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RFK Jr. campaign event turns chaotic with shouting and extended flatulence, says report.

All little boys eventually grow up to be adult men.

That does not mean, however, that all little boys actually grow up.

Case in point, if you needed any evidence for this maxim, look no further than the comedic debacle that a New York press dinner rapidly devolved into on Tuesday night.

Page Six

Page Six regrets to report that a press dinner to boost Robert F. Kennedy Jr.‘s presidential campaign descended into a foul bout of screaming and polemic farting Tuesday night.

The article, penned by Page Six’s Mara Siegler, provided a blistering account of the kind of scene you’d expect to see in a sixth-grade locker room — not at a swanky dinner with New York elites.

While Kennedy was clearly looking to boost his relatively long-shot presidential bid, the night’s evening was instead taken over by “a shouting match over climate change” that was “between two boisterous old men, sending the evening down an extremely unfortunate path.”

While it wasn’t clear who exactly posited the question that triggered the chaos, it almost doesn’t matter.

“The gaseous exchange — to which Page Six bore reluctant witness — began after a guest asked Kennedy, founder of the ecological organization Waterkeeper Alliance, about the environment,” Siegler wrote.

When the topic of the environment came up, so, too, did the volume in the room.

The climate hoax!” yelled the event’s host, Doug Dechert, described by Siegler as the “apparently drunk gossip columnist-turned-flack.”

“Meanwhile, octogenarian art critic Anthony Haden-Guest, who appeared to have been sleeping happily for most of the dinner, was roused by the abrupt rumpus,” Siegler continued.

Haden-Guest allegedly told Dechert that he was a “miserable blob” and for him to “Shut up!

The art critic also denied that he had been sleeping (“I was just thinking,” he said) and claimed that he was the one who originally asked RFK Jr. about the environment.

Dechert, whom The Epoch Times describes as a “a force of nature” who focuses on “representing literary talent of the conservative persuasion,” didn’t take too kindly to Haden-Guest’s salvo, and things quickly went south from there.

Dechert continued to call climate change a “scam,” while Haden-Guest called him “f***ing insane” and “insignificant,” according to Page Six.

It’s at this point that Dechert, presumably reaching his wit’s end, decided to let his actions — possibly quite literally — speak louder than his words.

“I’m farting!” Dechert said as he “let rip a loud, prolonged fart.”

Siegler mentioned in an aside: “Regrettably, we may assure readers that there was no room for doubt that the climate changed in the immediate environs of the dinner table.

“The room, which included a handful of journalists as well as Kennedy’s campaign manager, former Rep. Dennis Kucinich, was stunned, seemingly unsure about whether Dechert was farting at Haden-Guest personally or at the very notion of global warming.”

The guest of honor did not react, Siegler added, observing, “Kennedy remained composed throughout the screams and farts.”

Dechert, who apparently requested that Page Six describe him as a “beer-fueled sex rocket,” apologized the next day when asked about his outburst.

“I apologize for using my flatulence as a medium of public commentary in your presence,” Dechert said.

Page Six, acquiescing to Dechert’s demands, also noted that while the “beer-fueled sex rocket” apologized for the farting, he refused to apologize for blasting climate change.

“But the beer-fueled sex rocket, who picked up the tab for the evening as its host, was unapologetic about his views, telling us that he has ‘zero tolerance for the climate hoax scam nonsense in any venue that I am personally funding,'” Page Six said about Dechert.

Page Six noted that Dechert and Haden-Guest have been friends for decades now, and there does not appear to be any lingering animosity.

The post Swanky RFK Jr. Campaign Event Devolves Into Shouting and ‘Prolonged’ Flatulence: Report appeared first on The Western Journal.

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