Supreme Court Accidentally Leaks Draft Opinion in Key Case

The‍ article ‌discusses a leaked draft opinion from the U.S. Supreme Court regarding a⁤ major case that seems to partially roll back Idaho’s recent stringent abortion ban. This document, which appeared briefly on the Supreme Court website before it was removed, was captured by ⁢Bloomberg Law. The draft specifies the court’s decision in a 6-3 vote to allow emergency abortions in Idaho,‍ specifically to safeguard the mother’s ⁢health—beyond immediate ⁢life-threatening conditions. Mentioned examples where abortion could be justified include conditions such as⁣ the⁢ potential loss of the mother’s fertility, which, although ⁣devastating, raises ethical debates about the conditions under which abortions may be permissible. The leak, described ⁤as accidental, follows a previous significant abortion-related leak (Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization) and brings renewed ‍focus on the complexities and contentious nature⁢ of abortion laws in the⁣ U.S. The article ‌reflects a critical stance on ⁣the decision and broader ideological conflicts about abortion ⁢rights. Additionally, it ends with a plea for financial support from ‍readers to help fight against the perceived opposition from‌ “Big ⁢Tech and elite” forces.


Supreme Court Accidentally Leaks Draft Opinion in Key Case – It Doesn’t Look Good

By Michael Austin June 27, 2024 at 11:20am

An accidental leak of an upcoming Supreme Court decision brings with it sad and disturbing news for pro-lifers in Idaho.

The leaked opinion was briefly available on the official U.S. Supreme Court website before being pulled down Wednesday.

Bloomberg Law saved a copy of the decision, which reveals that — if true — Idaho’s recent abortion ban will be partially rolled back.

In a 6-3 decision, the court decided that the mother’s general health (not life mind you — abortion procedures to protect the mother’s life were already allowed under the law, as noted near the beginning of the leaked document) and the threat a pregnancy may pose to it are just grounds for murdering an unborn child.

More specifically, according to Bloomberg Law, the decision “would reinstate a lower court order that had ensured hospitals in the state could perform emergency abortions to protect the health of the mother.”

One example of a health condition the decision deemed to be worthy of killing a baby over is “the loss of her fertility.”

Make no mistake, such a result of a pregnancy would be no doubt devastating.

But is it worth killing a baby over?

Moreover, the potential “harm” to women’s health noted in the leaked document could be interpreted rather liberally.

Do you trust the Supreme Court?

The list includes many common health conditions associated with pregnancy, nausea, diabetes, high blood pressure and many, many others.

Yes, some of these conditions, taken to extremes, are certainly harmful to a woman’s health.

So, will this law then allow for abortions in the mildest instances of all those issues? If so, Idaho’s ban might as well have been eliminated completely.

This is the second time in recent memory that a Supreme Court decision was leaked. The first was the well-known Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization case which overturned Roe v. Wade.

Curiously enough, both leaked cases involved abortion law.

Since the right to have sex without consequences by murdering those consequences is such an important issue for the so-called “tolerant” left, this writer wouldn’t be surprised if the first leak was intentional.

This most recent leak, however, appears to be merely an accident.

Regardless, it spells terrible news for the rights of the preborn in Idaho.

If we want to create a truly just and free society like the left is always claiming to want, we need to start things off by protecting the most vulnerable among us.

Too bad we’re going to have to fight tooth and nail against the far-left social justice activists to make that happen.

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Manager of Writing and Reporting

Michael wrote for a number of entertainment news outlets before joining The Western Journal in 2020 as a staff reporter. He now manages the writing and reporting teams, overseeing the production of commentary, news and original reporting content.


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