The epoch times

Protesters in Staten Island arrested for blocking bus with undocumented immigrants.

Residents of Staten Island Take a Stand Against Illegal Immigration

Police made 10 arrests ⁢after fed-up ⁤Staten Island⁤ residents took to the street Tuesday⁤ night and ⁤physically blocked the arrival ⁤of a ⁣bus⁢ carrying dozens of illegal immigrants ‌to a residential school that ⁣had recently ⁢been converted⁣ into a shelter.

“The⁢ police are ⁢arresting law-abiding American citizens to protect law-breaking non-citizens,” Mark Fonte,⁤ a lawyer‍ who has⁢ filed a lawsuit on ‌behalf of residents ‌of Staten Island trying to stop ⁢the city⁤ from ‍relocating illegal immigrants to the borough,⁣ told‍ The Epoch Times.⁣ “The mayor is using his emergency powers to ‍place these unvetted immigrants in ⁣residential communities ‌against the will of ​the people, and the​ people are angry.”

“The​ residents are⁢ trying to send a message to the migrants that they are not welcome here,”⁢ added Mr. Fonte.

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Several dozen protesters were captured⁢ on video ⁣halting traffic after intercepting the bus, which‌ was headed⁢ to the former Island Shores senior assisted living facility.‍ Police say ten people ‌were taken into custody, with nine being issued‌ summonses for disorderly conduct and a 48-year-old man was charged for allegedly ⁣assaulting an officer.‌ There ‍were no reports‍ of injuries.

Residents have taken to the streets over concerns that the recent influx of illegal ⁢immigrants into the borough is changing ​the nature of the ​neighborhood, and because many are unvetted, ‍they would further contribute ⁤to already high crime rates, ⁢according to Mr. Fonte.

“The residents are frustrated that they are being totally ignored. There is no community input in the decision-making, or consultation ⁤with community leaders,” said Mr. Fonte. “It’s my way or the⁤ highway with the Mayor.”

New York City ​Mayor Adams responded to the incident Wednesday morning in an ​interview⁤ with NY1, calling ⁢the act of protest an “ugly‌ display.”

“We​ have 8.3 million ⁢New Yorkers,” said Mr. Adams. “We cannot allow the numerical minority that’s show[ing] an ugly display of how we ⁤deal with the crisis to‍ be used ⁣as an example‍ of what⁣ New ‍Yorkers are doing.”

Mr. Adams continued: “Of⁤ course New Yorkers are frustrated.⁤ New Yorkers ‌are really concerned and⁣ even the‍ migrants are really concerned. We are both stating that this crisis should be dealt with in⁢ a⁤ manner ‍where the national government carries out the‌ role that it’s supposed to. It should not‌ be ‌left on the backs of the ⁣New York City ‌residents.”

However, the mayor added that no amount⁢ of protests will stop the influx of illegal immigrants into the residential neighborhoods.

“We are not going‌ to allow ourselves to be bullied⁢ into not carrying out our responsibilities,” said the Mayor.

Staten Island is facing the consequences of a growing ⁢surge of ‌illegal immigrants into New York City, the ⁢only locality in the state considered⁣ to be a “Sanctuary City.” Where to put the influx of new‍ illegal immigrants has become an⁣ issue of controversy and inter-party tensions.

The city⁢ has long claimed a legal obligation to provide housing for⁢ every resident under the‍ so-called ⁢“right ⁤to shelter” ‍law, which was​ first established in‌ 1981. The rule came into existence ⁢after advocates‍ for the ⁢homeless claimed the right to shelter in a lawsuit. The city agreed with the homeless advocates, signing a “consent decree,” which pledged ⁣to provide shelter⁣ to anyone‌ suffering “physical, mental, or social dysfunction.”

City ​officials claim an⁣ estimated influx of 100,000 illegal immigrants has strained the ‍city’s resources and services. Mr. Adams has insisted that New⁢ York City can’t sustain​ the ‍numbers of new illegal immigrants, even‌ by utilizing ​the outer ⁣boroughs, and has called on the rest of the state to help ease the burden. Staten Island​ officials claim that it is a crisis of the mayor’s own creation in ‌deeming New ⁢York City a “sanctuary⁢ city.”

Mr.‍ Fonte said he ⁢has‌ had discussions‌ with elected‍ officials over‌ a⁢ possible ⁢secession movement. However,‍ the Staten ​Island battle for independence faces an​ uphill climb. Any ​chance of secession depends on the approval of both the New York City Council and ​the state⁢ Legislature. Despite⁢ the ‍long ‍odds, a growing ‌chorus of local officials are determined to keep fighting for the borough’s‌ right to self-determination.

Mr. Fonte says that without a solution on the table, he fears⁤ mounting frustrations over the ⁢city’s refusal to‌ consider the needs and‌ desires of Staten Island residents could soon reach its boiling point.

“I am fearful that the⁣ situation is ‍going to escalate⁢ and become uglier by the ​day,” said‌ Mr. Fonte.‌ “Staten Island‍ is⁤ not like other boroughs. ⁤Staten Islanders hold their ground and fight for their communities and ‌their families.”

“If the mayor doesn’t come up⁤ with another‌ plan this ⁣is only⁢ going to ​get worse. They need to close the damn ​border.”

‌How has the recent conversion of residential buildings into shelters for illegal immigrants sparked outrage among residents in Staten‌ Island?

Enforced ‌by a court decision in 1981. This law mandates​ that the city ⁣must provide shelter to all homeless individuals, regardless of their immigration status. However, the recent conversion of residential buildings into shelters ‌for illegal immigrants ⁣has sparked outrage among residents, particularly​ those in Staten Island.

Critics argue that the city’s decision to relocate⁢ illegal immigrants to⁢ residential communities without proper vetting poses a threat to the safety and well-being⁤ of the existing residents. Mark Fonte, a lawyer representing the Staten Island residents in a lawsuit against the city, emphasizes the people’s​ discontent with this disregard for their opinions and concerns. He believes that the residents’ actions, ‍such as physically blocking the arrival of buses carrying illegal⁤ immigrants, are a ⁣clear⁢ message that they do not welcome these individuals in their⁣ neighborhood.

The ⁤residents’‍ frustration is further exacerbated by the lack of community input and consultation with ⁤leaders ‌in the⁣ decision-making process. Mayor Adams’ response to the incident characterizes the protest as​ an “ugly display,” dismissing the concerns ‌raised by the residents.⁢ While the city ⁢acknowledges the frustration, it maintains that protests will not deter the continuation of relocating illegal immigrants to residential areas.

Staten Island’s‍ struggle reflects ⁣the ⁤broader​ issue facing New York City as a sanctuary city. With ‌the influx of illegal⁤ immigrants, the city must navigate ‍the challenges of​ accommodating the growing population while ensuring the safety and well-being of⁢ its residents. The⁢ “right to shelter”‍ law places a legal‍ obligation on the city to provide⁢ housing for all residents, including homeless individuals⁢ and illegal immigrants. ⁤However, the recent surge has raised ⁢questions⁢ about the adequacy ‌of​ the⁤ city’s response and the impact on the‌ affected neighborhoods.

Ultimately, finding a resolution⁣ requires a comprehensive approach that balances the city’s legal obligations, the concerns of residents, and the well-being of the immigrants themselves.⁤ It also necessitates cooperation and involvement from the national government, as Mayor Adams highlights. ‌Addressing the underlying ​issues that contribute ⁢to illegal immigration and collaborating on a national level will be key to effectively managing the situation.

Staten Island’s residents have taken a⁢ stand against⁤ the influx ‌of illegal immigrants in their community, ‌voicing their frustrations and concerns. The ​incident serves as a reminder of⁤ the complex dynamics surrounding immigration, ​housing, and community ‍engagement. It highlights the importance of open dialogue, community involvement, and a comprehensive⁢ approach in addressing the challenges posed by illegal immigration in residential areas. Only through collaboration and understanding can a‍ balance be struck that respects the rights and well-being ⁣of all individuals ⁢involved.

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