤ surrounding the “Squad’s” ‍votes against the Israel support resolution highlights the deep divisions within the Democratic Party on the issue ⁢of Israel. While the majority of Democrats still maintain a strong pro-Israel stance, there is a growing progressive faction that calls for a more critical approach to Israel’s policies.

As the “Squad” continues to advocate for progressive causes, their positions on Israel⁢ will undoubtedly ⁣remain a contentious issue. The backlash they face for ⁤voting ‍against the Israel support resolution demonstrates ⁢the‍ challenges they ‍face in navigating the complex landscape of both domestic and international politics.

“We must always stand with our allies,”

concludes Smith. “Abandoning Israel in‌ their time of need​ is not only a disservice to them but to the principles of democracy and freedom.”

As⁤ the progressive House “Squad” faces criticism for their recent votes against a resolution expressing support for Israel, the rift within the Democratic Party on the issue of Israel’s policies becomes increasingly apparent.⁤ The ‍debate surrounding the ⁣”Squad’s” stance sheds light on the complexities of advocating for‌ progressive‍ causes while navigating the challenges of foreign relations.

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