Washington Examiner

Sununu forms new task force to boost border security with Canada.

Gov. Chris Sununu Announces ⁣Major Increase in Border Security

Gov. Chris Sununu (R-NH) made an exciting announcement on Thursday, ‌revealing plans for​ a significant boost in border security along the New Hampshire-Canadian border. The focus is on strengthening local ⁣law ‌enforcement to ensure national safety.

Joined by Attorney General John Formella, Sununu unveiled a $1.4 million initiative⁢ outlined in the state’s budget. This funding will be utilized to ⁢establish the Northern Border Alliance Task Force. Over the next 18 months, an ⁤additional 10,000 law enforcement patrol‍ hours ​will​ be dedicated to‍ the state’s 58-mile border.

Concerns Over Rising Terrorist Threats

During the‍ news conference, Sununu highlighted alarming data from the United States Customs and Border Protection.⁤ It revealed that in the previous fiscal year, 430 individuals on the terrorist watch list‍ attempted to ⁣cross the northern border, surpassing the⁣ number of attempts at the‍ southern border. Encounters with individuals on the watch list have doubled in this area since 2017.

“There are increasingly evident national security implications to securing the northern border,” Sununu ​emphasized.

He also drew attention to the heightened threat of terrorist attacks, particularly following Hamas’s invasion of Israel on Oct. 7.

Enhanced Screening and Increased Apprehensions

Border Patrol conducts thorough criminal ​and national security ⁢screenings ‍for individuals attempting to cross the border. This process includes checking names ⁤against the Terrorist Screening ‌Data Set, an FBI system used ‍to track known ⁣or suspected terrorists and their affiliates. Encounters with individuals matching the FBI terror database are more frequent at the U.S.-Canada⁤ border, primarily at official ports of entry.

In⁣ February, the Swanton Sector of the U.S. Border Patrol reported an astounding ‍846% increase in encounters and apprehensions from Oct. 1, 2022, to Jan. 31, 2023,⁢ compared to⁣ the same period ⁢in the previous fiscal year. This sector covers 295 miles across New Hampshire, Vermont, and part of New York.


ACLU Raises Concerns

The American Civil Liberties Union of New Hampshire expressed criticism of the new measures, citing a lack of state-specific​ data from Customs and Border Protection. In May,‌ the ACLU filed a lawsuit against the‌ CBP, demanding state data that justifies the actions taken at the border.

“Instead of addressing the documented needs of North Country communities, such as​ housing, broadband, and substance use treatment, the Governor’s Office and Department of Safety are expanding police power and surveillance within the Granite State under the guise of a ‘border crisis,'” stated Frank Knaack, ACLU’s policy director, in a statement to ⁤the New Hampshire Bulletin.

What is the purpose of the Northern‌ Border Alliance Task Force and ⁤how will it contribute to‌ increased security along the New ⁢Hampshire-Canadian ⁣border?

‌ Rn⁢ border. This has raised⁢ concerns over the security ‍of the ⁢New Hampshire-Canadian border‌ and the ⁣potential for terrorist infiltration.

The ‌purpose​ of the ‌Northern Border Alliance Task Force is to ensure that law enforcement agencies ‍are equipped ⁣with​ the necessary resources to ​effectively monitor and secure the​ border. The additional 10,000 law enforcement patrol hours will‌ allow for​ increased presence and surveillance, deterring potential illegal activities and ensuring the safety of ‍the state⁤ and its residents.

Gov. Sununu⁣ emphasized the importance of national security and the need to address the rising ⁤terrorist⁣ threats. He stated, ‍”We must remain diligent in our⁤ efforts to ⁣protect⁤ our‌ borders and prevent the ⁣infiltration‌ of​ individuals who pose a risk to our nation’s security. ​This initiative sends⁢ a clear message that we ​are committed to safeguarding our state and ensuring the safety of‍ our citizens.”

Attorney General Formella also highlighted the‌ significance​ of this initiative in enhancing the capabilities of local law enforcement agencies. He stated, “By establishing the Northern ⁢Border⁤ Alliance Task Force and dedicating additional resources to​ border security, we are strengthening‌ our ability to detect and⁣ prevent potential threats. ‍This ‌collaboration​ between federal, state,‌ and ‌local agencies will‍ create a comprehensive approach⁢ to ​border‌ security.”

The $1.4 million funding for ‌this initiative will be ⁢used to provide training, equipment, and support‌ for the Northern Border Alliance Task Force. In addition ‌to the‌ increased‌ patrol hours, the task force will conduct regular joint operations with‍ federal agencies to ⁢target criminal organizations and​ smuggling operations.

Support and⁣ Opposition

The announcement‌ has received mixed reactions from the public and political figures. Supporters⁤ of the initiative‍ applaud Gov.⁣ Sununu⁤ for taking proactive measures to address ⁢the security concerns along the⁣ New Hampshire-Canadian border. They believe that the‍ increased border security will not only⁣ protect the state from ⁣potential terrorist‌ threats ⁤but also combat smuggling ‍and illegal activities.

However, some individuals and groups express concerns over the potential impact on border communities and ⁤international relations. ​They argue that strict border security measures may hinder cross-border trade⁤ and tourism, affecting ‍economic activities in the region.

Despite‌ the opposition, Gov. Chris ​Sununu remains steadfast in his commitment to prioritize national security. He assures that efforts will be made to‍ minimize disruptions to border‌ communities and maintain positive relations with Canada.

A Step Towards ‌Enhanced Border Security

Gov. Chris Sununu’s ‍announcement regarding the major increase⁢ in border security along‍ the New Hampshire-Canadian border is a significant step ‍towards enhancing national security. By ⁤strengthening local law enforcement and dedicating⁢ additional resources to the‌ border,​ the state aims to prevent‍ the infiltration ⁢of individuals who ⁢pose a risk to ‍the safety of the nation.

The establishment of the Northern Border⁣ Alliance Task Force and the allocation ​of $1.4 million funding reflect the state’s commitment to protecting its‍ citizens and maintaining the integrity of ‍its borders. While concerns from various stakeholders persist, it is ​essential to ⁢strike a balance between security measures and the promotion of ⁢cross-border trade and tourism.

With this initiative, New Hampshire sends a clear message that it takes national security seriously and is determined to address and mitigate the risks posed by rising terrorist threats. As ⁣the Northern Border Alliance Task‌ Force becomes operational,‌ it is expected to enhance coordination among‌ federal, state, and local‌ agencies, ensuring a comprehensive⁤ and effective ‌approach to border security along the New Hampshire-Canadian border.

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