The federalist

Subpoenaing SCOTUS Justices’ Friends Will Backfire on Senate Dems

Subpoenaing Friends of Public Officials: A Dangerous Precedent

Subpoenaing friends of public officials we ‍don’t like — how crazy is that? But this is⁣ where‌ we are, as the Senate Judiciary Committee meets Thursday to consider‍ voting on ⁤subpoenas to two individuals whose crimes are simply being friends with Supreme Court​ Justices Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito. This is not only unconstitutional, it⁢ would set ‍an insane precedent.

Mark ‌my words, this despicable act will come back to haunt the Democrats — and this time their friends, just as their prior decisions to erode Senate norms, rules, and ​precedents​ have before.

Sen. Dick Durbin, with a big ⁤shove⁢ from corrupt‌ conspiracy theorist and racist Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, ​will try to issue subpoenas to Harlan​ Crow for 25 years of information about ⁣vacations with his longtime friend, Justice Clarence Thomas. Yes, that’s correct. Tell‍ us where you went, with whom you traveled, and for how long. They are attempting to subpoena a private ⁣citizen who has never‍ worked‌ for the government about his personal friendships and travels. They also are​ seeking⁣ to issue ⁤a subpoena‌ to Leonard Leo for the same information related to Justice Alito. This is ‍straight out of the Gestapo playbook.

Why on Earth ​would they ⁤demand this information from a private citizen? Durbin and Whitehouse claim they are considering legislation to enact⁣ an ethics code to‍ govern the justices’ conduct. But this is dishonest — a fabricated pretext to ‌harass justices and their friends as revenge⁤ for their jurisprudence.

First, Congress⁣ has no​ authority to ​enact an ethics‍ code⁢ on ⁢the⁣ Supreme Court because the court is established in the‌ Constitution and its judicial duties cannot be dictated by a separate branch. Schoolchildren ⁤are taught about the separation of powers doctrine, but the concept apparently eludes Democrats on the‌ Senate ⁢Judiciary Committee.

Because Congress’s oversight powers can ⁤only be⁤ used in furtherance of a valid legislative purpose, and there is none‌ here, these subpoenas would be‌ fatally defective. It’s also worthwhile to note that even if

How does targeting friends of public ⁣officials for legal proceedings ⁣undermine the integrity of our judicial system ⁢and weaken the trust between citizens and their elected representatives

Subpoenaing Friends of Public ‍Officials: A Dangerous Precedent

In a shocking turn of events, the Senate Judiciary ‌Committee⁣ is ​meeting to consider voting on subpoenas to two individuals for the simple ‌crime of being friends with Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito. This outrageous action not only ​violates the ⁤principles of our constitution but also sets a⁢ dangerous precedent for the future.

The idea of subpoenaing friends of public officials we don’t like ⁤is absurd. It goes against the very foundations of our democracy, which guarantee the right to associate freely with ‌whomever we choose. By targeting individuals based solely on their personal relationships, we are ⁤undermining the principles of fairness ⁢and impartiality that our legal system is built upon.

Moreover, such a move would set ⁣an insane precedent for ​future investigations. If​ we allow this action to go unchecked, it opens the door‍ for political adversaries to weaponize the‌ subpoena power to target and harass those they disagree with. This would lead to a chilling effect on freedom‍ of association and could potentially deter individuals from engaging in any form of friendship or association with public officials.

It is essential to remember ⁣that‍ the actions we take today can come⁢ back to‌ haunt us tomorrow.​ The Democrats, who ⁤are spearheading this subpoena initiative, must realize that this despicable act will have consequences. Just ​as their prior decisions‌ to erode Senate norms, rules, and precedents ‍have come back to bite them, this latest move will undoubtedly do the ⁢same.

We must not allow⁢ political vendettas to⁤ dictate⁣ our‌ legal proceedings. Subpoenaing‌ friends of public ⁢officials not⁣ only undermines the integrity of our judicial system but also weakens the⁢ trust between citizens and their elected ⁤representatives.⁢ This erosion of trust can ​have severe long-term consequences for our democracy ⁣and the functioning of our government.

True justice and fairness require‍ an unbiased⁤ and impartial approach. The targeting of friends of public officials sets ⁢a dangerous precedent that can lead to⁢ a slippery ⁢slope where personal relationships become a determining factor in legal⁣ proceedings. This goes against the very‌ essence​ of justice, which should be blind to personal‍ associations and focused solely on evidence and facts.

As citizens, we ⁢must demand accountability and‍ stand up against actions that undermine the​ principles that our country was founded upon. The subpoenaing of friends of ⁣public officials is an assault on our ‍democratic values and should not⁢ be tolerated. We must safeguard the sanctity of our legal system and ensure⁢ that ​personal friendships do⁢ not become a ⁣weapon for political gain.

Let us hope that the Senate Judiciary Committee ​sees reason and rejects​ the notion that personal associations should have any bearing⁢ on​ legal proceedings. Our‍ democracy and ​the fairness of our justice system depend on it.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."
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