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Ted Cruz slams Coca-Cola for hiding huge BLM donation.

Republican Sen. Ted Cruz Calls Out Coca-Cola for Concealing Support of Black Lives Matter

Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas has sent a letter to​ Coca-Cola’s CEO demanding answers to⁤ his company’s‍ past ‌support for the Black ⁣Lives Matter ⁤movement.

More specifically, Cruz wants ⁢CEO James Quincey to explain​ why the company recently scrubbed its website of any ⁣mention of ​a $500,000‌ Sprite donation to Black Lives Matter in 2020 after social media pages‍ affiliated with the group recently ​expressed support for Hamas following the barbaric Oct.​ 7 terror ⁤attacks against Israel.

Four weeks‍ ago,‍ Hamas ​militants carried out an invasion into Israeli territory. More than⁤ 1,400 civilians died in ⁢the attacks.

Others were taken​ as hostages.

In a‍ now-deleted post‍ online, BLM Chicago shared a graphic of a Hamas militant presumably parachuting to murder Jewish civilians. The image was⁣ captioned “I STAND WITH PALESTINE”‌ and the⁤ group wrote, “That is all⁢ that it is!”

Ten days into Israel’s declaration of war against Islamic terror – on Oct. 18 – Cruz made note on his “Verdict” podcast that Quincey’s company had ​given the half-million‍ dollars ⁤to ​the Black Lives Matter Global Network.

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A day later, Coca-Cola ‍stealth-edited⁣ its website to remove ⁢any mention of Black Lives Matter.

Cruz called out the ‌company on social media by posting before and after​ images⁤ of⁤ the website and called for a ​mea culpa.

“Editing your website is not‍ enough. Americans DEMAND ​an apology,” ⁤Cruz stated.

Earlier this week,⁣ Cruz sent ⁤Quincey a letter⁤ that demanded ‌answers from the company over its ⁣attempt to conceal its ⁣financial‍ support of Black Lives Matter,‌ which ⁢has ‍never‌ made⁣ any attempt to hide⁢ its contempt for the⁤ state of Israel.

In⁣ a‍ letter provided ‍to The Western Journal by Cruz’s office,⁣ the Texas⁢ Republican demanded an explanation from Quincey ‌about why Coca-Cola tried to hide its affiliation to the neo-Marxist ⁤group.

“Coca-Cola’s attempt at erasing‌ the evidence of its ‌publicized donation is a⁢ tacit admission ‌that criticisms of the Black Lives Matter movement—and of Sprite’s support for it—have merit,” Cruz ⁣wrote.

The senator added:

“Coca-Cola ‌evidently wants the public to forget how it propped up a far-left group that ⁢has refused to condemn the Hamas‌ terrorist organization and⁤ whose representatives have openly ⁢advocated since at least 2015, ⁤well‌ before Sprite’s June 2020 donation, ‘to end‌ the ⁤imperialist project called Israel.’”

Cruz informed Quincey ⁤he wants answers to a number of questions ⁣so that Congress can better understand his ​company’s actions.

“The ⁤Standing Rules of the ‌Senate provide the Committee on Commerce, Science, ‍and Transportation the authority to ⁤‘review and study, ​on⁤ a⁣ continuing basis’ matters of interstate commerce and consumer affairs,” he told‍ the company’s CEO.

Cruz gave Quincey until Nov. 15 to provide written responses to the following questions:

1. Why did Coca-Cola conceal its support of the Black Lives ⁣Matter Global Network?

2. Why did Coca-Cola not distance ​itself from Black ‌Lives ‌Matter until after my ‌public comments?

3. Detail ‍any previous or ‌current‌ financial commitments by Coca-Cola​ or its subsidiaries ‍to⁢ the Black Lives Matter Global Network. State whether they ‍have been fulfilled‌ and⁤ whether‌ Coca-Cola intends to financially support the Black Lives Matter Global Network in the future.

4. Provide copies of any documents or ‌communications referring or relating to any statement on ⁣Coca-Cola’s website ⁤about ‌Sprite’s contribution to the Black ‍Lives Matter Global ‌Network, including ‌the deletion or alteration⁢ thereof,⁣ between October 18, ⁣2023, and the date‍ of⁣ your response.

5. Provide copies of any electronic logs‍ or similar documents documenting the deletion of references to Sprite’s contribution to the Black ⁤Lives Matter Global Network from Coca-Cola’s ⁤website.

The⁤ Western Journal reached out to Coca-Cola for comment ​about the ⁤letter and also ​the sudden omission of its⁣ support for Black Lives Matter online.

The company did not respond to an inquiry on either matter in time for publication.

The post Ted​ Cruz ⁢Puts‌ Coca-Cola on‌ Blast After Company Attempts to Hide Massive BLM Donation appeared first on The Western Journal.

What specific information ‍did Ted Cruz criticize Coca-Cola ⁣for concealing about its support of the Black Lives ⁢Matter movement?

Republican Senator Ted Cruz of Texas ⁣has ⁢recently criticized Coca-Cola for concealing its support of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. In a letter​ addressed to Coca-Cola’s CEO, ‍James Quincey, Cruz demands an explanation as to why ⁣the company ⁢removed any ​mention of a $500,000 Sprite donation to BLM in 2020 from its website.

Cruz’s concern stems from social media‌ pages affiliated with BLM expressing support for Hamas, a Palestinian militant group, ​following terror attacks ​against Israel on October‌ 7, 2023. These attacks led to the death of over 1,400 ⁢civilians, with others being taken as hostages.

The‍ controversy escalated when BLM Chicago shared a graphic on their now-deleted post, depicting a‍ Hamas militant parachuting to murder Jewish civilians. The ​caption, “I STAND WITH PALESTINE,” along with the statement “That is all that ⁤it is!” sparked outrage and raised⁤ questions about BLM’s ⁤alignment with Hamas.

However, it⁢ was ten days later, on October 18, that Cruz highlighted Coca-Cola’s donation to BLM on ​his “Verdict” podcast, emphasizing the connection between the company’s support and the controversy surrounding BLM’s affiliation ‍with Hamas.

Cruz’s letter to Quincey ⁣underscores the need for accountability and ‍clarification from ⁢Coca-Cola regarding their support for BLM. By concealing their past‌ support,⁤ particularly⁣ in light of the recent controversy, Cruz believes the company is avoiding responsibility for its ⁣associations.

Coca-Cola has yet ​to respond publicly ‌to Cruz’s letter, and it remains to be ​seen whether they will provide the explanation he seeks. However, this incident raises important questions about corporate ⁢support for social⁤ movements and the responsibility companies have to ensure their donations align with their values and do not support organizations ⁤involved in controversial activities.

As discussions around racial justice and activism​ continue to evolve,‍ the actions⁣ and affiliations of corporations like Coca-Cola will face increased‍ scrutiny. The public expects transparency⁣ and accountability, particularly when ⁤it comes to supporting causes ‍that aim to promote⁢ equality and eradicate racism.

This controversy serves ⁢as a reminder that ‍corporations must be mindful of ⁤the associations they make and ensure that their support of⁢ social movements aligns with their values⁤ and does not inadvertently endorse organizations involved in activities that go against these​ values. Only through accountability and transparency can companies maintain the ​trust and support of their customers and the broader public.

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