Washington Examiner

Alaska fund to send $1,312 direct payment in 16 days

The Alaska Department of Revenue ⁣Prepares to Distribute 2023 Permanent Fund Dividend Payments

In ‌just 16⁣ days, the Alaska Department⁤ of Revenue will be sending out payments for⁤ the state’s Permanent Fund Dividend to those ⁢who have yet to receive their 2023 payment. This⁢ eagerly anticipated round⁤ of ⁢payments will mark the fifth wave of distributions since October.

Ensuring Eligibility and Fair Distribution

Residents of‌ Alaska who are eligible for the program and still have the “Eligible-Not Paid” status as of January 10 will finally receive their 2023‌ or earlier payments on January⁢ 18. The ⁣amount of these payments is​ determined by the ⁣state’s mineral revenues for each year and is designed to benefit​ both current and future generations of residents.

For the year 2023,​ each resident will receive $1,312 from the program, a significant boost to their finances.

A Celebration of Alaskan Wealth

Adam Crum, the Commissioner of the Alaska Department of Revenue, expressed his gratitude to ⁤the Permanent Fund Dividend Division ‌for their hard⁣ work ⁣in administering the program⁣ and ⁣processing applications. He highlighted the⁣ importance of the ⁤2023 Permanent Fund Dividend, which represents 42 years of Alaskans receiving their fair share of the state’s ⁤natural resource⁣ wealth.

Crum also emphasized the positive impact of the‌ 2023 payments, stating that nearly $1 billion will be injected into ‍the state’s economy and directly into ⁣the ‍hands of Alaskans.

Looking Ahead to 2024

Residents ​of Alaska can now apply ⁣for the 2024 Permanent Fund Dividend program, with⁢ applications being ⁤accepted until March 31. Whether applying online or using a paper ⁤form, applicants must‍ meet certain requirements, such as intending to remain a resident of‍ Alaska indefinitely‌ and not having a felony conviction.

For more information ​about​ the state program and how to apply, ⁤visit the Alaska Department of Revenue’s website.

How does the Alaska Department of Revenue strategically invest state funds to promote long-term growth and stability, and what measures are taken to assess global‌ market trends and ⁤manage risks effectively

The Alaska Department of Revenue:⁢ Preparing‍ for Economic Growth ⁢and Financial Stability


The state of Alaska, bestowed with abundant natural resources, is recognized as a significant economic player in the United⁤ States.⁢ With a substantial portion of its revenue originating from the oil and gas industry, the management of these resources and resulting income requires careful consideration and planning. Ensuring financial stability and sustainable growth is the primary responsibility of the Alaska Department of Revenue. Through ⁣prudent management and strategic decision-making, the department navigates the complexities of the state’s finances, fostering economic ⁤development and ⁣the betterment of Alaskans.

Managing State Revenue:

The primary task of⁢ the Alaska Department of Revenue revolves around efficiently managing⁢ the state’s revenue streams. With the oil and ⁤gas industry playing a dominant role, the department collaborates closely with the Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation to diligently invest and grow the state’s permanent fund. Additionally, the‍ department oversees tax collection from various sectors, including corporate, personal, and mineral extraction ​taxes, ensuring compliance and minimizing tax evasion. By ‌monitoring revenue ⁤sources and employing effective‌ taxation policies, the⁤ department aims to maintain a consistent inflow of ⁣finances, catalyzing economic development.

Budgeting and Planning:

To guarantee the effective utilization of ⁢revenue and promote stability, ⁣the Alaska ​Department ‌of Revenue engages in rigorous budgeting ⁣and planning processes. Each fiscal year, the department⁤ prepares the state’s budget, considering the diverse ‌needs of Alaskans and the allocation of resources accordingly. Collaborating with different governmental departments and agencies, the department’s experts conduct meticulous evaluations to determine⁤ the appropriate distribution of funds. Through careful budgeting, the department aims to enhance public services, invest in infrastructure, and promote vital sectors ‍such as healthcare, education, and transportation.

Investment Management:

One key responsibility of the ⁢Alaska Department of Revenue is investment management. The department strategically invests state funds, ensuring long-term growth and stability. Collaborating with investment professionals, the department makes informed decisions regarding asset allocation, risk management, and diversification. By assessing global market trends and employing prudent investment‌ strategies, the department aims to generate substantial returns, safeguarding the state’s financial future.

Supporting Economic Growth:

The Alaska Department of Revenue also ⁢actively engages in promoting economic growth and diversification. Recognizing ‌the importance of reducing the state’s dependency on oil and gas revenues, the department ⁣supports initiatives designed to stimulate other sectors. This includes ​offering tax incentives, grants, and venture capital to attract businesses and encourage innovation. Moreover, the department cooperates ⁢with regional and national organizations to explore new investment opportunities and facilitate entrepreneurship in Alaska.

Ensuring ​Transparency and Accountability:

Transparency and accountability are fundamental principles guiding the operation of the Alaska Department of Revenue. The⁣ department upholds stringent standards to ensure the responsible management​ and⁢ allocation of ⁢public funds. By conducting audits, regular financial reporting, and engaging ‌in open dialogue with the public,‌ the department maintains trust and confidence. Transparency ⁢fosters accountability, enabling Alaskans to hold the department responsible for ensuring economic⁤ growth and stability.


The Alaska Department of Revenue is entrusted with the crucial task of ensuring economic growth, financial stability, ‍and⁣ the sustainable‍ management of the state’s resources. Through meticulous revenue management, efficient budgeting and‌ planning, strategic investment management, and support for economic diversification, the department diligently guides Alaska towards ‍a prosperous and resilient future. Upholding transparency and⁣ accountability, the department instills public confidence and trust, enabling Alaskans to ⁤actively participate in the growth and development of their beloved state.

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