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Penn’s budget slashed as legislators demand university’s stance on anti-Semitism

State​ Legislators Vote to ⁣Slash ‌Budget at Penn After University⁣ Fails to Take ⁢Stance Against ⁤Anti-Semitism

It’s⁢ unfortunate that​ it has come to⁤ this, but it’s a ⁣necessary ‌step ⁢in‌ the right direction.

Citing the University⁣ of Pennsylvania’s ambivalence regarding anti-Semitism, Republicans led the state’s House‍ of Representatives to vote ⁤to ⁣withhold more ‍than $33 million in funding⁤ for Penn’s ​veterinary school,‌ The Associated Press reported Wednesday.

The ‍funding halt comes⁤ in the wake of the Dec. 9 resignation of the university’s president,​ Liz Magill, who⁣ was pressured to leave following her refusal​ in testimony⁢ before Congress to clearly denounce ⁢campus anti-Semitism.

Although it received simple majorities in two votes, the funding failed ​to⁣ receive the state constitutional requirement of a two-thirds majority, with ‍most Republicans opposing the funding and all Democrats‌ favoring it.

Magill’s resignation was a start, ⁢according to⁣ Republican floor leader Bryan⁣ Cutler of‌ Lancaster, but in floor⁢ debate ‌he said additional work⁣ needs to be done ⁢against⁢ anti-Semitism.

“Until more is done at the university in terms of rooting ‍out, calling out​ and making an official stance on​ anti-Semitism being against the ‌values of⁤ the ‍university, I cannot⁢ in ⁣good conscience support this funding,” Cutler said, according to AP.

A ‌spokesman⁢ for Cutler’s office told The Daily Pennsylvanian, the university’s⁣ student-run newspaper, that the funding cut is “not in perpetuity” and cited an “additional process now that must take place before‌ the funding is agreed to.”

In front of Congress early this month, ​Magill was asked ‍by ⁤Rep. Elise ⁢Stefanik (R-New York) ‍for a simple yes-or-no answer to “Does calling for the‍ genocide of Jews violate Penn’s ⁢rules or code of ⁤conduct?”

Magill replied that speech turning into conduct could be considered harassment and ⁢that the matter was⁢ “context dependent.”

Despite an apology following uproar over her comments, Magill stepped down. Meanwhile, ⁣Harvard’s president, Claudine ⁤Gay, amid ⁢making similar comments,⁤ remains in her position,‌ garnering support from the‍ university’s board and from faculty and⁤ students.

Regarding ​Penn’s funding cut, “deeply disappointed”‍ is how Penn Vet Chief Communication Officer Martin Hackett ​described ‌his response ⁣in a written statement ⁣to The Daily⁢ Pennsylvanian.

“The School of Veterinary Medicine (Penn Vet) ⁢is‌ the sole⁣ beneficiary of⁣ these funds,” Hackett wrote. “And ‍the school has continued to ‍fulfill its educational and service ​missions to the Commonwealth in ⁢good faith throughout this six-month impasse, as it has for ⁤over 139 years.

“We hope the state House will reconsider this vote⁣ when it ​reconvenes ‌in 2024.”

Given the critical mission‍ of‍ Penn ‍Vet⁤ and other university‌ efforts, the⁣ move⁣ by the legislature ⁤may seem draconian. Yet, with anti-Semitism encapsulated in pro-Palestinian​ advocacy on​ so⁣ many campuses,‌ the funding ⁣halt​ is a start.

Anti-Semitism, which includes blatant ⁢physical ⁣harassment and threatening ‍of Jews at some U.S. universities,‌ brings into ​clear focus the ongoing lack of accountability by many academics quick to ​wrap themselves in ⁤the flag of academic freedom as they push evil causes.

Despite⁢ decades‍ of ⁣universities ‍mouthing⁣ “never ‍again” to the distancing shadow of the Holocaust, recent Hamas ‍attacks in Israel have indicated the vanity of campus criticisms ⁣of the barbarity of the‍ 1930s and ’40s.

Thankfully, some grown-ups remain, and among them are ⁤Republicans in the Pennsylvania legislature.

Hopefully, other legislatures are paying ‌attention and will resist the‌ howls of censorship and anti-intellectualism ​as the people’s representatives step up⁣ and say: “Enough!”

After anti-Semitism, they should address‍ issues of critical race theory; ‍diversity, equity, and inclusion; the trashing of ⁢Western⁤ civilization;⁣ and overall ​censorship of thoughts not‍ aligned with those ⁣of the commissars‌ of academe.

But anti-Semitism needs⁢ to be the immediate focus. Some Republicans even have ⁣introduced bills ‍in‍ the legislature aimed at combating it at Pennsylvania state educational⁣ institutions.

No⁤ doubt state officials throughout the country‌ will be paying close attention.

The ⁤post State Legislators⁣ Vote to​ Slash Budget at‍ Penn After University Fails to Take⁤ Stance Against Anti-Semitism appeared first on​ The Western Journal.

What are the consequences of institutions failing to address the ⁤issue of anti-Semitism effectively?

Ent, discrimination, and prejudice against Jewish individuals, has been a persistent issue across the globe. Universities, as centers of education and ‌intellectual discourse, have a responsibility to combat and condemn anti-Semitism in all its forms. However, when institutions‌ fail to effectively address this problem, ⁣it becomes necessary for external⁢ forces to hold ⁢them accountable.

The recent decision by state legislators ⁤to slash the budget at the University​ of Pennsylvania, following ‌the institution’s failure to take a strong stance against anti-Semitism, is a⁣ step in‍ the right direction. The ​funding⁤ halt, which amounts to more than $33 ‌million for Penn’s veterinary school, sends‍ a clear message that ambivalence toward anti-Semitism will not be tolerated.

This move comes in⁢ the wake of the resignation of Liz Magill, the university’s president, who faced pressure ⁢to leave after she refused to denounce campus‌ anti-Semitism in her testimony before Congress. While the ⁤funding failed to reach ​the⁤ two-thirds majority required by the state’s constitution, it received​ simple majorities in two votes,⁤ with most ⁢Republicans opposing the funding and all Democrats favoring it.

According to Bryan Cutler, the Republican floor leader, Magill’s resignation was a start, but more needs to be done to combat anti-Semitism at the university. Cutler emphasized the importance of⁣ rooting out and calling out acts of anti-Semitism and the need for an official stance against it from the university.

The funding cut is not intended ⁤to ​be permanent, as stated by a spokesperson for​ Cutler’s office. There is an additional process that must take ⁤place ⁣before the funding is agreed to, indicating that this decision ⁢is meant‌ to motivate the university to address the issue more effectively.

In her testimony before Congress,⁣ Magill’s ⁣reluctance to provide a clear⁤ answer regarding the university’s stance on the calling for the genocide of Jews was met with disappointment and‌ outrage. While she later apologized,​ her comments sparked controversy and ultimately led ​to her resignation. It is worth noting that other university presidents, such​ as ⁢Claudine Gay ⁤of Harvard, ⁣who made similar comments, remain in their positions, ⁣raising questions about consistency in ⁢addressing anti-Semitism across institutions.

Penn Vet Chief⁣ Communication​ Officer Martin Hackett expressed deep ⁣disappointment with the decision to slash the university’s funding. He highlighted the important role that Penn Vet plays in fulfilling its educational ‌and service missions, and expressed hope that the state House‍ would reconsider its ​vote ⁤in the ⁣future.

Some may argue that the funding cut is ⁢too harsh, considering the critical mission of Penn Vet and other university ⁢efforts. However, it is ⁣crucial to acknowledge that combating anti-Semitism requires proactive measures and a clear stand against discrimination. By holding institutions accountable for their failure to address this issue effectively, legislators are sending a strong message that anti-Semitism cannot be tolerated on any campus.

In an era where anti-Semitism often hides​ behind pro-Palestinian⁤ advocacy, it is essential to ​take decisive action ​against discrimination and prejudice. While ​the‍ funding halt is ⁢just ‌the beginning, it serves as a wake-up call for universities to prioritize their responsibility in creating a safe and inclusive environment for all‍ students, regardless of their religious ⁤or ‍ethnic ⁤background.

Education institutions have the power to shape the minds of future generations. By unequivocally denouncing anti-Semitism and⁢ actively promoting understanding⁤ and respect, universities can ⁢contribute to‍ a more inclusive society.‌ The state legislators’ vote to slash Penn’s budget⁣ should serve as⁤ a reminder to all ‍universities of the importance of taking a strong stance against anti-Semitism and working towards its eradication.

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