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Gaetz urges House to stop paying him during shutdown.

Taking a Stand: Gaetz Tells House to Withhold His ⁤Pay During Government Shutdown

If the government does shut down on⁤ Oct. 1, a great‍ number of the federal government’s employees will be able to⁤ claim unemployment. ⁤All ‍will receive back pay when it’s over.

However, many will face having their pay withheld until the end of ⁢the shutdown.

Florida GOP Rep.⁢ Matt Gaetz wants to be one‌ of those people — even if his pay ⁣ would not be affected.

In a letter to the⁤ chief administrative officer of the House of Representatives⁢ on Tuesday, Gaetz asked that his paycheck be suspended if a​ government shutdown actually happens.

Gaetz has been one⁤ of ‍the strongest opponents of several appropriations bills that⁣ have ‍been sent to ‌the​ House, arguing that Speaker of ‌the House⁤ Kevin McCarthy ‍needs ‍to make‍ deeper cuts.

This‍ is especially true in ⁣the case ‍of funding for ‌Ukraine.

Gaetz has been one of the most vocal critics⁣ regarding a seemingly limitless amount ​of money and resources being‍ sent to the ‍government in Kyiv by President Joe ⁢Biden’s administration, Democrats who control ‍the Senate and some⁢ Republicans in the‍ House, according to the Daily Caller.

Thus, he’s willing to go without pay to make a point.

Do you‍ like Matt Gaetz?

“It is my​ understanding that pursuant to the Constitution, members of Congress will continue to ⁢receive their pay during a lapse in appropriations,” Gaetz wrote in the Tuesday letter to Chief Administrative Officer‍ Catherine Szpindor.

“Therefore, I am requesting that in the case ⁢of a lapse​ of appropriations beginning⁣ at⁣ 12:00 ​a.m. on October 1, ‌2023, my pay be withheld until legislation has taken⁤ effect to end such lapse in appropriations in its entirety,” Gaetz continued.

Unfortunately, this may be more of a gesture‍ than anything ‍else, and not just because Gaetz isn’t exactly broke. (The product of a wealthy political family ​in Florida’s Panhandle, Gaetz reported personal assets worth between $235,000 and $625,000 in 2021, according to a Forbes report.)

Even if he were to ​be living hand-to-mouth, an expert⁢ at the Government Affairs Institute at Georgetown ⁣University in‍ Washington,⁢ D.C., said that⁤ the rules are quite clear on‌ preventing⁣ lawmakers like Gaetz ‌ from exempting himself from receiving their salaries.

“While this seems like a nice gesture, under Comptroller Decisions, Members are not allowed to decline all⁢ or part‍ of their salaries,” Matt Glassman of ‍the Georgetown GAI wrote on social media after the Gaetz ⁢letter ​went ​public Tuesday.

“House precedents (VI Cannon § 203) ⁢specifically address this: ‘Payment of salaries of Members at any other rate than that fixed by law is not authorized..’”

“In addition, there’s a ⁤long history of Comptroller General decisions related to declining salaries,”‌ he continued.

“A decision from 1925 advising ​the House Sergeant at Arms (A-8427) ⁢stated: ‘You may ‌only make payment​ of salary at the rate fixed by law. A declining to receive payment of salary ⁣at the rate fixed by law or the difference in the amount between the ‌old or the new rate of the salary does not necessarily affect the right thereto, nor as a general ⁣rule preclude the individual or ‍his legal representatives from ‌subsequently making a claim ⁤as for the unpaid salary. The accounts of the government are entitled to be ⁣kept ‍and payments made so that the ​transactions will appear therefrom as closed, and⁤ if one does ‌not for personal reasons wish ⁣to retain the whole amount which the ⁣law⁣ provides he​ shall be paid, he his free to remit back⁢ to the United States such amount as he does not which to retain with a statement of his reasons therefor.’

“This was affirmed by decisions‍ and advisory opinions ⁣in 1955, 1975, ‌and 1988,” ⁣Glassman continued.

Nevertheless, even if he‌ can’t actually refuse ⁣his salary, Gaetz’s move⁢ met ⁢with praise from supporters on social‍ media:

As for the latest, ⁢the ⁤Senate voted ⁣77-19 on Tuesday to ⁤approve on a bipartisan‍ continuing ‌resolution that would keep the government funded until ‍Nov. 17, according to The Hill.

This doesn’t solve the problems House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has been having getting appropriations bills passed or⁣ forging a bipartisan consensus in the lower chamber on a longer-term solution, but it’s something that signals that the shutdown may‌ be averted come Oct. 1 — even if it’s just kicking the can down ⁣the ​road.

If a larger crisis looms,​ let’s hope ‌Gaetz ⁢— and some other Republicans — can come up with a creative ​way to get around ⁣House precedent and make this happen. If government isn’t doing ​its job, it shouldn’t ⁤be getting paid.

The post Taking‌ a Stand: Gaetz‍ Tells House to Withhold His Pay During Government Shutdown ⁢ appeared first on The Western Journal.

What impact could Gaetz’s request to withhold his ⁢pay ​have on other members of Congress and the ongoing debate on fiscal responsibility

September 28, 2023

Taking a ​Stand: Gaetz Tells⁣ House to Withhold His ‌Pay During Government Shutdown

If the government shuts down on October 1, a significant number‍ of federal government employees will have the option to claim ‍unemployment benefits. Eventually, all employees will receive back pay when the shutdown is over. However, many will have ⁣their pay withheld until the end of the shutdown.

Florida GOP Representative Matt Gaetz wants to ⁤be one of those people, even though his pay would not be affected. In a letter addressed ⁤to the chief administrative officer of the House of Representatives on Tuesday, Gaetz requested that his paycheck be suspended if a government‌ shutdown occurs.

Gaetz has been one⁤ of‍ the strongest opponents of several appropriations bills sent to the House, particularly‍ when it comes to funding for Ukraine. He argues that Speaker of the House Kevin⁤ McCarthy needs to make deeper cuts. Gaetz has been⁤ vocal about his concerns regarding the seemingly limitless amount of money and resources being sent to the government⁢ in Kyiv by President Joe Biden’s‌ administration, the Democrats controlling the Senate, and some Republicans in the House.

Therefore, Gaetz is willing to ⁤forego his pay to ⁣make a ‍point. “It is my‌ understanding that pursuant to the Constitution, members of Congress will continue ​to receive their pay during a lapse in appropriations,” Gaetz wrote in ⁣the ⁣letter. “Therefore, I ‍am requesting that in ⁢the case of a lapse⁤ of appropriations beginning at 12:00 a.m. on October 1, 2023, my pay be withheld until legislation has taken effect to ​end such lapse ‍in appropriations in its entirety.”

Gaetz’s stance is notable, as ⁢it demonstrates his ⁣commitment to his beliefs and his willingness to take a‍ personal financial hit to advocate for his position. While the outcome of his request remains to be seen, Gaetz’s decision ⁤to withhold his pay during a potential government shutdown highlights the seriousness of the issue and the need for ⁤responsible spending.

In a time when partisan divisions seem⁤ to be at an all-time high, Gaetz’s action serves as a reminder that there are elected officials who are willing to prioritize their ⁤principles over ⁢personal gain. Regardless of one’s political stance, Gaetz’s willingness to forgo his own pay sends a powerful message about the importance of fiscal responsibility and the need‌ for elected officials‍ to lead by​ example.

As the possibility of a government shutdown looms, it ‍will be interesting to see if Gaetz’s ⁢request is granted and if other members of Congress follow suit. Regardless, Gaetz’s decision to take a stand should be ‌commended, as it demonstrates his commitment to his beliefs and his determination to​ push for change. Only time‍ will tell what impact his actions will have, but for now, Gaetz has shown his dedication to making a difference in the world​ of politics.

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