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‘Taken For Granted’: Why Conservatives Can Win Over Undecided Hispanic Voters Ahead Of Midterms

As the midterms approach, the Democrats are bracing for what should be a red wave, at least in the House if not the Senate as well.

The accuracy of polls can be fickle, but there is one trend the polls are most likely getting right — the shift in Hispanic voters moving more and more into the GOP camp. And it must be worrying the Democrats in their smoke-filled back rooms as they hash out their last push to election day.

A recent poll by Americano Media of likely Hispanic voters shows that, in a generic ballot, 40% will ‘definitely’ vote Democrat, 31% Republican. 10% will ‘probably’ vote Democrat while 6% ‘probably’ Republican, which amounts to a 50% to 37% lead for the Democrats. That leaves a full 13% of undecided Hispanic voters — and at least half of them are leaning for the GOP.

Why should Republicans feel confident about moving this 13% into their camp? Because the issues that matter most to undecided Hispanic voters are those on which many Republicans are running.

Of those surveyed, the most important problem was inflation (26%), then jobs/the economy (16%), then immigration (10%), then taxes/government debt (9%). Interestingly abortion is found way down the list at just three percent … this is below crime/law-and-order, healthcare and social security.

These numbers represent startling gains for the Republicans in a once-solid blue voting bloc.

As recently as 2012, Hispanics voted overwhelmingly Democrat: 71% to 28% for the GOP. This Democrat support has eroded some 20 points as of October this year. Democrats seem baffled by this political sea change in a once-reliable ethnic voting bloc. But they shouldn’t be. One interesting clue I find is this statistic: of those surveyed 45% said they ‘mostly’ or ‘only’ speak English in the home. By the third generation, that number is 65%.

As Hispanics assimilate more — learning and speaking the host country’s language is a sure sign of this process taking place, mimicking the trends of immigrants before them — they will vote not as an ethnic interest group, but as Americans. As such, a party that views everything from the prism of race tends to miss this Americanizing metamorphosis in action. It is truly one of the more remarkable aspects of this nation. And still very much alive in the legal immigrant community.

It’s becoming apparent that the Democrats have committed a grave miscalculation, born of a smugness that compels them to mislabel people whose last names just happen to be Garcia or Vega as identifying themselves solely by, and thus voting as dictated through, their ethnicity. But as Americans, Hispanics, like the Irish, like Italians, like we Deutsch Volk, care more about feeding our families, good schools, safe neighborhoods, drug-free environments, secure borders, and all the rest.

The polls may even indicate more trouble for the Democrats down the road in that for all Hispanics, regardless of party, inflation (26%) and jobs/the economy (12%) are the top concerns in 2022. Abortion is third at 10%, immigration at 9%.

So of the top four issues, three are those in which the GOP has the edge. Add to this the sense among 71% of all Hispanics that the country is headed in the wrong direction, and the Democrats may face a day of reckoning with yet another group that is outgrowing its ethno-centric nature and assimilating into the country as a whole … again, as is the trend with immigrants from any part of the globe.

The Democrats’ only hope seems to be to bring in ever more waves of impoverished illegals who appear to be uneducated and often speak dialects such as from Oaxaca that even native Spanish-speakers find difficult to understand. The more ignorant and desperate, the more easily enticed with taxpayer-sponsored government largess, which has been the progressive Democrats’ modus operandi for two generations.

The Biden Administration could seal the border tomorrow if they so choose. But they do not see the 2.4 million illegals flooding the southern border in fiscal 2022 as a crisis overwhelming towns and straining national resources while promoting instability, but rather as a political opportunity. The only rational explanation for why the party in power refuses to secure the border is they strive to bring as many illegals into the country as they can, while they can. Once across the border, they will entice them into the party with generous handouts and benefits to create reliable future voters. Then they will push for amnesty to legalize what they see as over 20 million permanent Democrats, forever shifting power in their favor. And they believe this makes them appear more “pro-immigrant,” thus currying favor with Hispanics already here.

But something happened while the Democrats steered the country down this unconscionably cynical road: Hispanics, it turns out, actually vote like the Americans they are. They are concerned more

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