Washington Examiner

Super Tuesday: Key California House races that may change Congress’ control

Super Tuesday: The Battle ‍for California

Super Tuesday is here, ​and all eyes are on California, the golden prize up ⁤for grabs.⁤ Former President Donald Trump and President⁣ Joe Biden⁢ are both vying for dominant victories⁣ in the delegate race. But it’s not just the presidential contenders ⁤that are capturing ‍attention. There are several intriguing down-ballot races, including ⁣the jungle primary for former Sen. Dianne ⁣Feinstein’s seat and a number of ⁤House races that could ‌determine ⁤control of Congress. In this series, Golden State Scramble, we dive ​into all of the above and more.⁤ In Part⁢ Five, we take a‌ closer look at five House races that could ⁢shape ⁣the future of‌ the ​lower chamber.

House District 22: A Battle for Power

An intense ‍Democratic rivalry in ‌California’s Central Valley ​district could ⁢have unexpected⁣ consequences, potentially leading to two Republicans competing for a highly sought-after ⁣House seat. The race in the 22nd Congressional District is ⁣just one of five races that could be game changers.

Currently, Republicans hold a three-seat majority in⁤ the lower⁢ chamber ‌of Congress. California is home to five House districts that were won by⁣ President Biden in 2020 but⁣ are ⁣now in GOP hands.​ Additionally, the⁣ state is host to 10 of the most⁤ competitive House races nationwide,‍ many of which were won by ⁢razor-thin margins in the previous election ⁢cycle.

House‍ District 22: A Tug-of-War

The‍ battle for⁤ California’s 22nd District is heating⁢ up on the eve of‍ the‌ primary. This race has the potential to shift the balance of power in the House of Representatives.

Incumbent Rep. David Valadao, a Republican, ⁤has faced backlash from his⁤ base due to his vote⁢ to impeach former President Trump and his ​criticism of Trump’s role in the Capitol attack. This⁢ has opened the door for the Democratic Party to⁣ field their ​own candidate, ⁣former Assemblyman Rudy Salas, who has garnered⁣ support from influential ​figures like Gov. Gavin Newsom and Sen. Alex Padilla. ⁣However, another Democrat, State Sen. Melissa ‌Hurtado, ⁢has entered the race, creating ​a three-way competition ‌that could⁣ cancel out both Democratic candidates and leave only Valadao ⁤and far-right GOP candidate Chris Mathys as the choices ⁣in the general⁣ election.

House District​ 47: A Coastal Showdown

Another​ closely watched House race ⁢is unfolding⁤ in California’s 47th District, ⁢a largely coastal area. ⁢This seat was vacated by Rep. Katie Porter,⁣ who is now running for ​the Senate.

A crowded field ‍of⁢ Democrats is vying for Porter’s former seat, hoping to replicate her success. ‌Republican Scott Baugh, who ‌previously challenged Porter, is making another run, but his past controversies, including violations of the state Political Reform ‌Act, may hinder his chances. The race is ⁤expected to be highly competitive, with candidates​ like state Sen. Dave Min⁢ and Republican businessman Max Ukropina‍ in the ⁤mix.

House⁣ District 27: A Battle for the Antelope Valley

California’s ‍Antelope Valley is a‌ key battleground⁤ for Republicans⁢ and Democrats. In the 27th District,⁤ Rep. Mike Garcia‌ is seeking ⁤a third term, but he faces strong challenges ⁣from two Democratic candidates.

Former Virgin Galactic CEO George Whitesides and‍ former prison guard Steve ​Hill are vying to unseat Garcia.⁤ Whitesides has outraised Garcia in fundraising, but his personal wealth has become a target for Republicans. The outcome of this⁤ race could have significant ​implications for the balance of power in the ⁣House.

House District 41: A ‍Changing Landscape

The race ​in⁢ California’s ‍41st District is heating up, with Rep. Ken Calvert⁣ facing a tough challenge from Democrat Will Rollins. Changes in the ‌district’s boundaries and the addition of Palm Springs have made⁢ it ‌more favorable for Democrats.

This‍ race is pivotal, as Democrats⁣ have a chance to gain control of the House by ​flipping just a few ⁢seats. The outcome could‍ come down to a few thousand ‌or even a few hundred votes.⁣ Both ​candidates⁣ are building broad coalitions ⁣of supporters, with Rollins highlighting his grassroots ⁤fundraising and opposition‍ to conspiracy theories, while Calvert aims to appeal to ​Californians fed up with the current​ state of ​affairs.

House District 13: A Rematch in the Valley

Rep.‌ John Duarte, a Republican,⁤ narrowly​ won ⁢California’s 13th‌ District⁢ in the last ⁢election. ​Now, Democrats are gearing up for ⁢a rematch, with Democratic Assemblyman Adam Gray as the leading challenger.

Duarte, a fourth-generation farmer, made headlines for his legal battle with ‌the ⁤federal government over wetland damage.‍ Gray, known for challenging the state water board, is hoping to capitalize on the district’s changing⁣ dynamics.⁤ The outcome of‌ this race could have national implications, as ⁣Democrats ​aim to unseat a​ freshman‍ lawmaker.

These five House races in California are just a glimpse into ‌the ‍high-stakes battles⁢ taking‍ place across the state. The results will shape ‍the future of Congress and have ‍far-reaching consequences for the nation.

‌ Why is the race for ⁢California’s 50th District⁢ between Republican Darrell Issa⁣ and Democrat Ammar Campa-Najjar expected to be highly competitive, and what is at stake in this​ contest

⁢Democrat Christy Smith, ⁢who lost to Garcia in a contentious special election ‍in 2020, is running once again. She is determined to⁢ flip the seat and​ bring it⁤ back into Democratic ‍hands.‌ However, she⁢ is facing competition from another⁣ Democrat, state Assemblywoman Suzette Valladares,⁤ who is looking to make history ⁣as‌ the first Latina Republican elected to Congress.

House⁤ District 42:⁤ A Suburban Battle

In California’s ⁣42nd​ District, ⁢a battleground suburban area, Democratic Rep. Ken Calvert faces a‍ competitive race for reelection.

Calvert, a ‌longtime incumbent, has a strong base of‌ support, but Democrat Andrew Leventhal is hoping to unseat him with a progressive platform focused on issues such ⁤as⁤ climate change and healthcare. With voter dissatisfaction towards ‍Calvert and shifting⁢ demographics in ​the district, this race⁣ could be closer than expected.

House⁣ District 50: A Fight for the San Diego Suburbs

The race for California’s ⁣50th District, ​encompassing the San Diego suburbs, is another closely watched contest.

Former Rep. Darrell Issa, a Republican, is aiming to retake the seat ⁢he held for ⁢years before ⁢deciding not to run for reelection in 2018. However, he faces a‍ tough challenge from Democrat Ammar Campa-Najjar, who came close to defeating Issa in the ​previous⁢ election cycle.‍ Both candidates have strong support ‍and this race is expected to be⁤ highly competitive once ​again.

In conclusion, the⁣ battle for California on‍ Super Tuesday ⁣extends beyond the presidential race. Several House races in the ⁢state‍ have the potential⁣ to shape the future of the lower chamber and impact the balance of power in Congress. With Republicans aiming‌ to hold onto their ‌three-seat majority and Democrats looking to expand their control, these‌ races ⁤will be closely watched and fiercely contested. The outcomes ⁣will ⁢undoubtedly have significant implications for the direction​ of policy and governance in California and the United States as⁣ a whole.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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