The bongino report

Stacey Abrams Says Sheriffs Are Racist Because They Support Brian Kemp

Sunday night was the final debate between Gov. Brian Kemp (R-Ga.) and professional grievance-monger Stacey Abrams. One key moment came when Kemp touted the endorsement he has received from 107 of Georgia’s 159 sheriffs. Abrams replied with a statement that should dispel any doubt that she’s anything other than a far-left radical.

“So no, I don’t have 107 sheriffs who want to be able to take black people off the streets, who want to be able to go without accountability,” she said with a straight face.

In other words, a shade over two-thirds of Georgia’s sheriffs are racists because they know that Kemp’s policies are better on crime and more supportive of law enforcement. It’s a safe bet that even more of them are on board with the current governor but haven’t spoken up publicly for one reason or another.

This type of rhetoric from Abrams shouldn’t surprise anyone. She has a long history of talking out of both sides of her mouth when it comes to law enforcement. She has claimed to support police and even talked about raises for police officers on the campaign trail, but she’s willing to align herself with groups and individuals who want not only to defund but also abolish police and prisons.

Related: Stacey Abrams’ Bizarre Stunt at a Lizzo Concert Shows How Desperate She Is

In 2021, Abrams was named chair of the Black Voices for Black Justice Fund (BVBJ), an organization that gives grants to radical racial activists, including those who want to abolish the police and let all criminals out of prison. She even said she was “honored” to work with BVBJ.

In response to the radical rhetoric of BVBJ grant recipients, an Abrams campaign spokesperson told Fox News, “Stacey Abrams does not and never has supported defunding the police. Stacey is a longtime supporter of investing in law enforcement, building community trust, and fostering law enforcement accountability.”

If only saying it would make it so. Abrams is also on the board of the Marguerite Casey Foundation, an organization that doles out money for leftist agitation. The foundation launched one initiative in 2021, “on the one-year anniversary of the 2020 racial justice uprisings, aimed at increasing funding and momentum for ending police violence.”

The Marguerite Casey Foundation has included #DefundthePolice and #AboishthePolice on its Twitter account, so if Abrams is so committed to supporting law enforcement, you’d think she would distance herself from the foundation, right? Nope. She’s right there on the website, smiling in a photo as a member of its board.

Stacey Abrams Says Sheriffs Are Racist Because They Support Brian Kemp
Screenshot from

In the debate, Abrams even said she never called for defunding the police, but RNC Research has the receipts.

Not only has Abrams aligned herself with elements who seek to undermine and dismantle law enforcement, but she also wants to take away Georgians’ ability to defend themselves. She has made gun control a key platform of her campaign, and she even approved an ad from a PAC with a “former sheriff’s deputy” who decries Georgia’s constitutional carry legislation, which passed this year with Kemp’s full support.

The trouble with the ad was that the “former deputy” in the ad had not only been out of law enforcement for nearly a quarter century but also had never served in law enforcement in Georgia at all. Dennis Collard, who appeared in the ad, is actually an attorney and Democrat activist who worked as a deputy in Florida in the ’90s.

And now Abrams claims that sheriffs who support Kemp “want to be able to take black people off the streets.” It’s yet another policy position that’s patently untrue and out of step with the values of the people of Georgia. It’s also another bad look from a politician whose campaign has been overloaded with bad looks and embarrassing moments. Fortunately, we only have to listen to her campaign for a little over a week before she’ll go back to making money off of her grievances.

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