Conservative News Daily

Stunning Post-Debate Poll Sparks Panic on CNN’s Airwaves: ‘I Have Never Seen Numbers This Bad’

The⁢ article discusses the plummeting poll numbers for President Joe Biden following a disastrous performance​ at the first presidential debate. Despite this, the Biden‌ family, especially his wife and⁣ son, are encouraging him to stay in the race. A ‌poll found that 72 ⁣percent of voters do ‍not believe‍ Biden is​ mentally fit to serve as ⁤president. CNN ⁢data reporter Harry‍ Enten stated that these are ​the⁤ worst numbers he has ever seen. The Democratic Party does ‍not have a clear alternative to Biden, as all potential candidates are trailing behind former President Donald Trump in polling. The article raises concerns‍ about ⁤the Democrats potentially shutting ‍down the country or cancelling the election due to the lack​ of a viable candidate to compete with Trump.

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Commentary  By Laura Wellington  July 1, 2024 at 9:57am Will President Joe Biden stay in the race despite plummeting poll numbers and many in the Democratic Party souring on him following his astonishingly bad performance at the first presidential debate? The answer depends on who holds the most influence over him, the party or the Biden family. And does that answer really matter, given how duplicitous the Democratic Party now looks in the eyes of Americans? That’s truly the overarching question to be weighed. It may be that the president is better off staying in the race. That is the conclusion the Biden family has drawn, having spent the weekend at Camp David rallying around Joe and encouraging him to continue, according to The New York Times. The president’s wife and son were especially supportive and resolute that he stay put, the report said. Jill Biden has face to save, power to still grab and a formidable hand to play against those who are now turning their backs on the Bidens. Hunter Biden has reasons of his own. In addition, the sullied party platform they would be exiting isn’t one any truly intelligent, viable candidate would want at the present moment. That’s reality, despite the sad picture painted by a new CBS News/YouGov national survey regarding whether people believe Biden should continue to run. The poll found that 72 percent of voters do not believe Biden has the mental or cognitive health to serve as president. The survey of 1,130 registered voters was conducted Friday and Saturday and has a margin of error of plus or minus 4.2 percent. CNN senior data reporter Harry Enten joined host Alisyn Camerota on Sunday to discuss the poll results. “I have never seen numbers this bad,” he said. Will Trump win in November? “These numbers were bad already, and the truth is, Alisyn, they have gotten just considerably worse even in just a few days after that first presidential debate,” Enten said. When asked who the voters would want on the ticket, he responded, “Yeah, this is the whole question, right? If it’s not President Biden, then who could it be on the Democratic side? And the truth is, there are no easy answers.” Enten explained that every name currently circulating within the Democratic Party trails the presumptive GOP nominee, former President Donald Trump, in polling. He said there simply isn’t a magic bullet to be had, based on the numbers. Things are looking worse for Biden with each passing day — but also for American voters, especially those who now believe that the Democrats miscalculated the current situation from the jump. What seems to have begun as a controlled burn is now ferociously ablaze, with those like the first lady and the rest of the Biden family seemingly controlling the water. All this while the president looks on in confusion. Without a suitable option to compete with Trump, the notion that the Democrats will incite a situation that could result in shutting down the country and or no election at all is swirling. Would this truly be such a surprise, given how carefully they hid the president’s circumstances from the American people? Especially when the notion of another Trump term is so cataclysmic for them? An Important Message from Our Staff: In just a few months, the world is going to change forever. The 2024 election is the single most important election of our lifetime.  We here at The Western Journal are committed to covering it in a way the establishment media simply will not: We will tell the truth, and they will lie. But Big Tech and the elites don’t want the truth out. That’s why they have cut us off from 90% of advertisers. Imagine if someone cut your monthly income by 90%. That’s what they’ve done to people like us.  As a staff, we are asking you to join us to fight this once-in-a-lifetime fight. Without you not only will The Western Journal fail, but America will fail also. As Benjamin Franklin said, “We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.” Will you support The Western Journal today and become a member?  A Western Journal Membership costs less than one coffee and breakfast sandwich each month, and it gets you access to ALL of our content — news, commentary, and premium articles. You’ll experience a radically reduced number of ads, and most importantly you will be vitally supporting the fight for America’s soul in 2024. This is the time. America will live or die based on what happens this year. Please join us to get the real truth out and to fight the elites, Big Tech, and the people who want America to fail. Together, we really can save the country. Thank you for your support! P.S. Please stand with us! Tags: 2024 election, CNN, Democrats, Donald Trump, Hunter Biden, Jill Biden, Joe Biden, Liberal media, Politics, Polls, U.S. News SummaryMore Biographical InformationRecent PostsContact Laura J. Wellington is an award-winning children’s television creator, author, blogger and technology entrepreneur. A TED Speaker, she is the founder of the THREAD MB blog as well as the ZNEEX app, combining new friendships and walking on the local level. Laura J. Wellington is an award-winning children’s television creator, author, blogger and technology entrepreneur. A TED Speaker, she is the founder of the THREAD MB blog as well as the ZNEEX app.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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