Washington Examiner

Sununu says Trump could get ‘smoked out’ if GOP presidential field consolidates

Gov. Chris Sununu: Trump Could Face Tough Competition in ⁣Republican Primary

Gov. Chris Sununu ⁢(R-NH) believes that‌ former President Donald Trump ⁤may face significant challenges in ‌the Republican presidential primary if the ⁣rest of ‍the field continues‍ to consolidate. ‌In response to Trump’s recent comments ⁢threatening to indict potential opponents if he were to become president again, Sununu expressed concerns about Trump’s electoral chances within the GOP. ⁢He emphasized the importance of⁣ participating in presidential debates and being mindful⁣ of his words.

A Competitive Field Emerges

Sununu​ stated, “I‍ think he kind ⁣of ⁢feels like he has the opportunity to say whatever he wants and he’s going to secure ‍the nomination. I ⁣personally don’t believe that’s ⁢the case. ⁤I think you have three or four very strong opportunities. We’re ⁣still two months ⁣away from Iowa and a couple of months from New Hampshire.”

He further highlighted that even Trump’s supporters are starting to realize that other candidates have the potential to make a significant⁣ impact. Sununu stated, “When people‍ start realizing that other folks can make a move here, ⁣he’s going to be — I would call it⁤ smoked out and have to‍ actually engage folks on the debate stage and start watching what ‍he’s saying.”

A ​Viable Alternative

When pressed about his statement that Trump could⁢ get “smoked out,” Sununu explained that if ⁢a viable alternative⁤ to ⁢Trump emerges among the rest ‌of⁢ the field, the former president ‌will ‌have to actively engage with voters. Sununu emphasized the importance of winning key states like Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina, stating that a consistent second-place candidate could become the alternative to Trump.

He added, “If it‍ gets down to that⁢ one-on-one race before Super ⁢Tuesday, I mean, all of a sudden, ‌somebody’s ⁣going ‌to be within 10 points or less of him, ‌and he’s going to‍ have to really start engaging.​ He’s not going to be able to avoid the fact that he’s being severely⁣ challenged.”

A Competitive‍ Landscape

Trump currently leads ⁤the Republican primary‌ field, with polling averages showing him at 47.3% in Iowa. ⁢However, Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) ⁢follows ​closely at 17%, and former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley at 14%. Gov. Kim Reynolds (R-IA) endorsing DeSantis is seen as‍ a significant boost​ to ⁢his campaign.

Sununu, who governs the state hosting the second⁤ primary contest, plans⁢ to ‍make ⁤an endorsement in ‌the ‍coming weeks. While he did not ‍disclose⁤ his choice,⁣ Sununu mentioned that DeSantis, Haley, and former New Jersey Gov. Chris ‌Christie all have a ⁣chance at winning the GOP ​nomination.

He stated, “If⁢ you ⁤go back three‌ months ago, there were like⁢ 13 candidates in the race. I ‍think you can effectively say there’s three that have a shot here. And ‌those are three governors — Christie,‌ Haley, and DeSantis — the three that clearly did the best⁣ on ‍the debate stage the other night — five on the debate stage.”

Sununu believes ‍that the emphasis and focus will be on the‍ three⁤ governors who‍ are making significant​ strides in Iowa and​ New Hampshire. He noted the ⁢consolidation happening ⁢in these states and suggested that‌ once the‌ field narrows ‍down, the competition will intensify.

What concerns does Sununu express ‌about Trump’s controversial comments⁣ and their potential impact in ⁤the primary?

Bout who ⁢he sees as a potential contender to Trump, Sununu mentioned Florida⁤ Governor Ron DeSantis. He praised DeSantis ‍for his strong leadership and​ conservative policies, stating, “DeSantis has⁢ done a great job in ‍Florida, and I think he’s going to ⁢be a⁢ strong candidate if he chooses to‍ run.”

Sununu ‍also expressed⁤ his admiration for other potential candidates such⁢ as former Vice President Mike ⁢Pence and Senators ⁢Ted Cruz and Rand Paul. He acknowledged that these individuals have a strong base of support within⁢ the Republican Party and​ could pose a serious challenge to Trump.

Concerns about Trump’s ​Words

In addition to discussing the potential competition⁣ in the primary, Sununu expressed concerns about ⁢Trump’s controversial comments. He believes that Trump should be more mindful of his words, ​especially ​when it comes to threatening to indict potential​ opponents if elected president again.

Sununu stressed the importance of ​participating in presidential debates as a way ‌to showcase one’s policies‌ and engage ‌with ⁤fellow ‌candidates. He believes ⁣that Trump’s tendency to make inflammatory remarks could ⁤hinder his chances in the primary, as ⁣voters may prefer a candidate​ who focuses on substantive issues ‍rather than personal ⁢attacks.

The Road Ahead

As the 2024 presidential election draws closer,⁣ Sununu urges Republicans to carefully consider their⁢ options. ​He believes ⁣that⁣ a competitive primary with multiple strong ‌candidates is ​healthy for the ‌party and ultimately leads to ⁢a stronger nominee.

Sununu’s ⁤comments‍ highlight the evolving dynamics‌ within the Republican​ Party⁤ and⁤ the ​potential ⁣challenges‌ that lie‌ ahead for former ⁣President Donald ⁢Trump. While Trump⁢ remains a dominant figure within⁣ the ⁤party, it is evident ‌that other potential candidates are gaining traction and could present a viable alternative.

As the primary season approaches,⁤ it will be interesting to ‍see‌ how the field shapes up and whether Trump can maintain his stronghold on​ the party or if he will face tough competition from other contenders. Ultimately, the decision ​lies in the hands of Republican voters⁤ who‍ will ​determine the future direction of ‍the party and⁢ its nominee​ for the 2024 presidential election.

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