Conservative News Daily

Supreme Court to decide landmark case on government’s control of free speech on social media.

Supreme Court to Hear Monumental Case⁤ That Will Set Precedent on Government Suppression ‌of Free Speech on Social Media

In a decision that conservatives⁣ are mostly applauding, the Supreme Court will hear a case that will set a precedent on ‍how far the⁢ government can go ​in ⁤suppressing free speech on social media.

On Friday, the nation’s ‌highest court ⁣announced it‍ had issued a writ of certiorari in a case known by various names that basically pits the states of ⁤Louisiana and Missouri against the⁤ Biden‌ administration,​ in which the states aimed to curtail the federal government’s goading of ‍platforms‍ such‍ as‍ Facebook, YouTube and Twitter/X to censor unpopular opinions without directly telling⁣ them to — which would​ be an obvious breach of the First Amendment’s protection of freedom of speech.

Louisiana Solicitor⁣ General Liz ⁣Murrill hailed the decision ​in a statement Friday.

“We ‌are pleased to learn that the U.S.⁢ Supreme ⁤Court will hear this case, ⁣giving us ⁢yet‍ another opportunity to defend the people ​from this assault on our First Amendment rights,” Murrill said.

“It brings us one step closer to reestablishing the protections guaranteed to us ⁢in the Constitution and under the First Amendment,”⁣ she said.

“We hope that⁤ the Supreme Court will agree that this gross⁤ abuse of power must stop and never happen again.”

The lawsuit, initially filed by Louisiana Attorney‍ General Jeff Landry and‍ Missouri Attorney General ⁤Eric ⁢Schmitt in May 2022, dealt with how the government ⁣put pressure on tech giants to censor certain ⁢information, particularly as it related⁤ to the COVID-19 pandemic‍ — ​and the efficacy of and/or dangers potentially posed by mask-wearing, vaccines and other measures.

In a ruling on‍ July 4, U.S.‍ District Court Judge Terry​ Doughty‍ fired the first shot in the legal volley on the case, issuing a decision that blocked ​a number of federal agencies — specifically, the Department of ⁢Health and Human Services, the National Institute of⁣ Allergy and Infectious‍ Diseases, the Centers for⁣ Disease Control and Prevention,⁤ the U.S. Census Bureau, the FBI‌ and the Department of Justice — from interacting with companies in a ​way that​ could ⁢be‍ construed as “encouraging, pressuring, or inducing in any​ manner the removal, ‌deletion, ⁤suppression, ​or reduction⁣ of⁢ content containing protected free speech.”

In September, according⁤ to The Associated Press, the ‍5th U.S.⁣ Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans ruled mostly in⁣ favor of the two states while it “tossed out broader ⁣language⁢ in an order that a Louisiana-based federal judge had issued July 4 that effectively blocked​ multiple government‍ agencies from contacting platforms like Facebook and X (formerly Twitter) to⁤ urge the removal of⁢ content.”

And here we ​come to the ⁢part that has conservatives only mostly applauding‌ the decision to grant⁤ a writ of certiorari to hear ​the case: According ​to CBS News, while the case is being‌ presented to the ⁢nation’s highest bench, ‌the injunction issued by Doughty will be⁣ paused, period.

Three justices on the conservative end of the bench ⁤— Justices Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch and Clarence ‍Thomas — signed on‍ to a​ dissent of the stay of the injunction.

“Despite the ​Government’s conspicuous failure ‌to ​establish a ‍threat of irreparable harm, the majority ​stays the injunction​ and thus allows the defendants to persist in committing ⁤the type of First Amendment violations‍ that ⁢the lower courts identified,” Alito wrote in the dissent. “The majority takes ⁢this action​ in the face of the lower courts’ ⁢detailed findings of fact.”

“Applying ⁢our settled test for granting a stay, I would​ deny⁢ the Government’s application,⁣ but I would specify in ‍the order that in the​ unlikely event that a concrete occurrence presents a risk of irreparable harm, ‌the‌ Government can apply ​for relief at that time, including, if necessary, by filing an emergency application here,” ‌he continued. “Such an order would fully ‍protect the ability of Executive Branch officials to speak out on matters of public concern.

“At this⁢ time in the history of our country, what the Court has done, I fear, will be seen by some ⁢as giving ⁤the Government a green light to use heavy-handed tactics to skew‍ the presentation ‍of views⁤ on‌ the medium that increasingly dominates the dissemination of news.⁣ That is most​ unfortunate.”

Nevertheless, the fact that this is before‌ the court at all is reason enough to celebrate.

As⁤ we know from the ⁣“Twitter files” and “Facebook files,” arms of‌ the government made it clear ⁣in no‍ uncertain terms ⁣that they wanted certain information ‌restricted —⁢ particularly⁤ on COVID-19, but ⁣also in regard to Hunter Biden’s laptop of doom.

Is this ​censorship? Is a swampy, angry unelected government apparatchik promising to make themselves‌ a nuisance to you if⁣ you don’t do what they so clearly want you⁢ to do any different​ from ⁤a government ‍directive?

That’s what the Supreme Court will decide, and ⁢one hopes the decision‌ is ‍an easy‍ one.

Yes, the administration will certainly make ⁢the argument⁢ that its‍ obvious intimidation of these tech giants didn’t constitute de‌ jure suppression of speech, but de facto government intimidation ought to be reason enough to prohibit the‌ kind of behavior this lawsuit‍ seeks to⁣ end.

Friday⁢ was likely ‍just the first step in a long and grueling process for conservatives and‌ other free speech proponents to claw back our most precious of rights as Americans from nanny-state bureaucrats and pusillanimous tech companies ⁣who know the only entity more powerful and monopolistic than themselves is the government.

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How has‌ the Supreme Court’s decision to‌ hear this case sparked mixed reactions among conservatives, and what concerns have been raised about the potential‌ impact on First ‌Amendment rights?

The Supreme Court of the‍ United States has taken up a case that will have significant implications for the government’s ability to suppress free speech on ​social media platforms.⁢ The case,⁢ which involves ⁢the states of Louisiana and Missouri challenging the⁣ Biden administration, will determine the extent​ to which the government can pressure tech ⁣giants like Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter to censor certain information without violating the First Amendment rights of citizens.

The⁢ lawsuit‌ was initially filed by Louisiana⁢ Attorney General Jeff Landry ‌and Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt in May 2022. It focused on the government’s influence over tech giants in censoring content related to the COVID-19 pandemic, including discussions on mask-wearing, vaccines, and other measures. The‌ states argued that the federal government was ⁣indirectly pressuring⁤ social media platforms to suppress certain views, which infringed upon individuals’ freedom of speech.

In a ruling on July 4, U.S. District Court Judge Terry Doughty blocked several federal agencies from engaging with social media companies in a way that​ could lead to the removal or suppression of content containing protected free speech. However, in September, the ⁣5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans narrowed the scope of the injunction, only ⁢blocking certain language from an order issued by a Louisiana-based federal judge.

The ⁣recent decision by the Supreme Court to grant a writ of‌ certiorari to hear the case has garnered mixed reactions among conservatives. While many are pleased that the court‌ will address the issue, there is concern‌ that ⁣the temporary injunction issued by Judge Doughty will be paused during the proceedings. Justices Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, and Clarence Thomas dissented from the⁤ decision to stay the injunction, expressing concerns about the potential violation​ of First Amendment rights.

Justice Alito, in his dissent, argued that ‌the government had not provided sufficient⁤ evidence of irreparable harm and ​suggested that the injunction could remain in effect unless ⁣concrete evidence of harm arises. He also expressed ⁤concerns about the court’s decision being interpreted ‌as a green light for the government to use​ heavy-handed tactics to control public discourse on social media platforms.

Although the ‍decision to stay the injunction is a cause for concern, the fact that the Supreme Court ⁤is hearing this case is a significant step towards clarifying the government’s limits in suppressing free speech on social media. It provides an opportunity to defend the protections guaranteed by the First Amendment and ensure that the government does not abuse its power to curtail unpopular opinions.

The outcome of this case ⁢will set‍ a⁢ crucial⁢ precedent for future government actions involving social media platforms and⁣ their content moderation policies. It will determine the balance between protecting free speech and​ addressing potential harms associated with the spread ⁢of false‌ information and misinformation. Regardless of the ruling, the attention given to this case ⁣signals the importance of upholding individuals’ rights to express⁤ their opinions freely and openly, even in the digital ⁢age.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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