Conservative News Daily

Taxpayers Cover Millions in ‘No Limits’ Prisoner Trans Care, Including for Death Row Inmates: Report

California⁣ Inmates Use $4 Million in Taxpayer Funds for Transgender Procedures: Report

A new report reveals that California inmates who identify as transgender have spent over⁣ $4 million of taxpayer money in the past six years on sex changes and other procedures. According to the Washington ​Free Beacon, ‍the state began providing so-called “gender-affirming care” to transgender prisoners in 2017.

Since then, 157 inmates, including four on death row, have undergone various⁣ procedures such as breast implants⁢ and laser hair removal. The Integrated Gender Affirming Healthcare Program requested a budget​ increase of $2,187,000 ‌for 2023-2024 to fund additional staff and resources.

Attorney Harmeet Dhillon, who has‌ represented ⁤inmates ‌seeking basic care,‍ has raised concerns about​ the program. Dhillon argues that while transgender individuals deserve ⁢dignity and respect, taxpayer dollars should not be used for experimental and scientifically unjustified surgeries.

The report also highlights the ‍discrepancy in healthcare coverage for inmates, noting that certain dental and oral treatments are not provided. However, records reviewed by​ the Free Beacon show that between 2017 and July​ 2023, the program funded 157 procedures, including vaginoplasties for 35 men, breast implants for 11 men, and ​facial feminization surgeries for two individuals.

Furthermore, 40 women in prison underwent breast ⁤removal surgery, ​costing the state over ⁤$1 million. The report states that over 1,000 inmates have pending requests‍ for‌ transgender treatments, ⁣with 1,847 inmates identifying‌ as transgender.

Controversy and Legal Changes

California’s decision to provide medical treatments to transgender prisoners came⁣ after losing a 2016 court case involving a transgender inmate seeking special privileges. In 2020, Governor Gavin Newsom signed SB‍ 132 into law, further supporting increased care for⁢ transgender inmates.

Under the new⁢ policy, transgender inmates can request⁣ transfers to‌ prisons that align with their gender identity. However, this has led to concerns, as 47 men have transferred to⁤ female prisons since 2021, as reported by the Washington Free Beacon.

Inmate Krystal Gonzalez is currently suing to overturn this⁢ policy, citing sexual abuse by a male inmate who identified as female. Gonzalez argues that referring to the perpetrator as a “transgender woman with a penis” undermines her grievance and violates ⁤her rights.

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The post Taxpayers Cover Millions in ‘No Limits’ Prisoner Trans Care, Including for Death Row Inmates: Report appeared first ⁣on The Western ​Journal.

What​ is the debate surrounding the balance between respecting‌ transgender rights and ensuring the safety⁣ and rights ‌of other inmates in prisons?

On‍ Free Beacon.

Many ⁢female inmates have expressed concerns for their safety and‌ well-being, feeling threatened⁣ by the presence of ⁤transgender ⁤inmates. Female prisoners fear an ⁣increase in violence and sexual assaults, as‍ well as a loss of ​privacy in shared​ facilities.

These concerns have sparked a debate⁣ over the balance between respecting transgender rights and ensuring the safety and rights‍ of ⁢other​ inmates. Critics argue that policies prioritizing gender identity over biological sex‍ disregards⁣ the unique ‌vulnerabilities and needs of female prisoners.

There have been instances of violence‍ involving transgender inmates in women’s prisons, further fueling⁤ the controversy. For‍ example,⁤ in 2020, a transgender inmate in a‌ California women’s prison was charged with sexually assaulting ⁤another female inmate, raising questions about‍ the adequacy of safety measures.

Public Opinion ‌and Taxpayer Concerns

The use of taxpayer funds to finance transgender procedures for inmates‌ has sparked significant debate and divided public opinion. Supporters argue that ⁤providing gender-affirming care is⁢ a matter of human ‌rights⁢ and dignity⁢ for transgender individuals, ⁢even ‌if they are incarcerated.

They assert that denying necessary ⁤medical treatments can lead to physical and⁢ psychological⁤ harm, ​discrimination, and the violation of constitutional rights. Additionally, they argue that providing appropriate healthcare can‌ contribute to the⁣ rehabilitation‌ and‌ successful reintegration of transgender inmates into ⁣society.

However, critics argue that taxpayer money ‍should⁤ prioritize essential​ services such as education, healthcare, and infrastructure for law-abiding citizens. They question⁣ the fairness of allocating a substantial amount of funds‍ to transgender procedures, especially when many law-abiding citizens struggle to access basic medical care and⁣ resources.

Concerns also arise regarding the ​potential misuse and abuse of taxpayer ​funds. Some critics argue that the program allows inmates ‍to exploit the‍ system by⁤ requesting unnecessary or‌ cosmetic procedures that surpass medical necessity.


The use of taxpayer funds to finance transgender procedures for California inmates raises complex ethical, legal, and financial questions. While advocates emphasize the importance of providing proper healthcare and respecting transgender individuals’⁢ rights, opponents argue for financial restraint ⁤and the prioritization of resources for law-abiding citizens.

The controversy surrounding the program ⁤reflects broader debates ⁢on transgender rights, safety in‌ prisons, and the allocation of limited‌ taxpayer funds. Finding a ‍balance between ⁤these competing concerns remains a challenge, requiring careful ​consideration of the ‌diverse perspectives and needs involved.

Ultimately, the discussion ​should focus on developing comprehensive policies that address the ⁢well-being and ⁣safety ​of all inmates while also upholding the‍ principles of fiscal responsibility​ and fairness to the taxpayers who fund these⁢ programs.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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