Conservative News Daily

‘Squad’ member evades reporter like a child when questioned about Israel.

‘Squad’ Member Runs Away from ⁢Reporter Like a Child ⁢When Pressed‌ on Israel

When it comes to outspoken leftists like Rep. Rashida ⁤Tlaib, silence speaks‍ volumes. Fox‌ Business Network’s Hillary Vaughn⁣ confronted the Michigan congresswoman in the Capitol on Tuesday,⁢ asking pointed ‍questions about the recent atrocities committed by Hamas against Israel. Tlaib’s response, ⁢or lack thereof, was telling.⁣ Instead of providing a straightforward answer, she scurried away‌ like ​a child.

This incident ⁤is not insignificant, nor is it a ‍mere​ example of “gotcha” journalism. ⁢As ⁣one of ​the founding members of the progressive “squad” in the House of ⁢Representatives, Tlaib has ⁤never been shy about expressing her‌ opinions on causes ‌that ⁣liberals care about.⁤ She has shown disdain for Donald Trump, advocated⁤ for releasing criminals from jail, and supported the right to ‍abort babies. However, when faced with direct questions about the horrific slaughter of innocent⁣ men, women, and children by Hamas, Tlaib had nothing to say.

The internet is ⁤flooded with videos of the ‌massacre, posted​ by⁤ the ​proud killers themselves. Yet Tlaib, ‍a ⁤member of‌ the United States Congress, couldn’t summon the courage or common sense to condemn these acts ‍of violence. The social media response to her silence was brutal, with many accusing her of⁢ being a Hamas sympathizer and a coward.

It shouldn’t‍ be difficult for​ a ​lawmaker, ‌even one of Palestinian descent who supports the Palestinian cause, to denounce such atrocities. Tlaib could have simply stated that while⁢ her positions on Israel and the Palestinians remain unchanged, she condemns the attacks on civilians, the rape of women, ‌the burning of grandmothers, ⁢and the decapitation of babies. But she couldn’t bring herself to do so, raising doubts about her true beliefs.

Unfortunately, Tlaib is not alone in accepting the unacceptable. ⁣Leftists ‍have openly come out in support of⁤ the perpetrators of this heinous attack ⁤on ⁣world Jewry, blaming everyone but the ‌actual killers.‌ As a member of Congress, Tlaib has a responsibility to speak out. Her silence on such an​ unambiguous issue sends a message that‍ can be⁢ heard around the world.

For years, American leftists have ‌claimed that “silence is violence” when trying to coerce others into agreeing with their⁤ agenda. While this ‌notion is‍ often nonsensical, in Tlaib’s case, her silence amounted to an endorsement of violence, and the most unspeakable kind at that. It is a silence that speaks volumes.


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How do the evasive tactics and lack of​ transparency ⁢exhibited ⁣by the members of the “squad” raise concerns ⁤about their commitment to addressing pressing issues?

B’s behavior is not an isolated incident. Many members of the “squad” have⁢ exhibited similar evasive tactics when ​pressed on controversial topics. It seems as though they are more interested in promoting⁢ their own agenda and maintaining their progressive image than in addressing the pressing issues that affect our nation and the world.

This kind of behavior ‌is not only irresponsible, but it is also dangerous. As elected officials,⁤ these individuals have a duty to‌ represent their constituents and to uphold the values and principles ‍upon which our country was founded. By refusing to condemn acts of violence and terror,‌ they are sending a message that it is ⁢acceptable to ignore the suffering of ‍innocent people and to turn a⁣ blind eye to ‌the atrocities committed by terrorist organizations.

Moreover, ⁣their silence on these matters raises questions about ‍their true intentions and allegiances. Are they truly committed to peace and justice, or are they simply using their platforms to push a divisive and radical agenda? It is essential that we hold our⁣ elected officials accountable for their words and actions, and demand⁢ transparency and ‍honesty from ‌those who claim to represent us.

In the ⁣case of ​Rep. Tlaib and ​her fellow squad members, their behavior speaks to a larger issue within the progressive movement. There seems to​ be a reluctance ⁣to engage in meaningful dialogue and to consider alternative viewpoints. Instead, ​they resort to name-calling, evasion, and disengagement when faced with difficult questions or opposing opinions.

This kind of​ behavior does a disservice to the American people and undermines the democratic process. It is vital⁤ that we have leaders who are​ willing to⁣ listen, to engage, and to find⁣ common ground in order to move our country forward. We need elected officials who are not afraid to speak out against injustice and to stand up for what is right, even when it may be unpopular.

In conclusion, the incident involving Rep. Tlaib and the questions surrounding her silence on the atrocities committed by Hamas is a reflection of a larger problem within the progressive ‌movement. We must demand more from our ​elected officials and hold them accountable for their ‍actions and‌ words. It is only through open and honest dialogue, and a ⁣commitment to the principles of fairness and justice, that ‍we can hope ‌to find solutions to the pressing⁤ issues of our time.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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