Washington Examiner

Ted Cruz claims Biden’s support for ‘equity’ resembles endorsement of Marxism in his latest book.

Sen. Ted Cruz Accuses Biden Administration of Cultural⁢ Marxism

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is making⁢ bold claims about the⁤ Biden administration, accusing ⁤them of⁣ governing according to the ⁤principles of Cultural Marxism. In his upcoming book,⁢ Unwoke: How to Defeat Cultural Marxism in America,‌ Cruz delves into ⁣how Marxism has ‌infiltrated various aspects of the‌ federal government. He specifically targets the Democratic⁢ Party for blurring the lines between “equity” and “equality,”⁤ ultimately diverting society from its goal of ​achieving ⁢equal ⁤outcomes for ​all.

President Biden’s Executive ‌Order⁢ Sparks⁣ Controversy

In an exclusive excerpt from his book, shared with the Washington Examiner ahead of its release on⁢ November 7, Cruz highlights an executive‌ order‌ signed by President Joe Biden ⁤shortly after taking office. ⁢This order aims to⁣ address entrenched disparities ​in‍ laws, ‌public policies, and institutions that have denied ‌equal opportunity to individuals and communities. ‍However, Cruz criticizes the ​administration’s treatment of “equity” and “antiracism” as if they are the ​highest goals of the‌ American ‌government.

Read the ‌full​ excerpt below:


Cruz’s book is set to be released on Tuesday, and it⁤ promises‌ to be a ⁤thought-provoking​ read. As ⁣the senator gears up for reelection next year, his insights into the influence of Cultural Marxism in‌ America‍ are sure to spark further debate and ​discussion.

What are the specific⁢ claims​ made by Sen. ⁣Ted Cruz regarding the Biden administration and its alleged adherence ⁣to Cultural Marxism principles?

Sen. ⁤Ted Cruz, the Republican Senator from Texas, has stirred ‍controversy with his recent claims about⁤ the⁤ Biden ⁤administration.⁢ Cruz accuses ​the current administration ⁤of governing according ​to⁤ the principles of⁣ Cultural ⁤Marxism. In his‍ upcoming book, titled‌ “Unwoke:⁢ How to Defeat Cultural Marxism in America,” Cruz explores how Marxism has infiltrated various aspects of the federal ‌government, ‌particularly focusing on the Democratic Party’s‍ approach to‌ “equity” and ⁢”equality.”

Cruz highlights an⁣ executive order signed ‌by‍ President Joe Biden‌ shortly after taking office as an example of​ the administration’s ⁤policies that​ reflect Cultural Marxism. This ⁤order seeks to address disparities in laws, public policies, and institutions that have denied equal opportunities to individuals​ and communities.⁣ While the intention behind ⁤the executive order ⁢may be noble, Cruz argues ​that the administration’s​ treatment‌ of “equity” and “antiracism” as the highest goals of⁤ the American government is problematic.

In an exclusive excerpt from his book, shared with the Washington Examiner before its release on November 7, Cruz questions the ​prioritization of equity and argues that it diverts society from pursuing equal outcomes for all. He suggests that the Biden administration’s emphasis on equity blurs ⁢the⁤ lines⁣ between equity ⁢and equality, potentially leading to unintended consequences and a departure from the true principles of fairness.

With his upcoming book set to be released ‌on Tuesday, Cruz hopes to engage readers in thought-provoking ⁢discussions about the influence of⁣ Cultural Marxism⁤ in America. As⁢ the senator prepares for reelection next year, ⁢his insights into this topic ‌are⁢ likely to spark further ‍debate and shape the political discourse surrounding the Biden administration’s policies.

It is essential to note that the ‍term “Cultural Marxism”​ has been a⁣ topic of debate and controversy. ​Some scholars argue that⁣ it is a conspiracy ‌theory used to‌ delegitimize progressive movements, while ⁢others view it as ‍a valid framework for analyzing social and⁤ cultural dynamics. Regardless of one’s stance on the term, Cruz’s accusations and arguments warrant attention and thoughtful analysis.

As ​this debate unfolds, it is crucial to engage in civil and constructive dialogue, respecting different perspectives and striving ‌for a deeper understanding ​of the complex issues at hand.‌ Only through ‌open and respectful discourse can we hope to find common⁤ ground and work towards a society that upholds ​both equality and fairness ⁤for all.

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